Spring in a small town

Submitted into Contest #86 in response to: Set your story at a park during a spring festival.... view prompt


Contemporary Fiction

"Looks as though Dorsey out did himself this year." Kristy Waters said to her best friend Rorie as she pointed out the old car covered in red roses.

"Dorsey always goes over bored with the roses you know I heard his wife loved them." Rorie replied as the two girls waved smiled at the old gentleman.

The two girls walked arm and arm around the square of there small home town. The Spring Festival had always been something to look forward to in there small town of Lighten Wood. The Lighten Wood spring festival had been a tradition in the town since the girls could remember. It wasn't something had been past down like other small towns. The girls had been coming to festival since they were little so to them it had always been around. When ever the banner went up for the festival the girls always looked forward to it.

Everyone in town seem love the festival with the flower show, bake sales, fashion shows and all the homes decorated for spring. This year the town was a bit sad. The mayor of the town Mr. Ross had passed away just a few days before the festival so instead of the festival starting at it's normal day the first day of spring. It had been pushed back to two weeks later. Giving the town a moment to grieve for it's beloved mayor.

As Kristy and Rorie walked around the square they stopped at all the booths and looked at everything. They even ran into a few people who stop chat and say hello. After they'd been walking around for about an hour. They stop in at the Ice cream shop. The old shop looked like something out of a nineteen fifties movie.

The two girls sat at a booth close to the middle so they talk but still be able to see outside.

"You have to admit even though it's a late start it was worth the wait." Rorie said as she sipped on her chocolate and strawberry milk shake.

"Yes it was. Only it would have been better if mayor Ross hadn't just passed away. It still sad to think of him as gone. I'm sure Mrs. Ross is having a hard time dealing with all this."

"I know right. Bless her heart I hope she's doing okay."

"Maybe we should go by and see if she has her booth up if she does we can always stop and say hello see how she's doing."

"Not a bad idea."

Kristy smiled and called over the waiter to ask for to go cups. After getting there shakes to go. The two friends headed to see if Mrs. Ross booth was in the same spot. They walked the booths filled with bake goods by Mrs. Rivers, the knit booth ran by Mrs. Martin and a bunch of booths filled with all kind of things. After a few shorts minutes of stopping and see everyone's booths. They finally came to Mrs. Ross's booth. It was beautifully decorated with Roses, Peony , lavender , Gardena's and etc.. Mrs. Ross always the girls favorite flowers. Rorie loved the smell of the white roses and the peony. While Kristy though the gardenia's , pink roses and lavender smells wonderful.

"Good afternoon girls how are you doing this afternoon?" Mrs. Ross asked the two girls once she was done helping someone.

"We're doing great Mrs. Ross." Kristy answered.

"How are you doing Mrs. Ross we were so sorry to hear about the

mayor." Rorie said.

"Thank you girls. I'm doing as best I can. I've been looking forward to this for weeks. Helps to keep my mind off Rich and plus you know I've always loved the spring festival." Mrs. Ross answered.

"Well if you never need help please let us know." Kristy said to the older woman.

"Thank you my dears. Now you all go and in joy the Festival. I've got sale some flowers."

Kristy and Rorie both bid Mrs. Ross goodbye and headed over to one of the other booths. Stopping to say hi to a few other people they know from town. After walking around for a few more hours the girls decided to stop by the local bakery. Rorie's mom Rosie owned the bakery and spring was her favorite time of the year. The whole bakery smelled of lemon, oranges and all kinds of things.

"Mom!" Rorie called out to her mother as the two girls went behind the counter to the kitchen.

"Hey girls, how was the festival?" Rosie asked the two girls as she popped a fresh tray of lemon squares in the oven.

"Lemon squares fresh in the oven Auntie Rosie?" Kristy asked as she popped a chocolate strawberry in her mouth.

"Kristina! how many times do I have to tell you not to eat the chocolate strawberries before dinner?" Rosie scolded at her niece.

"Sorry Auntie Rosie but they smell amazing." Kristy laughed as she slapped the back of Rorie's hand to stop her from grabbing one herself.

The two girls went back and forth telling Rosie about everything that went on at the festival. Looking out the bakery window as they sat at their usual table. The sun was starting to set and soon all the lights around the square would be coming on. The small little solar lights that were placed around the court yard of the court house were so pretty at sunset.

"So ends yet another year of Lighten Wood spring festival." Rorie said as they watched the solar lights come on as the last of the sun set.

"Yep another end to other wise very pretty day don't you think." Kristy asked her best friend and cousin.


"What do you think it'll look like next year?" Rorie asked.

"Not sure really but I'm sure Dorsey will win the title of best roses I'm sure." Kristy said.

"I still can not believe he won best roses yet again. I mean how many years does that make again?"

"Ten. Ten years in a row. I really though Mrs. Ross would win this year her roses were so pretty this year. Dorsey always has red roses. An Mrs. Ross had those very pretty white , pink and purple roses."

"Yeah I know right."

The girls were talking about the whole roses thing when suddenly Rorie noticed that the solar lights across the street at the court house had come on. Which meant that Spring Festival was over for another year. Kristy and Rorie both went and stood by the window of the bakery.

"Another year has come to end."

"What do you think will happen next year at the Spring Festival?"

"I don't know but I hope next year will be just as pretty as this year."

The two cousins smiled and gathered they're things to head home. Another Lighten wood spring fest had come to an end. It really was one of they're favorite days of the year and they really hoped that next year would be as amazing as this years festival had been.

March 21, 2021 04:33

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