
It wouldn’t have been so bad if it wasn’t raining. The breeze from the shore reminded me of lazy summer days. I would listen to the songbird's chatter above the edge of the lake. Sometimes I would chase them, but Lacy never chased them with me-no matter how many times I asked. She loved to be here too. She especially loved the water.

Lacy and I would run together, sand caught in our toes as we dived headfirst into the lake. The algae would get caught across my face since I was much shorter than her. Lacy would laugh, then plaster them across my upper lip. She’d change her accent and make funny faces as we walked home. I didn’t mind. I loved to hear her laugh. 

But today was a little different. I wasn’t with Lacy. I haven’t seen her all day, which was weird because I see her every day. Each morning we woke up together. She would throw her arms around me, and tell me good morning before finding her way into the kitchen. She loved her drinks, and she especially loved hot ones with dark brown liquid. The smell was always warm and nutty with a hint of sweetness. It would flood the kitchen and send a shiver down my spine.

I especially loved when she turned on the music. Together we danced across the kitchen floor, giggling alongside my impromptu dance moves. Back in the bedroom I always tried to help pick out her outfits for the day; though she never liked my combinations. I especially loved the orange pants; I always dragged them out, but she always said they were too flashy for work. Not that I would know, since I’ve never worked before, I wasn’t sure what it even meant. Other than leaving home then returning, I assumed work was one big walk. So, it couldn’t be that bad.   

When she would return home we would make dinner together and then cuddle up on the couch. She loved staring at the television; the whole ordeal confused me. Half of the images blurred together in one picture, I didn’t have a clue what was so interesting about it. But Lacy loved it, so I loved it too. If I was lucky, Lacy would fall asleep and we would nap together for a couple of hours. She’d wrap her arms around my neck and murmur words every few minutes. If she began to squirm in her sleep, I’d lean in close and offer her a few kisses of comfort. Sometimes she woke up, and sometimes... she would hug me until she fell into a deep sleep.

But today wasn’t like that at all. Lacy wasn’t here for her morning coffee. She wasn’t here for a sleepy “good morning” and a big hug. She wasn’t here to dance with me, to listen to music and change clothes. She was gone. The rain was cold, actually, everything was cold, and wet, and uncomfortable. The collar around my neck pulled and tightened in a weird way that made me want to choke every step I took. 

I looked up to the man who was on the other end of the leash and said nothing. It wasn’t Lacy. I didn’t know this man. I’ve never seen or smelled him before. He was tall and wore a sweatshirt with tight black pants. We already passed the beach, the warm waves of my summer memories disappeared with it. 

I heard the motor behind us and I looked back to see a car roll down the road. Lacy was always good about staying away from them. They were always so loud and big, I didn’t like being too close. The machine rolled past and the tire dipped down into a puddle. I pulled back from reflex, but it was useless, the water-brown and black, soaked me and the man in seconds. I heard him murmur under his breath as we stood in the rain. He seemed as shocked as I was. He tugged on the collar and I continued behind him.   

I wasn’t in the mood to walk any more; this wasn’t Lacy, this was a stranger. I could feel the squish of mud between the pads of my paws. I gained at least five pounds extra weight with my fur heavy on my back. The winds picked up and I lowered my head. When I looked up again I saw the familiar stairs of my home.

I jumped two stairs at a time and waited in front of the door as the strange man unlocked it. Once it was open, I rushed inside, the comfort of home enveloping me in warm vanilla and pumpkin scents. I paused at the entrance of the door, water dripping onto the carpet. Again, I wondered where Lacy was and felt a whimper in my throat. She was going to miss dinner. She was going to miss her shows and...and I wouldn’t get any cuddles.

I could feel the whimper turn into a whine and almost felt embarrassed. I wasn’t young anymore, I shouldn’t cry, but I couldn’t stop it. Lacy was never gone this long. What if I never saw her again? What if she was hurt? I felt a pat on my head as the man leaned down. I turned away. This man wasn’t Lacy.  

“There there girl.” he cooed. “It’s going to be ok. Sorry about the walk, but you needed the exercise.”

 I stood at the entrance of the door, I haven’t moved since he closed it. I could hear the drip of water as I looked up into his eyes, they were the color of the drink Lacy loved. I didn’t understand what the man was saying, but he didn’t sound mean or harsh. I wasn’t scared. I just wanted to know if she was ok. I wanted to know If Lacy needed a hug.

I needed one.

But the man didn’t offer and instead threw a towel over me and began to rub my sides rough. It wasn’t a hug, but this would do, I suppose. I felt the water dry up and the man rubbed the towel against my face. I felt another whine reach my throat.   

“Aw, don’t do that, I’ll be back tomorrow for another walk, ok?”  

He pulled back the towel, I was still damp, my fur stuck out in weird places. I felt horrible. When he said tomorrow I pulled an ear back. Did he mean tomorrow as in, he was going to do that again? In the rain? What about Lacy? Where was she? The man stood up and opened the door. He flicked off the switch, the lights turned off. When he opened the door, the light outside made shadows that stretched across the walls.   

“Bye-bye,” he said.  

I stood there and watched as the door closed, darkness blanketed the sofa and chairs behind me. While I wasn’t sure where Lacy was, there was one thing I was sure of.   

I’m never going out with you again.

July 28, 2021 23:52

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