The first Saturday of February was the fire station "51" Winter ball at the town's fire hall. Two weeks left of getting everything planned and set. This was the first event that Cruz had been to since he first started the department.
While trying to answer calls while being on duty, the local firemen volunteer try to decorate the hall. It's been slow and quiet kind of day for the town so far. Cruz and Herman have been the bestest friends since the day they met. Besides working at the Firestation, these two never spend time quality time together. This Winter Ball is something they all look forward to. The fire hall was right next to the station. It holds up to 100 people or more. With the crew getting to find their dress attire and their date, they still have to attend to their daytime job.
Mouch, who is the head of the tickets to the public. Mouch prints off flyers and passes them around. Cruz, which is Mouch's buddy, takes some over to the local restaurant pub. The more tickets they sell, the more food they order. Stella, who is Severides side kick, is in charge of the food. Severide makes sure that the hall is good by checking the outlets, making sure the floor is nice and clean, takes care of all the bookkeeping and that everything is up to date. The ballroom is only used for events like this to help raise money for supplies.
With two weeks away, everyone is getting their dress attire ordered and prepared, the food is being ordered from the local BBQ joint "M&Ms BBQ shack. Good ol Otis, who is in charge of this music, has it all planned out!
Cruz, Otis and Mouch are coming in from a game of racquetball when an old friend, Ashley, sees them and says hello to Cruz. They chit chatted for a few minutes. Cruz asked Ashley what she was doing that Saturday. He had told her about the ball and asked her if she would like to join him. She blushes and says "really, me and you on a date, sure"! They chatted a few more minutes when the alarm went off for a run. They hurried into the station, got on their outfits and then headed to the location.
Just outside the city of Firestone, there's a 911 call that came in on of a car accident with fire on Bourbon Street. The same street that Chief B lives on. Chief B called for all team members to do their job. The house that sits across from Chief's house has been deserted for a good while now. As the team try to get the fire out, Chief B gets a phone call from an anonymous number. He quickly answers it and a male voice comes on and says that someone is hiding in the back room. He then calls out for Matt, the head supervisor along with Severide. They go in and search for the missing person. Noone is there that they see. They both notice something is off. They come back out from the burning home. They returned the phone call back to the male caller. Noone answered.
As the fire started settling down and they knew it was ok to leave, they headed back to the station. They was questionable about the caller and who it might have been. As Matt fills out the report on the fire, he notices something was off but wasn't for sure what it was. That evening came around amd everyone was off their shift. They all were settled in and getting ready for the ball on the next day. While station 51will be off duty, Station 19 will be filling in for them. It was around 930 thatl evening when Herman called up Mouch and got the report on how many tickets were sold. All 100 tickets were sold, so it's going to be a full fun night event.
As the next morning comes to a beginning, every one was hustling trying to get their hair done, make up fixed, tuxs and dresses all nice looking with no problems ahead. That evening around 4pm, the caterers from the BBQ restaurant comes into the hall and gets set up. Otis comes in and gets his machine ready to DJ and makes sure that everything is working properly. Cruz calls Ashley up in the phone and let's her know when he will be picking her up.
While Severide and Matt are getting ready, a announcement comes over the radio that a strong wind and snow blizzard is coming ahead. They make sure everything in the hall and in the department is set up correctly for any type of emergency ahead. Meanwhile, while everything is being looked at, Matt gets another call from the same number from earlier. The person on the other end is telling Matt that he will not be able to protect everyone tonight, and then hangs up. Matt, looking confused, is trying to figure out where the call is coming from. He thens calls his former girlfriend from the local police department. Gabby, who is also a paramedic with the station, is going to look into it. As everyone gets dressed and ready, Cruz goes and picks up his friend. The sky from up above looks dark from ahead. She only lives 3 miles from the station so they will be back in time before anything happens.
