The Beginning of a New Chapter

Written in response to: Write a story that contains the line, "I wish we could stay here forever."... view prompt



The wind was gently buzzing, and the soft sound in the silence could mesmerize anyone into a world of dreams. The picturesque beauty and the waves from the clear blue sea were like a dreamscape for couples and families visiting this beautiful location called Andaman.

Priya, leaning on Raj’s shoulder, was lost in her thoughts. The constant running and buzzing life back in Bangalore, the stress and anxiety their jobs brought, and the guilt of leaving their only child with a nanny to secure their future weighed heavily on her mind.

“Aryan! Please come and have your breakfast! I am running late to the office!” Priya called out to her 10-year-old son, who was leisurely getting ready and planning his whole day. He was super excited today. Why wouldn’t he be? His best friend, Mark, was coming over for a play date after constant pleading and bargaining to clean the house and complete his holiday homework. The summer vacation was on, and kids were getting bored. Priya and Raj thought it would be a good change for him to come out of the video games and play with his buddy. So they agreed.

“Coming, Mamma!” replied Aryan, all decked up to start his exciting day with Mark. “Again, pancakes? Mom, I am so done with the same breakfast every day. Can’t you make anything different?” Priya gave him a soft look and said, “I am running late today and couldn’t make anything else. Please have it today, I promise I will make something special over the weekend!” Rolling his eyes, Aryan ate his pancakes with utter disinterest.

“So! Aren’t you excited for today? I have asked the cook to make a special lunch for you both,” chimed Priya. “Please don’t go out, it’s sunny. Play inside. Don’t make a mess!” she added.

“Yeah, yeah! Clear the room, don’t hurt yourselves, keep calling me, blah blah blah! I get it, Mom, please don’t worry!” Aryan interrupted. Priya always wondered, at 10, he showed so much attitude. “I wonder what will happen when he reaches his teens, ha ha ha!” she brushed the thought off and packed the lunch bags for both Raj and herself. They kissed their goodbyes and headed to their offices.

Being an HR in a reputed firm, her job was not easy, as others thought. It was a struggle every day. She worked tirelessly day in and day out, sometimes even after hours, late into the night. All she wanted was recognition from her manager. While everyone appreciated and saw how hard she worked, her manager would always find some flaw and never appreciated her efforts. Today was no different. She entered the office and heard people whispering and murmuring. Heading towards her desk, her best friend and colleague Natasha stopped her and asked, “Did you hear the news?”

Confused, Priya just said, “No! What is it?”

“We have Adam, our boss, sharing some news on the change in the structure, and there might be a few layoffs as well,” said Natasha with a nervous gesture.

Priya was equally nervous now. Knowing that it was her boss making the decision, her heart was pounding so fast she was sure people beside her could hear it. The tension in the air was palpable. Everyone, including her, was crossing their fingers and hoping for the best. Deep down, she was quite positive. She had done her work with dedication and sincerity; what could go wrong?

As people came out of his cabin, Priya could see some smiling faces and some crying ones. She just could not take it anymore. Her turn came. She knocked on his cabin door. “Come in!” came Adam’s harsh and stern voice from inside. She entered and greeted him with a smile. She could see the frustration on his face. She tried to make small talk, but he, being Adam, just cut to the chase and told her, “Priya, I have heard great feedback and inputs from the stakeholders.” She smiled. “I have also noticed how dedicated you are to your work.” She was dying inside, thinking, “Is there a but? Is there a but?”

“But!” There it was. “But unfortunately, we will have to let you go due to pressure from the management.” That was it. She felt numb. She couldn’t hear anything further. Tears started rolling down her cheeks, and it felt like her heart was pierced and crushed to pieces. She couldn’t believe what had just happened.

“Do you have anything to say?” he asked.

She was speechless and just barged out of the cabin to her desk. She cried like a baby. After an hour of crying her heart out, she contained herself and reached out to Adam, asking how much time she had.

He said, “Two months.”

She asked for permission to leave early and left the office. On the way home, she was about to call her husband to break the news, and coincidentally, he called her. What he said on the call shattered her into pieces and left her completely numb and dumbstruck.

“Priya, my company gave me a pink slip due to cost-cutting!” he said.

“WHY, GOD?! WHY?!” she screamed silently in her mind.

Priya sat on the balcony of their Bangalore apartment, staring out at the cityscape without really seeing it. Raj sat beside her, equally silent, his arm around her shoulders. They had shared their devastating news with each other and now sat together in their grief, struggling to comprehend the future.

"Maybe," Raj said finally, breaking the silence, "this is a sign."

Priya turned to look at him, frowning. "A sign? Of what?"

"A sign that we need to change our lives," Raj said thoughtfully. "We’ve been running on this treadmill for so long, always trying to keep up, always stressed, always sacrificing time with Aryan. Maybe it’s time to think about what really matters."

Priya nodded slowly, the idea resonating with her. "But what do we do? We still need to make a living."

Raj smiled a little. "We’ve always talked about starting our own business, remember? Something small, something that would allow us to be our own bosses and spend more time with Aryan."

"Yeah," Priya said, starting to feel a glimmer of hope. "We always talked about opening a café, a place where people could relax and enjoy good food."

"Why not now?" Raj said. "We have some savings. We can start small. It’ll be tough, but it’ll be ours."

For the first time that day, Priya felt a spark of excitement. "You’re right. We can do this. And we can finally be there for Aryan."

The next few weeks were a whirlwind of planning and preparation. Priya and Raj used their severance packages and savings to rent a small space in a quaint neighborhood. They spent their days painting, decorating, and setting up their dream café. Aryan, thrilled with the idea, helped them every step of the way.

They named the café "Aroma & Bliss," reflecting the peace and happiness they hoped to bring to their customers. Priya’s culinary skills, honed over years of cooking for her family, shone in the delicious pastries and savory dishes she prepared. Raj took charge of the business side, his strategic mind finding ways to attract and retain customers.

On the day of the grand opening, the café was filled with friends, family, and curious locals. Priya and Raj were nervous but excited, hopeful that their hard work would pay off. Aryan, proudly wearing a café apron, greeted customers with a wide smile.

As the day went on, the café buzzed with laughter and conversation. People complimented the cozy atmosphere, the delicious food, and the friendly service. Priya and Raj exchanged glances, their hearts swelling with pride and relief. They had done it. They had taken control of their lives and created something beautiful.

Months passed, and Aroma & Bliss became a beloved spot in the community. Priya and Raj worked hard, but they did it together, and they were happier than they had been in years. They spent their evenings and weekends with Aryan, enjoying the simple pleasures of family life.

One evening, as they sat on the porch of their café, watching the sunset, Priya leaned on Raj’s shoulder, lost in her thoughts. The wind was gently buzzing, and the sound in the silence could mesmerize anyone into a world of dreams. The picturesque beauty and the waves from the clear blue sea in Andaman felt like a distant memory, but one that had led them to this moment.

"I wish I could stay here forever," Priya murmured, echoing her thoughts from Andaman.

Raj squeezed her hand. "We are here, Priya. We are staying here forever, in the life we’ve built, with the people we love."

Priya smiled, feeling a deep sense of contentment. They had faced their challenges and come out stronger, together. And in that moment, she knew they were exactly where they were meant to be.

June 01, 2024 07:21

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