Fantasy Science Fiction Fiction

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

The Sun is our Father, providing the light for our days. The Moon is our Mother, looking out for us in the darkness. The Earth is our caregiver, providing us with the means to go on living. The Sky and Stars, our older brothers and sisters, forever watching out for us, protecting us from the wicked. When the Moon blocks out the Sun, we are reminded of their eternal love. 

Eons ago, the ancient gods ruled over the cosmos. They shined with colorful light. Any luxury was theirs as time had no effect on them. The universe was their canvas. However, four stood out over the many. The King, the Earth, the Sun, and the Moon. The King God ruled over all things, yet, he was cruel and pitiful. Everything and everyone was beneath him. To assert his dominance, the King God demanded the Goddess of the Earth to be his bride. The Earth accepted his proposal, becoming the Queen of the Gods. At first, she was happy until the King God struck her. For centuries, the King God would abuse the Earth, covering her body with scar after scar. Finally, the Earth would tolerate his malice no longer and strike back against him. As punishment, the King God cast her out to the void of space. To live alone for eternity. And so the Earth lay in the void, her isolation breaking her heart more than the tyrant did. Blood poured from her body, becoming a barren landscape of crimson and ice. Her scars protruded into rocky canyons and mountains. 

With no bride, the King God turned his eyes to another. The Moon Goddess. They say her beauty was nearly unmatched. The King God sought to covet her. But the Moon heart’s belonged to the Sun God. The Sun was kind, gentle, and mighty. Whether it be chance or fate, the Sun and Moon met long before Earth was banished to the void. Wed in secret as to avoid the wrath of the King God, the Moon, and the Sun became one. Nevertheless, the King God would force her to accept his proposal. Soon after, the Moon gained her own scars. Scars that the Sun learned of quickly. Angered by his evil deeds, the Sun God challenged the King God to single combat. Fighting with great anger and focus, the Sun would wound the King with his blade besting the tyrant in a fair fight. However, the King had no interest in ethics. Stabbing his opponent in the back, the King God would reclaim victory from the hands of the Sun God and banish him to the void.

Refusing to abandon her love, to suffer alone, and for the tyrant to torment her, the Moon Goddess would flee with her beloved. The Sun and Moon would find the Earth, alone in the void, in a terrible state of constant suffering. They tended to her wounds, comforting her. Using their combined light, the Sun and Moon would ease the Earth’s pain, allowing her to finally recover from the King Gods’ mistreatments. The crimson healed into a lush green. The ice melted, expanding, becoming the water that revitalized the Earth. As a show of gratitude, the Earth transformed her body into a world that the Sun and Moon’s children could inhabit. Animals were brought to the Earth’s surface, and eventually, we came into existence. The children of the Sun and Moon.

Regardless, the two lovers knew that the King God would come, seeking his bride. Too injured to take up arms against the tyrant, the Sun would seek a way to defeat the King God and his armies. Therefore, the lovers reached out to thousands of the bravest men and women and granted them a shard of their light, transforming these brave souls into Stars. 

When the King God arrived to reclaim his bride, the Stars were there to face him and his army of abominations, forged from dark mist. Countless souls were slain. But one brave Star would not allow the tyrant’s reign to continue. His name was Sky, the bravest and most cunning of the Stars, he would seek to end the war and rid the universe of the King God’s evil forever. Sneaking past his forces, Sky would ambush the King God, engaging the tyrant like his father before him. Only this time, Sky would defeat his enemy and not fall for the King God’s tricks. With his blade in hand, Sky would impale the King, before severing his head from his neck. Taking his body, Sky would hack it into pieces and cast them across the void. His heart became Mars. His liver became Venus. His bones were broken and became the asteroid belt. His head was used to make Mercury. This display sent a message to his forces, scaring them out of the realm and back to the darkness from which they came. The forces that didn’t flee were gathered and used to create the gas giants of our solar system, with the King God’s lungs and kidneys being used as their cores.  

The King God was dead. His forces were driven back. Their new realm was saved. The Sun, Moon, and Earth were free. To protect their home, the Sky and the Stars went to the edge of space, watching in constant vigil to ensure that no more evil would dare enter. They are still there, watching and protecting us, even as we speak. 

Legend says that anyone with the courage to prove themselves, one day ascends to become a Star and joins our celestial brothers and sisters. 

The Sun and Moon went about caring for their children, the way they needed to. The Sun shined bright and allowed us to feel Father Sun’s warmth. And when Father Sun is tired, Mother Moon takes over in the night, protecting us the way only a mother can. And once every couple of years, the Father and Mother reunite in an embrace so powerful it can blind the eyes of mortals. It is said that during these embraces, these eclipses, new life comes into existence. It is this embrace of Sun and Moon that forever reminds us that true love is eternal. 

April 12, 2024 20:19

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