Drama Friendship Kids

Billy! Which one do you pick?

                   Oh my gawd, if you yell at me one more time.

I thought you were sleeping.

                   My hand is holding your hand on the chains as we swing.

Yeah, and I felt your grip relax for a moment. I thought you were falling asleep.

                   You know I can tell when you lie, right?

Same way I know what your pick will be is my guess.

                   Then why do I need to tell you?

Because I need to hear you say it.

                   Oh, you need me!

Billy, don’t start this again.

                   Of course poor Lilith, how dare I.

I don’t like that one, if you say it again.

                   If I say it again what? Lilith.

Your toothbrush might have an accident near the toilet.

                   You wouldn’t dare. Brushes are off limits in the treaty.

Maybe I’m thinking about leaving the treaty and going solo.

                   Whoa! No one has left a treaty before.

You realize we are the only ones in any of the treaty’s, right?

                   And neither of us has ever left.

Don’t be rude.

                   Lead the way Lilith the Destroyer, she’s off to conquer far away lands.

You’re just mad because I’m always first.

                   Or maybe I just hold the door open for you.

Is that your way to say you let me win?

                   Uh no, that would not be me.

Then what did you mean by you hold the door open for me..

                   I meant I am a gentleman and let you go first.

Come here and give me hug.

                   Awe! You can be so sweet sometimes.

Yes, I am so sweet my little dumb-plin.

                   Why did you say it like that? Why are you squeezing so tight?

Because you’re my favorite.

                   I’m your only, okay I’m done hugging.

Come back here, I’m not finished.

                   No! Back off you… Oh my gawd what is that smell?

Hug me please, come here.

                   I might barf get back.

Is it really that bad? I don’t smell it.

                   Start swinging so we can move the air around and maybe I won’t die.

Where do you keep your pack of llamas.

                   My what? Come on I need you to swing and move the stench away.

The llamas. Where are your llamas to go with all this drama?

                   Are you calling me a Drama Llama?!

Hey don’t be all mad, I call ‘em like I see ‘em.

                   Mad? Nah… I’m not telling you my pick though.

I told you I know your pick.

                   And you NEED me to say it.

Yeah, I’ve changed my mind, I don’t care what your pick is anymore.

                   You are such a liar.

What do you know about anything.

                   I know when you’re lying.

How do you know when I’m lying?

                   I get a little twitch behind my ear.

Which ear?

                   I’m not telling because you’ll just sit around watching it all the time.

It’s the right one, I knew it.

                    I didn’t say that!

Now you don’t have to.

                   You think you’re so smart.

Because I got all the brains.

                   Hey now, I got enough to make it this far.

Yes you did Billy, yes you did.

                   Sometimes I don’t like you very much.

How sad, I love you so much Billy.

                   I didn’t say anything about LOVE, LILITH.

You really have a lot of llamas.

                   You seem angry tonight, are you feeling okay?

I’m not angry, you’re the one that’s angry.

                   ‘Cause you almost made me barf Lilith the Destroyer.

If you keep acting like that you’re going to be missing some teeth.

                   That escalated quickly, I’m out.

No, don’t!

                   Why do you keep yelling!

Don’t be so loud! Look at the porch, wave.

                   Hi, we’re fine.

Now you look at me. You know we can’t touch until we pick.

                   I know the rule, I made it.

Then why were you about to break it?

                   Oh, well, I don’t know miss solo.

Really? You are such a child.

                   Takes one to know one.

Takes one to know one.

                   Someone’s turning red.

Sometimes I really don’t like you.

                   How sad Lilith, I love you so much.

I didn’t say anything about LOVE, BILLY.

                   Ha ha.

You’re a turd nugget.

                   Takes one to know one.

I’m going to punch you so hard, what’s your pick?

                   You know it already.

Tell me, come on.

                   What are my options again?

They never change, turd.

                   I want to hear you say it.


                   Yes, say it.

What's your pick?

                   You said you were psychotic, figure it out.

That doe… who.. It’s psychic and I didn’t say that.

                   Oh, maybe that’s what I said.

You called me psychotic?

                   Have you checked a mirror lately?

Don’t answer a question with a question.

                   …Now you’re just trying to confuse me.

Not that hard to do.

                   Evidence keeps piling up your honor.

Look! The light came on. What’s your pick?

                   It’s so hard to decide.

Tick-tock Billy bop.

                   Don’t rush me, I’m thinking.

We gotta pick now, hurry.

                   You said we, so which do you pick?

I need to know what your pick is first so I can be sure I make the best pick for me.

                   You just made all that up right then didn’t you?

Made what up?

                   Don’t answer a question with a question.

Did you just.. You did that on purpose.

                   Did what on purpose?


There it is, decision time.

                   Argh, why is it me first.

I’m the oldest.

                   By a minute!

Still first.

                   You are so mean.

Only because you are so difficult.

                   Because you’re so rude and mean.

Listen, we decided to pick tonight.

                   I know, I just, it’s hard.

When you have so many good choices, it’s hard to pick just one.

                   That’s what I’ve been saying all night Lily!

You haven’t said anything Billy.

                   Fine then, I pick both.

What? I didn’t know that was an option.

                   Why wouldn’t it be an option?

So, you mean we can have a little bit of each.

                   Yeah, I think that’s what I mean.

So while you hang out with dad I can go play with mom?

                   Yes, we don’t have to all hang out together all the time.

But I thought that’s what made us family.

                   No silly Lily, Rufus makes us family! Now come on!

Maybe I didn’t get ALL the brains.

                   I told you I got this far.

Dad! Mom! Can Rufus sleep in our room tonight! With hot chocolate!

December 11, 2024 01:45

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