When everyone got to the hall, everyone was all smiles and laughing. Station 51 crew got to see some of the folks from the town. Everyone was having a great time. Gabby comes in a few mins late and heads to find Matt. She's done some research on the phone number. It turns out that this man has a vandetta against Matt from a long time ago. They put it aside for the time being and enjoyed the rest of the evening. Cruz and Ashley are laughing and having a great time. Stella, Severide, Otis and Herman are talking to Mouch and his wife. Otis is putting on some dance music when the lights start flickering. Some of the people start looking at each other, while others start yelling. It stops doing it for a few minutes and everyone went back to their ways. As they looked outside, the snow had started falling, and the wind had started blowing harder. In a matter of no time, the snow was piled up. The lights went out , for which the power was out on the whole block. The ball was getting cut shorter as most of the guests headed out to head home.
Severide, being an electrician's son, knows alittle about electricity, went to find the box to turn the lights back on, but he had no luck, the lights were definitely out. He then, found some heaters, blankets, pillows and flashlights. Before they knew, they were stuck in the hall for the night. They all called it for the night and ended the ball early. As they got all settled in for the night with blankets and pillows, they were looking at each other with hopes that everyone will be ok. During the middle of the night, Cruz, Herman, Otis and Mouch was in the kitchen gathering up some food while others were still sleeping. Was they going to be stuck in the hall another day or what will happen was going thru Matt's mind, and not to mention, the phone call.
Morning has arrived and the electricity is still off. With no way of knowing anyone needing help, the firemen get dressed and walked outside to see if anyone needs help. As they walked outside, the noticed that, the blizzard has left a lot of people stranded. Cruz and his buddy Otis, help an elderly man across the street with shoveling snow to make a path. Stella and Ashley walk across the heavy snow to find that most cars have been buried. Using a ladder from one of the trucks, Severide and Matt help Mouch get across the road to help with folks in need. The man in one of the homes, answered the door and notices Matt. He immediately shuts the door and next thing they hear is a gun shot. The unidentified man hollered out that he would hurt Matt if he didn't back away. He then recognizes the voice. This man who has been calling him lives in this house. He motions to his fellow fighters and signals them that this is the man. Severide, who is the captain, along with Chief B, tries to talk to the man. The man is injured from something that fallen and needs help but does not want Matt around. Chief B says to the injured man that it is just him and another fireman. Peeking thru a window, the unidentified man, yelled for them to come closer. Severide and Chief somehow broke the entry door and walked inside this older man's home. They carefully help him up and ask if he needs medical attention. The man screams no and for them to get out. They then holler at for another fireman on the CB to come. The man doesn't want nobody else in his home. The man said he was a relative of Matt's. The grandfather that Matt never knew he had.
As the firemen go in and help the elderly man, they notice pictures everywhere of Matt when he was younger til now. Once they got the elderly man agreed to get out, they loaded him on a board and headed out. With the weather and the snow keeping alot of the emergency crews from going places, Station 51 called for backup from Sgt Lael, and Patrolwoman Jersie from the police department. They get the elderly man in their vehicle and head to main hospital.
Back at the fire hall, everyone was wondering if Matt, Chief and Severide was doing ok in this blizzard. Chief got enough service to call in and report everything was good now. Since the ball ended early and everyone was able to get out, the crew heads back to the station to rest up and ponder on what had happened the last few days. Sargent Lael reports to Matt on the man claiming to be his grandfather. To this day, what do you think happened to Matt and his grandfather and what was the vandetta against them? Did Ashley and Cruz go out on a date after the ball? And was Severide able to find a solution for the reason the electricity box blew up?
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I think one thing that might help your story hook would be to look at your first paragraph, and foreshadow a bit of what is going to happen to Cruz. You have a lot of good material here, keep up the good work.
Thank you. I'll keep that in mind.
This is a good first draft! So full of material that I think it deserves to be a lot longer story. The 3000 word cut off is just to little space for it to be able to really shine like it deserves to.
Thank you for that. I have added another part to that. Working on a 3rd part soon. I have lots more to post but haven't seen any topic for any of my other stories yet.
Thank you.