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Her heart beat raised up….”Zoya!! go away from here… please!!” . Zoya heard that last word and that’s something that she heard last and forever. Zoya opened her eyes and saw herself lying in the bed and found some medical equipements and came to a conclusion that she is in hospital. She was surrounded by her dad and her mom with tears wept eyes. She tried to ask were where Ziya , her twin sister , is . But she couldn’t speak up. She turned to her mom and her mom replied in sign language. She couldn’t understand what she’s conveying at first but little later she came to know that she can’t speak and can’t hear. Tears came from her eyes. She tried to ask her mom about Ziya but a nurse came in and injected sleeping dose for her. She went into the world of past. Zoya and Ziya both were twins and had grown together. They both now were at the age of 16 . Zoya and Ziya are identical twins. They both look alike and its difficult to find each other. The only difference between Zoya and Ziya was their character. Zoya was bit mischevious and Ziya was a silent one. .. Zoya woke up and found that its been two weeks from 28th December , 2020. Zoya was bit shocked to see that she was lying in that same bed for two weeks. Her mom entered in and changed her clothes and gave her some food. Zoya again tried to ask about Ziya but she was unable to communicate. Zoya searched for a pen and a paper to write and show the question she was about to ask. She found a tissue paper and wrote " Where’s Ziya?” . Her mother started crying and wrote back that she’s dead. Zoya became emotional again and started crying . She tried to control but couldn’t. All the precious moments with Ziya appeared before Zoya. She suddenly got a hallucination of a blood ! she was following that blood traces and saw a dove which had been dead and hung in window sill . Zoya came back to the world and thought this might be due to the emotional stress. Zoya became thirsty so she thought drinking the water in the bottle near her. She took the water bottle and found the bottle to be empty. She managed to get out of the bed to fetch water. She suddenly saw the floor and found drops of blood , she was bit shocked with that. She followed the blood and it ended to the window sill. She was still haunted that she saw that place in her hallucination. But she have never seen that same place. She raised her head as she saw some drops of blood shedding in her dress. She was shocked as she saw a dove that she saw in hallucination and it was dead. She fainted at that place itself on seeing that. She again woke up saw her in bed again. She couldn’t understand what she was seeing is true or not. Her dad came in and asked what happened to her. She took the tissue paper and drew that scene of dove’s death . Her dad was little puzzeled about the drawing and took that with him. She asked her father to buy her a drawing note using sign language. Her dad accepted and bought her a one. She again drew that incident step by step but maintained it secret. She was discharged a week later. She reached home and found her home to be different without Ziya. She went to her room and opened Ziya’s cupboard and found a diary. Zoya came back to bed and started reading that . Ziya had recorded about her life time with Zoya upto December 27. Tears came out of her eyes while reading it. She gradually slept while reading it. She went into the world of past and it was December 28. It was birthday of Zoya and Ziya. They both planned to enjoy the day . They went out and had hosted a party. Zoya being mischevious had eneminity with a gang. Zoya had made them anger even they dare to kill her. They planned of killing her on that day. Zoya gave her phone to Ziya . Ziya got a message , " Come to underground” . Ziya went to underground. Zoya felt suspicious when Ziya went out of the party. She followed her and became shocked when she saw Ziya being brutally attacked and her face and body being covered with blood. For the first time Zoya started to cry on seeing that. She went to save her. The gangsters thought that the one who’s being attacked is Zoya and the other is Ziya. Zoya’s heart beat started beating fast. The gangster beat her in her head. She fainted. She woke up from the sleep and searched for water. She went to kitchen and fetched water and ate a “Ferrero Rocher” , which Ziya loves a lot. And went back to her room. She started to watch a movie in her phone. She bent herself from the bed down to the draw to take her headphones. She was shocked while opening the draw. She saw a diary which was writen by Ziya and she had that very secret that even Zoya was unable to read. She took that diary and started to read the diary. Ziya had written about her secret life events from her birth to 27th December , 2020. Ziya had also written about a boy she had met . Ziya had met a boy named Steven . She met him a three months from 27th December, 2020. They both first met at a library. Ziya loves library and she loves more science books. On that day she was searching a book related to “Zodiac”. She found that it was on top shelf. She was shy girl so she hesitated to ask help from anyone. Steven saw that she was struggling to take that book. He helped her in taking that book. She thanked him for that but he wanted to become her friend. So he started to follow her . She ignored him and requested him to leave her. But he didn’t leave that hope of becoming her friend. She shouted at him due to which he joined in that gang (Zoya’s enemy gang). He came to know that Ziya loves her twin a lot . He wanted Ziya to become depressed and sad by killing Zoya. He became a psycho and had tried murder attempt for two times on Zoya, which Zoya doesn’t know. Ziya saved her from those. But at last that message on her birthday became a death message for Ziya. After reading this tears wept out of Zoya’s eyes. She then went back to the dream world. Now she again got an hallunciation that she was runing towards a petrol factory and when she entered , the door closed automatically. She was traped inside that factory and fire was set . She came back to the normal world. Her body started to sweat a lot . She saw through the window the sun had already raisen. She got from the bed and freshed herself . Then, she planned of visiting the places Ziya liked. Ziya loved “Hyde Park” a lot. She went to that place and sat on the bench for half an hour. She suddenly saw Steven over there. He purposely came before her and made her to follow him. She saw him and followed him. He started to run , she too started to run. He finally went into the petrol factory. She was shocked on seeing that place because she saw that same place in her halluncination. She went in and she heard a voice from a room with name " Chemical Lab”. She went in, immediately a door closed. she was trapped in ! She was able to smell fire . She was about to burn but suddenly the door opened. Police stood over there and saved her. They had placed a transmitter in every dress of her which she doesn’t know. Through that they tracked that location. They had doubt that the murderer might murder Zoya too . And thus their doubt was cleared. Zoya was frightened about that incident . She came back home and again drew that incident and showed her father. Her father could sense that something was wrong. Zoya went back to sleep and went deep into her past life thinking of Ziya. At morning she got up ande had. planned to visit children’s orphanage and loose her depression. She wrote a note about where she is going to her parents. She went to the orphange and enjoyed with that children which loosed her depression a bit. She again got halluncination where her parents are stuck in a car and that car is going to meet accident. She messaged her mum and dad. And asked them where they were. Her mother didn’t reply . Her father replied that he was on his way to home on a highway. Zoya rushed to her bike and went towards the highway. She know that the highway was set in flyover. And the accident also takes place in that flyover in halluncination. By the time reached the place her father and mother came to the centre of the flyover. She came near to the car and made the car move away due to which she fell from the flyover. But her parents are saved. Zoya is dead . She fell from the flyover and went to heaven . She died on 28th January, 2021. 

June 15, 2021 10:44

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Hazel Hinderland
12:31 Jun 27, 2021

Thanks to all who have liked my story


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