Fiction Drama Sad


I am a simple man. With a simple name, Ed. Just Ed.

(Sometimes people call me Ted or Fred but I don’t mind.) Ed is a shorter, simpler name than Ted or Fred. Or even Ned!

I have a simple way of living. No fancy curtains or antique armchairs or Persian rugs for me.  I live in a plain house. With two floors and no basement. Basements and attics are fancy. I just need the basics.

I drive a simple car. Look, out the window. It is parked in that spot with my name. Just Ed.

It is a simple single car parking space. Just like any other simple parking lot.

I eat simple meals. On economy- priced plain white dinner plates.

 Nothing fancy. No lobster rolls, no quesadillas, no everything bagels for me. No, None of that.

I have a simple cat with no stripes and a plain dog with no spots who doesn't bark at the cat or at the cars.  Or at other dogs.

Sundays we watch the harried world go by our windows. Couples holding hands, jogging, biking, even dancing sometimes in the street. This is not simple living!

We have simple plain-speaking neighbors.  

But simple life, the way I like it, has not always been as I would like it.

I have not wanted for much, besides what I have.

I have everything a simple man could want, don’t I?

Cat, dog, car, plain meals, even a job. Did I mention I have a job that is about one thing, one simple thing? I can do it over and over, day after day. Filing papers cards and books!

No surprises at my job. Today is like yesterday. And tomorrow will be like today.  Simple.

Ed’s life, my life is simple. Except for one thing.

And that one thing is something simple, too.  And nobody would want it , but me.

And I do want it. I think want it more than anything.

I have thought about it for more than 20 years.

I have wanted it for more than 20 years.

And now I am simply going to get it.

I am going to get in my car and drive and drive until I

am at her house. Sylvia’s house.

Sylvia is simply the most beautiful woman in the universe.

I have only spoken to her but once

Once, to hear her say her name

But that is enough, simply enough.

When I get to Sylvia I will simply tell her she is the only thing that would make my simple life complete.  The only thing in the whole complicated world that would make me….happy!  I have thought about her every day since the first time I set eyes on her, simply sitting on that park bench. Simple pretty Sylvia.

Is happy a simple feeling?

It must be because I want it. I want to feel happy. I want to be happy with Sylvia. 

There is the highway up ahead.  I only have another 200 miles to go to get to Sylvia. This is the simplest way to go so I will drive on this highway. I will simply drive and drive.

I imagine how surprised Sylvia will be to find me on her doorstep after all these years

The man, the simple man, plain old Ed, who wished her a good morning all those years ago. How could she forget?

Has she been waiting, too? Enjoying her simple plain life

But missing someone just like me

Missing me, simple plain Ed!

I can see the highway signs up ahead. “San Diego this way.”

“This way to the beach “

No, it should say “” This way to Sylvia”

That is what matters, that is simply the only thing that matters.

I follow the signs to San Diego, to the beach, to Sylvia.

I am driving to the place where Sylvia said she lived. Near the park.

I remember when she turned and pointed to her house. She had a simple soft voice like a bird chirping!

It was small pink house, a simple house

Sylvia had a house like mine!  Not pink, of course, but small and simple like mine.

I parked my car and followed a small footpath to  her door.

Oh, no, I had forgotten to bring a bouquet of flowers

Something simple and as sweet and pretty as Sylvia.

Oh well, Sylvia would understand that I had been so excited about meeting again that I had forgotten the flowers

Yes, even though I worked with my hands all day at work (and I was good with my hands) now I was so excited,  I would have been unable to hold a bouquet in my shaky hands.

It was time to knock. Or maybe I should ring the bell?

The bell was in the shape of an angel. Or was it a cherub?  

I held my breath. I decided to knock. It seemed softer.

More polite.

I held my breath, I heard approaching footsteps. Someone in bedroom slippers.

The door opened slowly

There was an elderly lady on the other side. She smiled and bent down to pick up a small cat. It smelled like apples pie.

“May I help you son. Are you lost?”

“Oh no, I am not lost anymore,” I said, my heart n my throat. My mouth was dry. ”I am looking for Sylvia”,

“I am Sylvia” she said, smiling more warmly.

“But you can’t be Sylvia” I said “Sylvia is young and…beautiful..and…”

“Oh, my son, you must be looking for my daughter. “

“She is named Sylvia, too?” I felt relieved. At last the long wait would be over.

“Yes, she is known as Sylvia Early now. She is living in North Carolina.”

“Oh that is not so far, is it?” I would still be able to find Sylvia, my Sylvia.

“She is living there with her husband, his name is Ed, Ed Early. “Will you come in for tea? ”

“Yes, I will come in. I guess I am still lost.”

“And what is your name, son?”

“Ed, simply Ed.”



to me

August 28, 2024 12:33

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