The Lightning Pact

Submitted into Contest #267 in response to: Write a story set against the backdrop of a storm.... view prompt


Teens & Young Adult Friendship

Meet seven young men who stand out from their high school crowd because of their sensitivity, compassion, and caring natures. In contrast, many of their male peers are often rough and bully-like, regularly engaging in unkind mockery and teasing. 

The local group of initial outcasts includes boy genius and socially awkward Allen, secondary to Aspergers and his adopted African-born brother Abraham. In his younger days, the majority of the boys referred to Abraham by a crude black name. Since he matured into a brutal star on the football field, they hold their tongue. The gentle goliath keeps a protective eye on his dear brother. The other outcast is Eagle, who has had to prove himself physically since a young age. Coming from the local Cherokee reservation and being facially scared from an auto accident is a stigma to many.

Four of these young men transferred into the high school a year earlier and found themselves among the outcast nerds. As newcomers, they were immediately subjected to prejudicial judgment in this slow, backward town. Avraham was labeled a “Christ killer Jew,” and Ibrahim and Mohandas were labeled as “terrorists.” Most of their classmates do not understand the difference between Hinduism and Islam, let alone the radical forms of the Muslim faith. As for Shui, most guys at school want to learn martial arts after two of the roughest guys playing bully with Mohandas in the lunchroom had their game ended with a personal demonstration of his Shaolin Chin-Na. 

What makes the group unique in this conservative, deep southern town is their acceptance of each other's spiritual beliefs while deeply committed to their own and not proselytizing their faith. The young men relish learning about each other's faith, beliefs, spirituality, and customs and have intimate discussions as they devour the day’s international specialty hosted weekly by one of them. They know they hold a unique niche in the world. Otherwise, “why would we have been brought together?” 

Avraham, Ibrahim, Mohandas, and Shui's families arrived the previous year to begin work at a new international internet company called the Ethno-Linguistics-Net, aka “Elnet.” Their father’s specializations in computer programming, along with their native language skills, required for the company's international market plan, landed them the jobs. The young men first met at Elnet's grand opening and soon discovered some uncanny similarities about each other that connected them.   

During their conversation, as usually happens when folks first meet, they discover each plan to become a professional in their Spirituality. They found they formed a spectrum of some of the world's major religions as a group. The quorum had a future Rabbi, Imam, Christian and Buddhist Monks, Native American Spiritual Guide, and Hindu Guru. Later, ‘Atheist Allen,’ a scientist, completed the seven brethren. Each of them was, therefore, very devout in their respective beliefs, finding they agreed on the spiritual concept of” one river, many wells,” the philosophy that the river represents the Divine and many wells flow into it. Then they came upon the unlikely fact that they were all the same age and, quite improbably, each was born in a different month, and to top that oddity off, the days of their births were consecutive as well. Mohandas thought that was “weird.” Abraham took it further, stating it was just plain “creepy.” Later, Allen would attempt the probability calculations. 

Someday, they will realize the implications of what they discovered were by no means coincidental and that their future as a group involving the world will have profound significance. At this point in their timeline, they have no idea what a long, confusing, and painful journey ahead before their group’s significance comes to fruition. However, they presently feel 'something is up'. 

Allen, by way of reason, explains logically, “The probability of our situational coincidences is so uniquely unlikely that it simply constitutes a rare cosmic occurrence, like winning the lottery.” He cannot believe, as his peers do, that their coincidental circumstance has any Divine component. Allen, as an infant, was baptized a Christian. As he grew up, his mind evolved to become intensely analytical. He describes himself as an atheist, believing in a “universal cosmic consciousness,” like Einstein. Allen has developed his theories of good and evil, thinking they are based on the brain; therefore, he adds to the quorum as the atheist and devout scientist in the middle of the birthdate scheme. 

The seven young men call themselves “The Clansmen,” a group name they formed, thinking it ironic in a town where white nationalists dominate the landscape. Once, when a group of boys threatened them, Allen replied, “That's Clan with a C, not a K, and not preceded by a dove and chicken vocalization. Plus, our members include a black man and Jew.” It was a daring thing to say, but the Clansmen just laughed as they went on their way. The slow, ignorant guys were left contemplating the meaning of what Allen had said. 

The Clansmen built a tree fort where they regularly studied and hung out after school. As is their routine, Allen brings out a chess set, which he dominates, with Mohandas as his only true rival. Shui is the champ of the game of Go, following in his dad's footsteps. It is basically tic-tac-toe on steroids. The band of seven plays board and card games while discussing world international problems.  

