Drama Fiction Teens & Young Adult


Thank You for picking up my books in the hallway when I fell! SOOOO embarrassing! Forget you ever saw me like that!




To the World’s Greatest Friend

Thank YOU for picking me up from soccer practice since it was raining so I didn’t have to walk home!! I'm so glad I found a friend like you! See you next week at school, BESTIE!!!




Grub Buddy,

Thank you for sitting with me at lunch today! I love being close to you and hearing you laugh! I always feel like I can truly be myself when I’m around you!





I don’t think I could thank you enough for FINALLY asking me out, feels great to have me as your girlfriend huh ;). The rest of senior year is going to be the best! You gave me the biggest butterflies during the movie and thank you for holding my hand (even though I know it was sweaty). Again, thank you, BOYFRIEND! I love the necklace you gave me with the date engraved! I can tell how hard you worked to pick it! Maybe if we have kids I can hand it down to our daughter!


Your favorite girlfriend



How could I ever express how thankful I am to call you mine? You light up my world and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you! I know we argue a lot but we’re young and just need to grow! Thank you for your patience and kindness and for loving me on my good and bad days. We will get through it! Graduation is tomorrow!!




We did it!!

Thank you for sticking by me this semester! I don’t know what I would do without you! I can’t wait to have all summer to hang out and I know the distance is hard but our colleges are only 5 hours 915 minutes and 45 seconds) apart…but who’s counting? I know we barely saw each other today and you’re busy but thank you for everything, my love. <3

The love of your life,



Thank you.

Thank you for making a decision I never was strong enough to make. Thank you for showing me that I deserve more than the bare minimum. Thank you for explaining to me the importance of going into college single as a man. Your hoodies and the necklace are in your mailbox, and I thank you for ending it now before I gave you all of my youth for free. I want to think maybe someday we could work, but I thank you for opening my eyes to realize that you’re not the one for me because he would never leave me for the simple pleasure of test-driving as many cars as he can before he buys the real one.




Last year I was so bitter in the way we left. I was mad that you couldn’t love me the way I love you and embarrassed for putting my all into you. As I sit here writing this card soaking in my last few days of summer before starting my sophomore year, I realize I needed to thank you. And not in all of the passive-aggressive, hateful, and heartbroken ways I chose to write you with in my last card. I realize there is a lot for me to thank you for. Thank you for giving me the space to grow into my own person and having the strength to be honest with me about your feelings. I’m running out of space on the card but thank you for let-

ting me go (sorry it’s squished)



Thank you, Tatum

I’m sorry for all of the words I never said to you and the work I never put into the relationship. Thank you for forcing me to face the reality that I was never there for you and my intentions were never pure. I know these thank you cards are your thing but maybe they could be our thing? I’m not sure you realize, but thank you for appearing in my dreams and following me with every thought. I made a mistake and I want to rekindle it. Thank you for being the best thing that ever happened to me. 

Your Past Love


Howdy Partner!

How’s it going in Texas, cowboy? Still liking school? I just got your letter and I am so thankful to hear you are working on yourself and have taken the time you needed! I’d love for you to come visit me sometime if you’re in the area ever. I miss you, I do. Let’s have lunch and talk. Thank you for reaching out.




Like the weather up here?

Thank you for visiting me! I’m so glad we had the time to talk and work things out! I sure do miss you! Thank you for wanting to take things slow and really make sure this is going to work! I am so proud of you!




How did you do it??

How did you manage to surprise me?? I always know everything going on!! Thank you for surprising me at school and asking me to be your girlfriend again! You always know how to be there for me and I am so proud of how far the two of us have come! Thank you for making this the best birthday ever. I’m so excited to see where this new path takes us. See you soon!




Thank you!

Wow, it has been a while since I’ve written one of these. Today is our wedding! Thank you for fighting so hard for us and working every day to improve not only for me but for yourself. I vow to always support you and always show my thanks in more ways than one. Thank you for being the best (almost) husband anyone could ask for! See you at the end of the aisle! I’ll be the one in white!

With all my love forever,



August 02, 2024 01:09

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We made a writing app for you

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