Submitted to: Contest #63


Written in response to: "Set your story in a coffee shop that’s just introduced a new line of autumnal drinks."

Friendship Romance Mystery

Decent Coffees and Curries was a famous hotel cum shop in the outskirts of the city. It was in the premises of the college where I would teach. It was a popular place for visitors and the locals. It had three lounges on three sides of it. People would come here with friends and families to sit, sip and chat.

Now it was autumn season and the inflow of the people on the Decent had increased. The shop presented special autumn drinks for the customers during this era of the year. It would turn into a multiple choices beverage shop on the advent of the fall season. Warm and hot drinks were the cooks of expertise of the shop. The saviors and flavors drew specific attention of coffee consumers throughout the year but more in autumn.

On one Monday afternoon I planned to go to the Decent Coffees and Curries in company of two friends Salem and Talia. In the evening, we left our college lodges and entered the shop at 4.00 pm sharp. The cool winds had begun to rustle all through there. It was really a proper time to sip some warm autumn drink and we set off to do that.

The appetizing smell of coffee and other drinks of that genre had spread in the hall and lounges of the shop. We managed to sit in the right side of the shop. After a little convincing, we ordered for Warm Spicy Apple and Carrot Drink. With that we sat there to chat and cheer on mutual fun flaps. Many people had gathered there. Almost all the tables and corners of the shop were full of the customers. They were males, females and a few groups of children.

We had a lot of time to enjoy that outing on the shop. Hence having taken our Spicy Apple and Carrot Drink, we stayed there being busy in gracious conversation. When about half an hour passed, Talia showed intension for having another drink.

We called the waiter to bring Vanilla Tea Latte. We all found it delicious and precious. It was a tasty autumn drink which we enjoyed to guzzle. It extended our stay there and also increased the undergo feelings for having a chat chase.

At about 5:30 pm, a pretty lady entered the shop. She stared at me as she entered as I was sitting with my face towards the entrance. She was alone and managed to sit around a nearby table that had just been let free. She was constantly looking at me and I was also focusing my eyes at her. I was finding me fully absorbed in hat new customer at the shop.

Just a moment later, Salem took notice, “Where are you looking for?”

I vacillated with the sudden query and murmured, “Nothing. I was looking nowhere.”

At that very instant, Talia received an emergent call from her mother at home. To respond the call, Talia requested Salem to drop her home at his car and they went off in the next few minutes.

Now I was alone sitting there to think about the next action for me. I had still a lot of time to stay out before the prevalence of darkness. So I was thinking of going on a walk up to the park at a short distance from Decent Coffees and Curries.

On finding me alone, the girl came to me and sat on a chair in front of mine. I was quiet in observing her actions. Then she instantly asked, “Are you David?”

“Yes I am David,” I replied astonishingly “but how do you know it.” David was an English version of my name.

“I picked you from my dreams” she answered in sweet tones.

“How do you say that? I haven’ seen you before” I wondered at her affable response.

“Yes you know me not,” she affirmed “I knew all about you in the dreams.”

“What dreams?” I was preserved “What dreams you are talking about?”

She posed in a friendly way, “First I demand some good autumn drink and then I reveal you about the oblique account.”

Saying that she called the waiter and inquired me, “What drink will you like?”

“I finished my drink a few minutes earlier” I tried to decline her offer.

She did not consider my declination and ordered for two bowls of creamy hot vanilla.

Then she convinced me, “I like Thick and Creamy Hot Vanilla. It is a scrumptious drink. You will like to take it.”

I replied no words. Then after a pause I asked for her introduction.

“I am Farah and I live in the South Port City. I recently joined a hospital in your city as a doctor” she gave a concise statement on her whereabouts.

I was anxious about her mysterious behavior of being a close companion though she was quite a stranger for me. She was gazing at me with a charming look. I was also feeling myself easy at heart in her company.

As we were having the hot Vanilla Drink, I reiterated to ask, “What were you speaking about dreams?”

“Oh! Yes I tell you all about that” she set her at ease.

After a slight silence, she uttered, “You are in my dreams from the time when I passed first night in your city. Your name, face and meeting with you at this place are all reflecting my imaginations embedded in the dreams.”

Unexpectedly she put a question, “Are you a bachelor?”

“Yes, I am still a bachelor” I sighed at the sudden query by recalling the deep passions of my heart.

She was glad on listening that from me and said, “I am also still a virgin. My dreams are true in every perspective. We both are close friends now and a married couple in the near future.”

I was attending to her talks so silently. I was wondering on finding such a dreamy friend from divine.

Observing me absorbed in my thoughts, Farah questioned, “Are you not happy on what I said.”

“No. No. I like you too much. I was fascinated of your beauty at first sight” I assured her of my vision on love decision.

By then it was 7 am and we walked out of the shop. We were now so close to each other that we even discussed about marriage planning. After a little walk and talk, I bade her ‘Good Bye’.

She departed towards her hospital lodges and I went to my hotel room at about 7:30 pm.

During these three and half hours, I acquired an expected life long friend amid the talks and sips of autumn attachment.

Posted Oct 16, 2020

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14 likes 2 comments

Dan Willmot
04:26 Oct 22, 2020

There is definitely some wonderful vocabulary in this story. The way you word some of your sentences could be improved but that will come with time. Overall great story I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. Keep writing! :)


Dawood Abbasi
22:56 Nov 22, 2020

Thanks a lot


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