

Dear Journal My name is Dr.David Singh have started this journal because I have embarked on my first of many journeys to Anchor Island. Anchor Island is off the coast of New Zealand and is home to my favorite bird of all time the kakapos. Strange name yes I am well aware. These big flightless green captivating parents have captivated me since I was a boy. This is monumental because the kakapos are almost extinct and are protected on one of three very secure islands. The Islands have no predators of the Kakapos.

My day started out like any other my lovely wife Susan made me the best maple sausage and eggs. Then the day began to get very exciting as I thought more and more how I was about to live my boyhood dream of seeing a kakapo. I and my wife dashed to the airport. My wife told me I squawked just like the flightless parrots I was about to see out of excitement. I felt like I was a kid at Christmas times infinity. I dragged her through the busy airport to the charter plane. When I was told I could go to the plane I dragged her there too. I hugged and kissed her goodbye and told her I would be back soon. Which she rolled her eyes and said “Yes a quick two months how will I ever go on” and then playfully fainted in my arms. My wife I love and will miss her to death. The only reason I am not living on Anchor Island for longer than two months.

I was alone on my flight except for the pilot and a volunteer who was briefing me on what was going to happen when we land. She was a blonde young woman with a nice smile. Her name was Helen Smith. She told me first that I would have to be disinfected because of the bacteria I would bring to the Island. Then I would be told how the conservation and research on the island works. The kakapos roam the island free of predators and are usually hard to find. I looked out from the plane and saw the rimu forest and was getting more and more excited. I knew it was near impossible to see a flightless bird from a plane but I still hoped.

After the plane touched down I practically jumped out still expecting to see a Kakapo. I unfortunately and realistically did not. I need to have a talk with reality they need to be more fun and more what I want. I was then taken inside the facility and there were a hand few of volunteers and researchers and we were all briefed on how things were run on the island. The bird’s health was checked regularly and a big portion of our job was to observe them and see how they interact with each other and try to find a way to speed up the very long breeding process.

Then we were allowed to roam the Island as we wished for the rest of the day. All the duties were going to be for tomorrow. I walked around the facility getting a feel for my home for the next two months. I wonder if they have sausage and eggs here. They will not be anything like my wife makes at home. The trees here were enormous and looked as if the island itself had been untouched by man for a very long time. I knew this was not true but entertained the thought anyway.

Then an odd smell my nose started to catch. It smelled musty yet sweet whatever it was. I began to follow it into the forest. I was probably smelling someone’s lunch I thought. I kept following it anyway just in case it was something unique. My curiosity always had been my strength and downfall. Then with fright, I finally met one of the kakapos. Unfortunately, it started to use my head as a perch which is not always fun when they weigh around 4-8 pounds. I was just lucky I was wearing a hat or it might have pooped in my brown hair. It then looked at my face and seemed to be as curious as I was. I could deduce this was definitely the smell very odd. I tried to lower the bird to the ground but it kept looking at my face as if it were mesmerized by me.  I had not been briefed on what to do when that happened. Should I grab it gently? should I shake it off? Should I wait for it to go off on its own? I thought. It had a green and yellow face with a strange looking grey beak that was not quite but almost flat. Its eyes were a beautiful brown and it was analyzing my face. I then heard a laugh come from behind me. I carefully turned around trying not to trip or disturb the bird that has found my head.

The volunteer Helen I saw was doubled over and laughing hysterically. At least I knew I was not in any danger of getting my face pecked. The bird had frozen on my head from her loud laughter.

“I see you have met our curious little Paul. He likes to hang around here and loves new visitors.” She said once she was done laughing for a few more moments. She came over and took the bird from my head. My neck was very thankful for her. I then analyzed Paul like he analyzed me and saw he was big definitely an adult. Most likely a male.

“I think I agree with George Edward Grey they do act more like dogs then parrots. I did not expect them to be this curious.” I told Helen half talking to the bird Paul. He was extraordinary.

 Allison then put the bird down and it ran off a lot faster then I thought it would into the forest. For a flightless bird, it could move. Then we went back inside the research facility having enough of Kakpos for one day. The other volunteers and researchers have told me I have been given the Anchor Island christen from Paul already. What a huge honor I thought.

If every day is similar to today I think I will very much enjoy my time here on Anchor Island. I then retired to where I would be sleeping and here we are writing the first journal entry. So far I already miss my wife but have already seen the Kakapo which almost makes up for how much I miss her. I think because of this line I am already not going to show this to my wife. Until tomorrow my journal we are done.

Dr. David Singh

April 07, 2020 15:48

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