Romance Sad

Amara sat in a cushioned chair reading a book. There was a knock and her father came in.

"Amara, dear, Prince Aspen sent a letter," he said.

Amara looked up from her book and took the letter. "What does it say?"

Her father, Silas, shook his head. "I don't know, I didn't open it."

Amara nodded and opened it. She read through it and bit her lip.

Dear Lady Amara Ciara Hart,

I have to speak with you at the grand ball. It is extremely important. It will be a public announcement concerning our engagement. I will further explain at the ball.

Sincerely, Prince Aspen Cedric Forester

"What do you think this means?" Silas asked.

Amara shook her head. "I have no idea, father," she answered.

Silas sighed. "I suppose we will have to wait until next week."


Amara wore a pink and white ball gown. It was puffy and had ruffles on the sides.

During her carriage ride, she constantly looked in her hand mirror.

"What's wrong, dear?" her father asked.

Amara shook her head. "Aspen said it would be important, not to mention the announcement being public. I need to look my best."

Silas smiled. "I think you look lovely."

The carriage stopped and the footman opened the door. Amara got out quietly and said thank you. She looked back at the carriage where her father still sat.

"I will come back at ten, be ready by then," Silas said.

Amara nodded and quickly walked up the castle steps. She burst through the doors and walked to Aspen.

He stood at the top of the staircase, holding an innocent-looking girl.

"P-Prince Aspen?" Amara studdered.

Aspen turned and spotted Amara. "Ah, you're here." His icy tone pierced her.

She ignored the feeling and cursed herself to hold it together. "What was it you wanted to talk about?" Amara asked, her voice still strong, for now.

Aspen cleared his throat. "I'll just get to the point. I am officially dissolving our engagement."

Amara's breath caught in her throat. "Wh-what?"

"My true heart belongs to Layla. I refuse to hide it any longer," Aspen announced.

Layla's face was full of remorse, but her eyes her smiling and laughing. "I'm sorry, but we never intended to hurt you," she said, alligator tears filling her eyes. "But our love for each other is too strong."

Amara took a deep breath and put on a smile. "Of course, I understand. I think I'll now leave for the night." She bowed. "The one in my heart all these years was you."

Amara turned and walked out of the room, leaving the whole room filled with silent shock.

The Amara Hart hadn't made a scene? Amara understood the embarrassing fits she threw as a child when she didn't get what she wanted. She vowed to be a better person, and accept that not everything would go her way. Amara wouldn't let Aspen and Layla get the satisfaction of her breaking.

She stood outside and knew her father would pick her up until ten, so she decided to walk into the Demon Woods to clear her mind.

As she walked, she looked at the trees. Amara stopped dead when she reached an abandoned castle. Then she remembered. This is where Prince Aster was exiled to. He was convicted of magic and banished from the palace at age fourteen.

Amara knocked on the wooden doors of the castle. "Um, hello? I'm sorry to disturb you, but I would like to request an audience with the Lord of this castle."

"Why do you require an audience with me, human," a deep voice said.

Amara turned around and found Lord Aster. His dark hair whipped through the wind and his red eyes pierced her.

"I would like to propose a marriage agreement," Amara said, standing her ground.

Lightning struck and Amara feinted.

Amara's father was a duke. She had two older brothers and one younger one. All of the brothers were expected to be successful businessmen. Amara was expected to marry a successful man. Her brothers achieved their goal, but Amara has not. She felt worthless since all of the schoolings were mainly focused on the boys. Amara worked hard and studied basic things boys would learn, but she also studied politics.

Amara was eight when she met Aster and Aspen. Aster was nine and Aspen was also eight. She met them during a party her father was invited to. Amara was in a garden reading when Amara first met Aster. For him, it was love at first sight. What drew him to her was the knowledge she possessed about politics. 

Aspen met Amara when he was looking for Aster, and all three became friends. 

Aspen was ten when he developed feelings for Amara, but not as strong or as soon as Aster. Aspen overheard his brother talking to their father about proposing to Amara. He decided to propose before Aster could. Amara was twelve when Aspen asked her to marry him. Aster was thirteen.

Amara and Aspen were happy, but Aster was mad and ignored both of them, including his feelings for Amara.

One day, Amara and Aspen were chasing each other around a pond. Aster was nearby reading a book under a tree. Amara soon fell into the pond and splashed around, begging for someone to save her. Aster jumped up and used his powers to pull her out of the pond. That was in front of all the staff that worked in the palace.

He was banished but never regretted saving Lady Amara.


Amara slowly opened her eyes. She looked around and found herself on a couch. The Lord was talking with his aids, a demon named Beelzebub and a human named Aaron. Aaron and Aster were childhood friends. 

When Aster saved Amara, Aaron was mad but accompanied the prince when he was banished. Beelzebub was assigned to accompany the Lord when he was banished to the Demon world. There, he had stuck to him ever since.

"Why'd you bring her here? She's a human!" Beelzebub sighed.

"She fainted and it was the right thing to do," Lord Aster answered.

Beelzebub shook his head. "Sometimes our master is a little too noble."

Aaron snickered. "Is it true that she was your childhood cr-"

"Don't mention that word," Lord Aster hissed.

Aaron burst out laughing. "It's true then! You're ashamed and embarrassed about it! But it seems like you're not over her."

Lord Aster shook him a deadly look. "Silence. We will never speak about that."

Beelzebub grit his teeth. "What if she's a spy? What if he sent her to destroy you? What if he knows that she is your only weakness? What will you do then?" he asked.

Amara sat up. "I assure you, I am no spy. I hope not to do harm upon his Lord. I promise you I came on my own account."

November 18, 2022 22:57

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