Romance Teens & Young Adult Fiction

 Elliot was nervous, beyond nervous, beyond anxious. Was there even a word for how fast his heart was beating? He supposed if it existed, it could be found in a medical school textbook. With a few sprays of cologne and a little gel in his hair, he decided he was ready, or at least as ready as he could be. He clenched his fist to his chest and took a few deep breaths. This was it, a date with the girl of his dreams.

Elliot met Lola in class two months ago and sat next to her every day since. It was a small discussion about the philosophy of ethics. A class he didn’t care much for until he met her. He couldn’t claim it was love at first sight because while he always found her pretty, it was her mind that fascinated him the most. She was funny, her humor was reflexive and contemplative. Elliot had to think to understand her jokes, but that’s what he loved about them.

She was unique in the way she dressed. Changing her style daily from big colors and an afro to straight hair and black leather. Lola was inconstant, switching from one reality to the next. A dynamic beauty who Elliot had no chance with until he actually asked her out. Now here he was, getting lunch with her.

“It’s supposed to rain,” Mike, his roommate, said to Elliot as he was heading out. Elliot looked out the window to see a nearly cloudless sky. The rain seemed unlikely, and his source had a history of being unreliable. 

Choice one:

“Is it?” He grabbed his umbrella off the hook by his door. Better safe than sorry he supposed. He walked through campus with a spring in his step, the April breeze giving him a second wind, speeding him up ever so slightly. He looked up at the sky, some clouds were moving in, but nothing of concern. As usual, Mike was wrong about something. It was for the better, after lunch he could probably ask Lola to go on a walk. They could have ice cream, maybe even study together. Elliot felt a buzz in his pocket and pulled out his phone excitedly. 

Lola: Sorry Elliot, I don’t think I’m ready to start a relationship right now. Let’s still be friends. 

At once, everything in Elliot’s body fell, creating a sinking feeling that slowed his movements. That’s when the rain started. The storm was like the Blitz, leaving few survivors. Elliot silently thanked Mike and pulled out his umbrella. He was one of the fortunate ones, most people around him didn’t anticipate the oncoming storm. He opened his umbrella and fought against the sudden wind as he went in search of shelter. He angled the umbrella in front of him to block the raindrops from reaching him as he ran. Only, this obstructed his vision leading him to bump into a girl.

“Dude,” she exclaimed, as she fell in a puddle in front of him.

“I am so sorry,” Elliot helped her up from the ground. “Here, get under my umbrella.” she nodded and complied. Together they rushed to find shelter under the archway that connected the two natural science buildings. 

“You came prepared,” she said, patting herself dry. Upon further inspection, she wasn’t dressed for the weather, her blue dress was soaked through making her underwear visible.

“Not really, just lucky I guess. My roommate mentioned it was going to rain. It's the only thing the man’s ever been right about.”

“Wish my roommates talked me out of wearing this dress.” she cringed looking at the sight of her pink bra standing out against the wet fabric. 

“It’s pretty.”

“My underwear?” she arched a brow.

“No, I mean yes, but that’s not what I meant. Here, take this.” he handed her his jacket, which she happily accepted, sighing in relief as it enveloped her.

“Thank you,” she smiled. “By the way you look nice, hot date?”

“It was supposed to be,” Elliot sighed and sat down so that his back pressed up against the archway. The girl sat next to him. “I don’t want to bother you with the details.”

“I’ve got time,” she said, looking at unceasing rainfall. “Do you have a name?” 

“Elliot,” he offered, “Yours?”


“Varsha,” he repeated, “that’s a pretty name.”

“Funnily enough it means rain.” she smiled, and Elliot felt something he couldn’t describe. It was like fate was gently tugging at his strings, telling him he was exactly where he needed to be. Thank god he brought that umbrella. 

Choice 2:

“Is it?” he stared at the umbrella on the hook. “It’ll be fine.” It would just be another thing to carry. He found himself repeatedly looking at the sky as he walked across campus. There were a few clouds, but nothing to be alarmed by. Mike had a habit of betting on losing teams, why would it be much different for the weather? Elliot had a spring in his step no one could shake. After lunch, he could probably ask Lola to go on a walk. They could have ice cream, maybe even study together. Elliot felt a buzz in his pocket and pulled out his phone excitedly. 

Lola: Sorry Elliot, I don’t think I’m ready to start a relationship right now. Let’s still be friends. 

At once, everything in Elliot’s body fell, creating a sinking feeling that slowed his movements. That’s when the rain started. The storm was like the Blitz, leaving few survivors. Elliot cursed himself for not listening to Mike. Not only was he getting stood up, but his parade was also quite literally getting rained on. He searched for a cover and found one under a movie theater sign. It was funny how much rain could darken a day. The theater lights he didn’t notice before came alive against the dark gray background. The spot he chose was a crowded one, as everyone huddled together to wait out the impending storm. 

“Check out this chick,” one boy said to another, and both of them snickered. Elliot turned his attention to the girl in question. She was as unprepared for this rainfall as he was, but by the looks of it, she had it worse. The blue dress she wore was completely soaked, meaning her underwear peaked through. The bright pink was hard to not notice. 

“Here, looks like you need this,” Elliot handed her his jacket, which she accepted gratefully.

“Thanks, I was starting to get worried about them.” she tilted her towards the boys. 

“Jacket’s still wet, unfortunately. I should have brought an umbrella. My roommate told me about the rain and everything.” Elliot attempted to pat the rest of himself dry. 

“I wish my roommates convinced me not to wear this dress.” she buried her face in her hands. “You cannot be having a worse day than me.”

“Is that a challenge? Right before the rain started, the girl of my dreams stood me up." the girl mouthed an "ouch".

“Okay, maybe you are having a worse day than me. Want to talk about it?”

“I don’t want to bore you with the details,” he said, he didn’t like sharing things about his personal life, but something about the girl in front of him made him feel safe to do so.

“I’ve got time, plus it's the least I can do. You helped me out with your jacket.” she smiled softly, “but first I’m going to need a name.”

“Elliot,” he offered, “Yours?”


“Varsha,” he repeated, “that’s a pretty name.”

“Funnily enough it means rain.” she chuckled. Elliot felt himself soften at the sound. He had the strangest feeling that destiny had guided him exactly where he needed to be. Thank god he didn’t grab that umbrella. If he did, would that have changed things? Or are some things just meant to be? 

April 30, 2023 23:17

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