
It was a bright day in the suburbs. Tom was not working at the newspaper that day and Alice was already making breakfast. He woke up to the sound of French coffee being made. He got out of bed, even though he didn't want to and put on his clothes. The classic routine would follow. He would drink his orange juice, wear his sportswear and go for a run. Today, however, he would have to return early to pack his bags. The plane to Paris would leave early in the afternoon. They celebrated 3 years of dating with Alice and thought of celebrating it much more specially, than any other year. He had bought her the ring she always wanted and he intended to propose, in front of the Eiffel Tower. It was all organized, down to the last detail. He left the house full of joy. Running always gave him the motivation he needed, to start the day. He admired all the plants and the sun that was shinning so brightly... He did not take anything for granted in his life. Every day that passed, he was thanking God for what he had given him. His health, his girlfriend and a job he loved so much, to do... As he was looking around, he fell on something hard. He fell down before he could realize it.

-I'm sorry sir! I'm so sorry, I did not see you there! The man who had fallen on him had turned red. I was abstract and...Tom?? The two men were stunned, looking at each other. 

-Jake? Oh, my God, is that really you? They started hugging and laughing like little children. 

-Do you live in the neighborhood? I have never seen you around! Tom asked full of excitement.

-Yes! I just moved. It hasn't been two weeks, but I run here every morning.

-Really? I haven't seen you!

-You may have seen me, but you did not notice me, Jake commented sarcastically.

-I do not think it would be possible not to notice you, Jake ...

The two men began looking at each other awkwardly, without saying a word.

-I live...down here! Tom finally said. If you want, we can have a coffee.

-I would love it!

-Just...my fiancee may be at home. Jake was left speechless.

-Your fiancee...? He finally asked.

-Yes, you see I am engaged... His words were full of shame, rather than pride.

-Tom I...I thought that...I have to leave Tom! Nice seeing you.

-Jake wait! Don't go!

-What do you want Tom? Said the man, annoyed.

-Do you remember how they called us at school? Tom asked. The man laughed sadly.

-How can I ever forget? Barbies. That's how they called us. Every time we didn't do good at football ... every time we couldn't beat our bullies...Every time we breathed! So that's what you did Tom? You gave in to our bullies? Why? So that they don't call you "Barbie" anymore? And are you happy with that? You are happy? Tell me! Jake started pushing him and crying. Tom took him in his arms and his eyes were now filled with tears.

-I have to leave Jake. I have to get ready for the trip. I will propose to her today... I'm done Jake...I'm done.

-Don't do it! Jake's eyes were full of pain. Come to my house, please, he said and grabbed him by the hand. I hated to live as they want, I hated to feel miserable my whole life and now I see that you are still hiding. You never gave me this kiss...Remember? You wanted it, Tom! You really did. But then they came in the library and they started beating us. You never spoke to me again, after that day...And now i'm losing you for the second time. Ok, you know what? Leave! Leave and try to be happy, if that's what you consider 'happiness'. Tom looked at him for one last time and left.

-The gray house with the white windows, Tom! That is my house! You still have time...

Tom kept walking, without turning to look at him. 

Hours passed and the sun set. The branches of the trees were banging on the windows and Jake was curled up on the couch, watching an old movie. He had put aside the old album, with his school photos. He was so much in love with Tom, since then. From the moment he saw him, this morning he felt his heart beating again. Everything could be perfect. Just perfect. But he had to destroy it all over again... Why was it so hard for the Universe to give them the chance that they were seeking, since they were young? Why were they cursed, to feel the way they felt, living in a hostile society? He should stop all this thinking! Since Tom didn't care, neither should he. He would had asked her to marry him, by now... And she would have said yes, of course. A life, built on lies. His family was not talking to him anymore. They said he was the black sheep of the family. His brother would never do that. Embarrass them, like that. His eyes were red, from all the crying... The rain, outside was only making his pain and sorrow bigger. Why couldn't Tom stand up for himself? Why couldn't he show everyone that he was different!? Why was that such a bad thing? Always such a bad thing... He thought he heard a knock on the door, but it must have been the wind. The knock was heard again. He got up from the couch and pulled his blanket. The tissues he had used and thrown to the left and to the right, fell down. He opened the door frowning. He was there. Tom was in front of him, with a black suitcase in his hand.

-The gray house, with the white windows, he said. It was not difficult to find... He hugged Jake and he gave him the kiss they had both been waiting for, since they were in high school...

August 14, 2020 20:58

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