Eagle, “How can peace ever be achieved with so much sapien evil pathology existing in the world?”   

Shui, “Unlike some who believe we were brought into an evil world, I think that innate mammalian evolutionary behavior made us this way, and we have evolved from these animal instincts to develop moral codes to bind us socially.” 

Eagle, “I agree with Allen. “Heaven and Hell” is not some post-life place but exists in our minds. Hell is living in our midbrains where basic animal instincts reside: sex, drugs, and violence, as a Neurology friend describes, and acting on them without moral and thoughtful executive frontal lobe guidance. Heaven is peace of mind from modulating those instinctive drives.”

Abraham, “Agreed. Practicing compassion, the fruits of the spirit, and random acts of kindness, I can sleep easily knowing I did my best in these ancient teachings.” 

Avraham, “Agreed, actions speak louder than prayers, and I believe that miracles in the world only exist through human actions.” 

Abraham, “I believe Biblical miracles are explained by a person in synch with nature. For example, Moshe showed up at what is now known as the Red Sea, more properly translated as the Sea of Reeds, during one of its rare receding tides. Moshe, not by a miraculous Divine intervention but by perfect communion with the Divine or cosmic consciousness as Allen would put it.”

Allen, “Fascinating. Moses led his people in sync with his perfect cosmic connection.”   

Shui, “An fMRI study showed that the midbrain pleasure centers lit up in Buddhist Monks meditating on compassion in the same pattern as an injected heroin dose.” 

Mohandas, “So our frontal lobes can inhibit midbrain animal instinctive behavior, and the pleasure derived from compassionate actions is fed back to the midbrain for the pleasurable reward.” 

Abraham, “Heaven is felt, not sent.” 

Ibrahim, “So I don’t have to be a martyr, die, then ascend to get my pleasures from seven virgins?” which brings a roar of hysterical laughter. 

Eagle, “Hardly, especially at our age. I think there may be seven virgins left at school.” 

The guys start calling out the most likely high school gals with intact hymens and a few “surely not” gals. 

The seven spiritual nerds' goals after they complete their professional training, and based on the reason they were brought together, is to form a United Spiritual organization akin to the United Nations. The purpose is to solve world problems primarily from an interfaith spiritual perspective. They have no idea how close their teenage idealistic philosophical plans are to their future reality, and they could never begin to imagine how that dream will be formulated. At this time in their lives, they have no clue nor conception of the future or the sacrifices and time their spiritual mission will take.

Abraham, “We should form a pact of some kind. If we all put our books on the table, we could put our hands on them and say an oath.” 

The six spiritual brothers and an atheist genius quickly agree on a simple oath. Avraham sets down his Hebrew Torah, Abraham his Greek Testament, and Ibrahim follows with his Arabic Koran. Mohandas lays down a Hindi Vedic manuscript, and Shui places his Tipitaka on top of the rest. Eagle lays a smooth river pebble, a hawk feather, a drop of water, and then lights a pinch of tobacco in a dish on the top book, bringing smiles at the First Peoples’ representations of Earth’s four elements. 

Allen, “Well, what should an atheist, aka cosmic force believer, contribute

Shui, “The computer represents knowledge.” 

Eagle, “That’s a great idea.” 

The others nod in agreement, bringing a smile to Allen's face and giving him a warm fuzzy feeling inside, something rare for him outside his family, however, becoming increasingly frequent with his first true friends.  Allen ads his laptop within the stack of spiritual texts and Eagles elements. 

They hold hands around the table. Avraham reads the pact, and the others repeat, “I do solemnly swear that I will do my best to contribute to help bring more compassion to the world, to make right the world’s wrongs and contribute to a more socially just and habitable Biosphere through action as a spiritual warrior in this Union of United Spirits.” 

Instantly, a thunderous boom violently shakes the tree house. Simultaneously, they are enveloped in an intense white fog of light. The group find themselves airborne before realizing they had even left the ground. Upon landing, seven young men are instantly overwhelmed with intense fear as minds and emotions ride through a tumultuous whirlwind of thoughtlessness and feeling. The joy of life's moment vanishes, replaced with a personal, past, and intensely present moment. A life after a near-death experience captures everyone’s attention. The blessing of life is brought to a new heightened awareness of awe, the feeling of fear, and the intense beauty of The Divine, or, as in Allen’s mind, Cosmic power, takes dominion over their emotions. Awareness of 'I’m still alive' surfaces their consciousness. Physical awareness now surfaces as the thrill of the experience brings on a tingling rush of warmth, and a grin of excitement arrives on their faces. Heart’s pound and chests heave. A long silence persists as they gaze, perceiving and taking in a rare moment with one another, each knowing from their most profound level of consciousness the power of what just happened and feeling gratitude for the gift of life as never before.  

