An Extraordinaire Meets The Questionnaire

Written in response to: Write a story that includes the line, "Is nobody going to say it?".... view prompt


Coming of Age Inspirational Drama

'Okay, here we go... Off we go to entertain some of these kiddos with some trick magic," I said as I approached the tall white picnic fence with a door from the side of the house. 

Shelly, my client for today, told me that her little boy, Colsen, wanted to have a magician for his tenth birthday. I, of course, I couldn't say no to the offer, and it wasn't for the money, mind ya. Just having to give these little minds of kids to be amazed and wonder is what I love to do with this profession.

Kids are the best to show their expressions and enthusiasm. I always wanted one of my own, but I haven't found the right Mrs. Hugo. Not yet anyways. Still hoping she's out there, somewhere and we will find each other soon.

Anyways, I came with his purple suitcase and plum attire, all ready to go for this special occasion. I can't wait to shower these kids my talent. The excitement was real.

I knocked on the fence with a shave and a haircut, and I heard someone cry: "The magician is here." The door quickly got unlocked, and was swung wide open by Shelly who wore a pretty yellow dress and a beautiful smile if I might add. She looked at me and says while still smiling: "Hey Mr. Hugo, so nice for you to join us on this lovely day we are having."

"The pleasure is all mine, Ms. Shelly," I replied with a tip of my plum top hat. "Anything for the little ones. Now, how's the crowd looking like?" I asked around as I scanned the area.

While doing so, I must have saw at least two dozen kids in that backyard. Colsen must be very popular for a 10 year old. I wish I had that many friends, especially nowadays. I also noticed a few groups of adults here and there observing the kids like good parents should do. However, something caught my eye after looking upon the crowd. 

Over in the far left corner, stood an overhead tent and underneath it were five men as they were drinking cans of beer. The gentlemen didn't seem all that impressed to see unlike everyone else, especially the one standing in front of the five men. I'm taking he was their leader. I give them a friendly wave hello, but the four men scoffed while their leader just stands there with nothing. 

Shelly notices and whispers embarrassedly: "Don't mind my ex-husband Micky and his friends. He's only here to see what's the magician he's paying for out his paycheck. His friends are just here to bring me some amusement." 

"He ain't here for his son Colsen?" I asked heartbrokenly.

"Yes and no, I mean he did say, he'll do this all for Colsen, but Micky is a bit money hungry when it comes where he spends his money."

"Oh, gotcha. Well, let's get this show on the road, shall we?" 

"Yes, right this way, Mr. Hugo." 

Shelly led me to a white folding table with a camping chair near the back porch. Once she showed me where to go, I set up shop as she asks me if I wanted anything to drink. I said water will do. As she was getting me water, her ex-husband surprise me by coming up to me.

He said among the following: "Hello, the name is Micky. Micky Shaphat. You must be the magician we hired for our dear boy Colsen."

"Yes, the man is Mister Hugo; the Plum Extraordinar; Master of Illusion and Transformation!"

"You got some great titles, I must, Mr. Hugo."

"Why, thank Mr. Shaphat. That's very kind of you to say. What is it that you do?"

"I'm a management analyst and businessmen at a firm here in Philadelphia."

"Oh wow, that must be a nice career for you to land. That must have took a lot of school."

"It sure did but all worth it in the end. Do you have a career yourself other than this hobby?"

"This is my career, Mr. Shaphat."

"Oh, really!?"

"Yes, really and I'm pretty accustomed to it too. Nothing beats being a full time magician to spread love and joy to all ages."

"Well, surely, it doesn't pay for the bills."

"MICKY!" shouted Shelly who was behind us after retrieving my cold bottle of water. She continues after handing me my beverage. "That's personal."

"It's okay, Shelly. Micky's just curious is all. Now, to answer your question, there are months it does, and months that doesn't."

Next thing, Mr. Shaphat responded, he went: "Ah, I see. So you're homeless, right?"

Shelly gave him a look but I didn't mind the questions. "I live in a trailer park."

"Ah, gotcha. That must be nice, then."

"It sure is. I couldn't ask for anything else."

"Well, the best of luck to you. And may you break a leg."

"Thank you Micky. I appreciate it."

Mr. Shaphat then proceeded to turn the other way, heading back to his friends. 

Shelly turns to me and says: "I'm sorry about all of that, Mr. Hugo. He promise me he would be on his best behavior."

I reassured her by saying: "There's no need to apologize, dear. He was only asking simple questions. Ones that even kids would ask."

"Yeah, well, questions that were too personal for anyone to know. Plus he's a full grown man. He shouldn't be asking them in the first place. You see why I divorce him?"

"All I can say, he's quite a character."

I then resumed my setup and finished in a few minutes. Once I was ready, I cleared my throat and shouted gleefully: "Ladies and gentlemen; boys and girls! Feast your eyes on the phenomenal show of the great Mister Hugo! Your Plum Extraordinar! The Master of Illusions and Transformations! Now, let's begin, shall we!?" I said as I cupped my hands to my ears, awaiting a response.

No answer. Guess, they didn't get what I was going for. No biggie. I tried again: "Now, let's begin, shall we!?" 

A few rounds of applause, some from the kids and a few from adults, including Shelly. I'll take it. 

I start: "For my first act, I'll be doing an illusion for you all to witness! May I have an volunteer?"

Automatically, Colsen the birthday boy, raised his hand right after I asked.

"Let's give the birthday boy a round of applause!" I declared.

As Colsen got up to stand next to me, the crowd clapped for encouragement. 

"Now, Colsen I'm going to have you choose a card from my hand. It's simple; you pick one card, remember it, and I'll ask you if this is your card. Are you ready, lad?"

The boy nodded while he smiled slightly.

I lay out 10 cards facing down towards the birthday boy. He hovers his hand left to right and eventually picks the one in the middle. I saw him the card he picked with only him seeing it. 

"You got it memorized, Colsen?"

"Yes, sir."

"Okay, now I'll shuffle this card into the others and pull out this card like..."

"Is nobody going to say it?" asked Micky out loud.

I paused as I looked to the owner of the voice. "Going to say what, Mr. Shaphat?"

"That your show stinks and you're not original," he said with no remorse in his voice and expression. All the while, his buddies laughed as Shelly gives an upsetting face towards her ex-husband.

Most people would have quit it there, or get upset with someone saying as such. However, I was different because Micky doesn't know what kind of magician I was. Eventually, I will reveal more than just illusions and cheap tricks. But right now, I must focus on my show for Colsen and the kids. Micky will have to wait and see. 

July 13, 2024 02:37

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