Written in response to: Write a story about someone who wishes they could turn back time.... view prompt


Contemporary Inspirational Fiction

      MOM…The Unsung HERO

By: Ms Bernette M.Magbanua

AL Sharqyia School

Principal/Quality Teacher’s Trainer

One of the common reasons is the desire to make varied/ different choices or take different paths/directions in life. This can generate a feeling of regret, nostalgia, or a sense of unfulfilled potential and goals in life. Moreover, as people age, they may experience and witness significant life changes challenges, or even problems that make them yearn for a fresh start.

Her name is Bershclau  Kai Banyahram. “ Life is fair and sometimes unfair,” she said. Life can be beautiful and at the same time, abrupt” she muttered.

She was admired by a lot of people around her, who respected moral uprightness, discipline, and ethics, not because she was a professional one, but a principled person with perfectionist tendencies, upliftment, and pride. She has outstanding academic and professional performance, simple, developed an ego to be of good example to many and inspire most of them the importance and significance of being right, morally upright, determined, and focused on her ultimate goal to be part of the professional development of others. She made some friends, among her colleagues and made enemies too because of her being straightforward and making her point and self clear regarding her work. She considered herself an independent and ambitious lady with a soft and big heart for she is really a Mama’s girl.

In school. she was known for being responsible, risk taker, and dedicated. She used to give training and workshops for professional development and career goals plus career guidance and motivational speaking engagements, especially for the Youth Development Program. She was an advocate of Education and teachers and believed that she “admires the dignity of teachers.”

She is really hardworking and persistent to be the best of everything in her professional career. As a neophyte in her teaching career, she served a Catholic institution for almost a decade without hesitations and clamors. At an early age, she got the position and proved her worth and capabilities for many years. many times. She was aware of the word success and motivation plus challenges that made her a better person in her times.

One time, she received a call from her sister to work abroad as an English Teacher. “Hello. Would you mind working abroad as an English Teacher” her sister asked her. To her surprise. “No,” she said, since she was a Mama’s girl All her life, she could not and will never imagine being away from her Mom, though she worked the town from her city. But according to her, that was a different thing.

Times passed so fast, time flew that fast, with the urge and willingness to give it a try.” Sister…I will give it a try” she mentioned to her sister. After a month or two. pertinent papers were prepared, ensuring that every single paper to be needed to work abroad was all ready and up to the standard.

“Hello, her sister called.” In three weeks. you might fly”.She completed.

Hurriedly she went to their Mom. Mom was preparing dinner at that time.

“Mom, will you be ok here if I will go and work abroad’.she asked with gloominess in her eyes. Her mom replied, “ My dear. if that will be beneficial and can be of great move for you, then give yourself a chance”.I will be just fine here, your siblings are just around” she said.

Days and weeks passed. The time has come. You can't imagine how painful it was for her to be away from her family, especially from her mom. To wish to return to an earlier period, she wouldn't go and fly, but it was all set, She had to go and live a life and career abroad. Her best friend too was left behind with her family to go back home and continue their everyday life without her.

The country she went to was considered to be a liberal state. People are conservative, they are generally friendly and extremely proud of their culture and heritage, easy to win the interest of the people, and easy to get along with.

A great place to live and work. Very nice people, citizens, very welcoming and warm.

After a day, she started her job and met the diversities of life in school. Many students from all walks of life, diversified colleagues, and bosses with Asian teachers too. Her first day of the venture was like a roller coaster ride. Because of her qualifications and abilities, she worked with recognition and position right away. She started as a classroom teacher Head of an English Department plus the Coordinator of Middle and Senior Sections. Rolled into one but she managed to prove her worth. Every day, she used to call her mom. Not even a day she missed out. It was always like new to be away from her mom.

Working abroad can make and break. Years passed, and after serving the school, something came up that resulted in to change in her work environment. It was not healthy anymore, Crab mentality was very rampant. It was already perennial. “ It is high time for me to go out,” she told the Directress, Maybe another better opportunity awaits outside this school, she ended.

The directress and owner herself bade goodbye and said” Maybe you will be a star, with the position in your next school “She just said..” thank you very much”

After a month, a new work environment, a new workplace. She was accepted and appointed in another school and appointed as Coordinator of Middle and Senior Sections plus being the Head of the English Department. She was very happy and proud to tell her mom everything. Giving workshops and training. speaking engagements were only some of the things she used to do. She was part also of a newspaper and magazine, left and right invitation for team building and other motivational speaking workshops plus working in an English institute as an English Coordinator. Every after 10 months, she went home for a 2-month vacation. 

News break, COVID-19 hit the countries. Fatal attack, millions of people passed away. Strict protocols, and many guidelines to follow, people can't get out. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Most people infected with the virus will experience mild to moderate ...Some are fatal and some are serious. Tick tock tick tock…..She was awakened by an alarm clock, ready for work, then ring…ring…ring… a phone call. As if the world stopped hearing her elder sister and brother on the other line that her Mom fell down and was now in the hospital. It was the most terrible and horrible news of 2021.January.What she did was cry the whole time, Her mom became ill, and still every day to calls her up…Calling her every day seems to be her daily routine, her routinary activity. Months passed, January, February March, her mom was getting worse…until April 29, she was called by an angel, and she passed away. That very time Covid was high and many people died. No flights were scheduled due to COVID effects. Reflection of thoughts for her.

If she could just turn back the time, she would have cherished every moment with her Mom. Looking back there are so many moments to wish, she could see her, hug and be with her on her last breath.

Turning back time won't fix everything, but it would give her a chance to make things right”.

January 21, 2024 10:21

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