Avraham breaks the ice by sticking his head out a window, looking up, and asking solemnly, “God, is that you?”

 Nervous chuckles engulf the room as awe persists. It is a downpour outside. 

Abraham, “Holy Mother Mary and Jesus.” 

Ibrahim, “I felt the hand of Allah upon me, and I survived.” 

Eagle, “Oh yeah!” 

Mohandas is trembling, “Wha wha, wha what was that?” 

Shui, “A lightning strike.” 

Eagle, “Not exactly. Do you guys realize what we just experienced? We were engulfed in an electrical current, not a direct strike, but we were a part within it. First Peoples consider it a gift from the Great Spirit and look forward to what we just experienced.” 

Allen, “True. Many pre-electrical events pass between the ground, atmosphere, and within the cumulus clouds leading up to the final lightning bolt we commonly see.” 

Mohandas is still shaking, “I want a warning next time,” initiating a group laughter. 

“Boom!” The thunderous roar sounds a little distant from the fort. The downpour continues. 

Eagle, “Wheeeeeeeeeee, Now we're havin’ fun.” 

Mohandas, “Speak for yourself. There’s no “we” in that statement for me.” 

Shui, “Start counting Mohandas. They should come regularly. The storm is heading east.” 

Mohandas, “One thousand, one, one thousand two....” 

Shui, “I believe I may never adequately put into words what I just went through.”  

Eagle, “Agreed.”  

Allen, “The experience could fill a book.” 

Abraham, “Others have written what they believe Moshe felt like at the burning bush. An overwhelming sense of fearful wonderment, awe. Thus, he could not look.” 

Ibrahim, “If one 'sees' or experiences the Divine, then that person perceives pure undeniable truth. During this time, one may face every aspect of themselves; the good, bad, and the ugly are revealed. Thus, the undeniable insight into one's imperfect self may be overwhelmingly painful, leading to feelings of perhaps worthlessness, shame, and guilt, resulting in fear that may drive one into denial from an inability to cope. They may shut down and run. Alternatively, they may accept the truth while still feeling fearful and drop to their knees, so to speak, begging for mercy, experiencing the Divine’s pure love, acceptance, and understanding. Thus, spiritual healing takes place. One walks from the insightful vision with a desire to do better, to change themselves.” 


Abraham, “Amen.” 

Mohandas, “Fifteen miles.” 

Avraham, “The Divine compassion heals when one feels the wonder of awe, thinking, 'How can the Divine be so understanding when my pa would likely be reaching for the belt.”  

Abraham, “There are two exceptions in the Greek text, two unforgivable sins. Offending or leading a child astray; Mattiyahu 18:6, and “blasphemy of the Holy spirit' in Mark 3:29.” 

Mohandas, “Who’s Mattiyahu?” 

Abraham, “The Apostle Matthew's name in the days of Christ was Aramaic, the common language of the Jewish (Yehudi) people just as Jesus name is truly the Hebrew name Yehoshua or Yeshuah as is the shortened Aramaic version. There is no J in Hebrew, long story. Mark is a Latin name, so rightly remains Mark while Andrew and Philip were Grecian (Greek) Jews as there is no Hebrew equivalent; thus, they were called Andreas and Filippos, respectively.” 

Shui, “Hey Allen, ya got competition for the trivia award.” 

Allen is in his own world, running a checksum program on his peripheral brain for post-electrical errors. Thus, he does not respond. 

Eagle, “Ya’ll know Allen. If ya want a response, like a mule, first ya gotta take a hickory stick to get his attention.”

Still oblivious to the outside world, Allen reboots his computer after resetting the surge suppressor and is glad the electronic equipment is still alive. 

Allen, “Am I right in believing the world peace topic will get put on the back burner for a while?”

The Clansmen smile, still feeling the thrill of the near-death experience. They realize that even though they all share the same experience and similar feelings, they may have different interpretations and personal meanings. They know they will discuss their kindred experience in-depth for a long time. 

September 09, 2024 15:47

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