Christian Fiction Friendship

Let's see, maybe a book from one of her favorite authors, or maybe some homemade earrings, oh, maybe a homemade cake...Claira had always heard that homemade things made the best sort of gifts. Maybe she could crochet an afghan and give it to Alice; after all, nothing is too big to give to someone that you are grateful for. Or, she could do several different things and add a "thank you" note to top it off. However, I don't want to make it awkward by giving her something too big, and then everyone would think that I was trying to get on her good side or draw attention to myself, or, or, or...I don't know what they would think. I have not been acting the best for so long that I would certainly be unusual to bystanders. But then, who really cares what others think when it comes to something like a gift? After all, it's between you and the person receiving it, not between you and the general public seeing all of the goings on. Well, I care! I'm going to think of something else. A small token of appreciation, yeah, that's a good idea. A watch, or a necklace, or a ring, or maybe even a plack. No, definitely not a plack; that would definitely be too showy. Besides, I don't know what sort of style she likes. For that matter, if I don't know what styles she likes, how am I ever going to think of something to get or make her...I'll keep thinking, that's for sure!


Claira was trying to think of something very special and grand, something that would show Alice just how grateful she was for the time spent together. No one really spent time with me anymore, not since my mother died. They only acted awkward and didn't know what to say or how to say what they wanted to. Perhaps that was because she never really gave them a chance to offer any comfort or sympathy. It all seemed too staged and too played up. Alice had been different; she had spent time with me, and they had just enjoyed themselves doing ordinary things. The others who had tried to get close had not been close to her before her mother had died and just seemed to forget about me; they always ask how my sister was doing with the loss and how her father was...but never how I am and when they had asked it is definitely an afterthought and they ask as if they really didn't want to know. Alice had been different; she was so kind and understanding and just wanted to spend time together.

Thinking even more about the time they spent together, Claira came to the decision that it had been Alice, who she had first opened up in a long time; it had been good to stop holding all of the feelings in anymore. But wait, wasn't Alice a little awkward at the beginning, just like all of the other people? But she had kept going and I finally got comfortable enough to open up. Maybe I should give the other girls a chance as well. After all, didn't the Bible say to mourn with those who mourn and rejoice with those who rejoice? Yes, I shall give others a chance when they try again. Or maybe I should start reaching out to them first? After all, it was I who had shut them out in the first place; they will probably be glad for the chance to live out the Biblical principles that they have been trying to live out all along. I should be less proud of my grief and be humble enough to ask for help.


I know how I should show Alice my gratitude! I should show her gratitude the way that I should have been all along; I should just say thank you. I know that the simple things that people have said along the way in this hard journey have meant the most to me. Someone simply saying "I'm sorry" has definitely meant far more than the long explanations that I didn't ask for as to why God is still good even through this time. I already know that it was their support that I craved. I should have let others bring that to me sooner. I think that I should also start drawing to God as my all again. That is probably the main reason that I have been so closed off recently. God is the first one that I should have been going to for comfort and support. He is my strength and hiding place.


"Alice, thank you for reminding me that I need to draw near to God again for the comfort and healing that only He can bring after hard experiences." There was a silent pause; Alice wasn't sure what to say, and Claira was a little unsure of what was going on; it might be awkward...but she continued on. "Also, I want to thank you for not giving up on me and being the first one that I could open up to."

Shock and excitement crossed Alice's face, "Thank you for saying that; that means so much to me!"

Claira continued, "I tried for a long time to think of a way to show my gratitude for what you did, and the only thing that seemed proper and that would really share my feelings was simply saying thank you...I know that the simple things, for me at least, are what mean the most."

"That's exactly what my experience has proven as well. You have definitely shown your gratitude well, and I thank you; you have made me grateful as well! Grateful for God bringing us together in the coffee shop on the same day, grateful for the extra time that I had that I don't usually have, grateful for you, and grateful for God being the good God that He is and giving us hope in His son Jesus and all that we have to look forward to for eternity."

"Wow, you certainly know how to add to a speech and make it blossom in beauty, thankfulness, and the worship of God." Claira blurted out in thankfulness. "I truly have felt more alive in my relationship with God and being with you. You are a true blessing to me."

They sat there in mutual contentment and could tell that this was the beginning of a great friendship. A simple thank you means everything.

July 26, 2024 22:22

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