Say My Name

Submitted into Contest #45 in response to: Write a story about change.... view prompt



Hello, my name is nathan nolann. Today is my twenty first birthday and my friends wanted to take me out for my birthday. Little did I know, my life would change forever by the end of the night.

It all started early in the night at the bar. The sun was sitting on the horizon. My friend jon challenge my to a game called shot for shot. Its one of those stupid collage drinking games. How you play is you  and a friend order your drink of choice. You then flip a coin, who ever calls it incorrectly has to drink both shots. Well I must not be that good at the game because I lost the first round, one rum and one whiskey shot done. Round two, I lose again, one shot of burben and one shot of jack down. I lose the third round. One shot of everclear and the room is spinning, one shot of fireball.I tapped out and I asked for a water and sat down. At that time an elderly man came into the bar and ordered a drink. As my head began to spin faster and faster I watch this man proceed to harass the bartender, calling her sexy, snapping his fingers and cat whistling at her, he kept staring are her in a way that made me want to puke. I figured she was used too this type of horrible treatment and behavior that only a sexist idiot who cant move on from the past would do. I made a note to leave a large tip for her, until he started talking about what he would do to her of she came home with him. When she was rounding the corner he grabbed her butt and she screamed. Hearing tue pure fear and shock in her voice, I rose to my feet and pinned him to the wall. I am five foot six inches. I weigh about two hundred pounds of muscle. I told him to pay his tab and leave, or I would punch him until the lights went out. I let go of him and he tried to wing at me. I ducked and he punched a hole in the wall. I swung out of instinct and punched him in the gut. He then left a twenty on the bar table and stormed off, or so I thought. He went to the parking lot and called the police for assault. While he was doing this, without anyone's knowledge by the way, the bartender thanked me. She said she was used to being verbally abused at work but no one went as far as so touch her. I told her it wasnt a problem, and people like that will never learn.  He is stuck in his ways and probably will end up getting worse than a punch to the gut. At the moment five police cars rolled up and six officers barged in, guns raised. Screaming commands. "Dont move!@ "Show me your hands" "Everybody shut up" For the second time tonight I heard the bartender scream. Two of the six officers  tackled me to the ground. One had his weight on my legs, the other had his weight on my neck. I tried to let them know, let them know I couldn't breath. I swatted at the officer. I felt the shot before I heard it. Pain exploded in my head, in my ears. I felt every drop of blood as it flooded the floor below me. Let me ask you a question, are you breathing?  Does your heart beat? Does blood flow though your veins? Do you have a family that loves you? A job that makes you feel seen? Before tonight I would have said yes. You and me aren't to different. The only major difference is something I had no control over. A difference that to most people wouldn't have mattered, and that is im black. They chose to see my color instead of the fact that I was human. Maybe if I was white, I wouldn't have been profiled. If I were white maybe I would habe gone home with a ticket rather than in a body bag. So please, say my name. Don't let them forget. Because I am only one. One of hundreds who suffered the same fate as me. Say my name. Don't let them forget, dont let them off easy, because they were not doing their jobs. They are murders who deserve to spend the rest of their life in prison. They deserve to sit in a cell and think about the pain they caused my family. I have a sister, she will never hear my voice. I have a daughter, she will never understand why I didn't come home, what about my fiancé, I will never get to see her walk down the aisle, I will never her her say I do, Ill never her her say how much she loves me again. My mom and dad lost their only son to an act of violence that never needed to happen. So, please start a revolution that will start a change. Not for a hour, a day or a week. Start a revolution that says black lives matter. And when I say that I dont mean only black loves matter. Every life matters, but people forget about black lives all to easy. Start a revolution that will last until the the sun no longer rises,  and there is no lives left. Don't stop when the big man in the suit says turn down the noise.  Dont stop when the big man turns against you and fights back to shut you up. Because black lives have been silenced for to long. Because they killed me in cold blood because they were scared, or because it was how they were raised.  Or maybe it was a status symbol to them. Maybe they will be proud for what they did. I dont know why they did what they did. So I beg you, say my name. Say the names of countless others who were murdered they same way. Because I was no accident, and neither where they. And hold them accountable. Dont let anyone forget what was done to me, what was to them, what was done to our nation.

My name is nathan nolann. Please dont forget

June 11, 2020 21:22

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