The Problem to Fix

Written in response to: There’s been an accident — what happens next?... view prompt



This story contains themes or mentions of substance abuse.

Clay was happy for Peter and Bianca, they were finally able to say that they were siblings in more ways than thoughts. Frederick got the adoption to go through and he couldn’t have been happier for the family of three. He walked to the mansion and stepped into the cool air of the air conditioner compared to the hot Californian summer weather. When Ms.Morgan saw him she led him to the dining room that held the trio of Johnson’s. At the sight of his best friends smile, a smile he hadn’t seen ever since her parents were revealed to be the twin flames, Clay pulled Bianca into a hug lifting his partner in crime off the floor with ease. Bianca was the first to start laughing as she jokingly punched him in the arm to let her down. It wasn’t long for the rest of the group to join her in embracing the joy of the day. His best friend was finally free from the stress that had held her back ever since she found out about her parents.

Clay loved to look back at that memory when he was stressed. It always brought a smile to his face when he needed it. Now the twenty- five year old was tired. Two years ago when Clay stopped being Athena he realized how much he relied on being the support to his best friend and her brother. He missed the two younger adults, he missed listening to Peter rant about Somchai before the two got together and when it changed to all the things his boyfriend would do, Clay missed going to all of Peter’s plays and seeing the boy light up when he saw his family in the audience. Clay missed movie nights with Bianca where they watched horrible movies that made both of them cringe, he missed talking to Bianca about all the dumb people she had to talk to as the CEO of the Jameson industries.

Clay missed his sisters Ivory and Ella, oh how Clay missed his sisters. Ivory was an adult now and Clay hadn’t even been there to celebrate it with her. He’d been passed out on the floor after drinking too much the night before not realizing the date. When Ella called him the next day asking why he hadn’t been there he knew he had to get himself sober. Ivory wouldn’t see Clay until he had proven that he truly cleaned up his act. Bianca tried to help by being there, but she was busy, the woman had so much going on Clay had wondered how she had never resorted to using the drugs she sold. If he asked Bianca would just laugh it off and avoid the question, concern would grow in her eyes and Clay hated when she looked at him like that. The woman never meant any harm when she did it but how could one look their best friend in the face and say that they couldn’t understand his pain.

It had been four months since the night Ella called him. He was so lonely now he hadn’t spoken to anyone in a week. He was so lonely, one drink wouldn’t hurt. It’d just be one beer he’d be fine. He hadn’t been able to go to the church the past Sunday, the little community was what held him up and he didn’t even get that, surely the would forgive him for a drink, surely God would forgive him.

When Clay woke up he had a pounding headache and more empty cans than he remembered drinking. He ended up calling Peter. It was late but Peter would probably answer. The twenty-two year old hadn’t known about Clay’s issues until two months ago but once he knew he was there for Clay whenever he needed him even early in the morning all the way in Idaho. Clay never did understand why Peter and Somchai moved to Idaho.

Somchai was the one to pick up the phone. “Clay? What’s up man?” He was clearly surprised to see who the person calling his boyfriend was.

“Somchai I xxxxxx up, I xxxxxx up so bad this time. You don’t understand. Ivory is never going to want to see me.” Clay started, he was nearly sobbing as he spoke, it didn’t take long for Somchai to figure out what Clay was talking about. The two of them talked for a while, Clay told the younger why he was trying to change and how upset his sisters were to see him so messed up, Somchai listened and gave comfort when he seemed to need it. By the time Clay had calmed down Peter appeared at his apartment, Somchai must have told him to get Clay when Clay was talking. The two of them sat down and talked in a similar manner to how Somchai and his talk went. At the end Peter decided he would take the man he saw as his older brother to his home in Idaho as soon as they cleaned up Clay’s apartment.

While they cleaned Clay felt a wave a guilt for bringing the two younger men into his mess. It didn’t matter that Peter and Somchai have both told him that it was fine and that there was no ill will towards him. They would rather have him call for help than watch him struggle to survive on his own. Peter did tell Clay that he should call Bianca and tell his best friend what happened, as much as Clay didn’t want to do that he knew he should. Bianca deserved to not be left in the dark about what was happening to him.

Eventually, the apartment was clean and it was time to go with Peter and figure out what was next, Clay would probably have to join AA and reach out to his newly found church family and maybe once he was clean he could see his sisters again. Ella was fifteen now and maybe by the time she turned sixteen he could talk to her again, maybe he could take Ivory to get her first drink when she turns twenty one.

September 13, 2024 17:42

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