The Perfect Fit. Soul and The Selfless Relection

Written in response to: Write about someone finding a treasure in an unexpected place.... view prompt


Christian Kids Teens & Young Adult

Just because.

Let’s imagine, looking in the mirror.



To see something different.

Just because.

Does not mean you are different. Even if you change what you look like. Cut your hair. Change your clothes. Shave your this or that. Feverishly browse the shelves of change looking for the perfect shade, the perfect color. The perfect fit. Deep down inside, if nothing changes what changes?

What is the change worth?

To you?

To come to terms.

To come to terms with the then, the now.

Entangled in a constant state of confusion over the change of the change. The reminder of the reminder. That was then this is now.

Addiction Affliction.


Affliction Addiction.

Change one in order.


Change one in order to change the other?

Or. To change the other.

Heavy sigh.


Who pushes the button?

Which came first the chicken or the egg.

We’ve come so far and yet we remain stuck in the past.


The proof is in the pudding.

The proof is in the whisky.

The proof is in the whiskey.

The proof is really in those that.


Memories that survive our physical death may or can be the drivers of our existence. In some cases, the DMV and the drivers and the manipulators of a Here-To-There existence. Perhaps for some. Pity their path. Pity them as well. No way to live. No way to die.

It is super duper easy to look within and see only the good. It is super duper easy to look deeper and see the bad. It is near to impossible to deal with the lies. We tell others and ourselves.

Before we race to call the nearest Psychiatrist. Take a breath. Take a breather. Take it from me. There is a lot to be said about the,

Intangible. That which we cannot see. Cannot know. Cannot touch. The thinking.The thinking of a person says more about the thinking of a person than the person.😳😳🍺🍺🌹🌹🍰🧁

Ironic. Isn’t it. That we strive to look out best on the outside. But fail to be our best on and from the inside.

We lie to others, sometimes even to ourselves and deny or ignore the opportunity to take a personal solemn oath to be the best to selves and others. Costumes, masks aside. We lie to others. lie to ourselves.

These past thirty plus days should have been/should be an exercise in bettering our solemn oaths, but we fail.

Reminder: The giant bunny who visits next week is a symbol of a time of the year. What say you? The giant bunny visits us next week as a symbol of A New Life.

Have you exercised your innerds? The use of rabbits in Easter celebrations is an inherently pagan tradition which was co-opted by early Christians. The Easter Bunny is not necessarily Christian. Early historical editors say that rabbits are an “ancient symbol of fertility and new life” which may be why the animal became associated with Easter resurrection.(wk)

Hopped to mind. A beloved trope. The Easter Bunny hopped to mind as the symbol of New Life, Fertility and Spring. Christians weaved the Pagan symbolism of the rabbit into their Christian traditions to make the teachings of Jesus Christ more amenable to those outside the faith.

Hop to it!

Gives consumerism a whole ‘nother perspective, a whole ‘nother religion to follow, huh. To be understood as to understand is a theoism worth consultation. Before you swipe at the next teller or cashier, or other person for that matter.

The good ole’Easter Bunny has been around since the 13th century. So when the Easter Bunny says “hop to it” as in get to the change of your soul, the stuff deep inside asap, before you down the chocolate treats, the real treasure is in finding your inner


Mirror or no Mirror.

Hoping is just that. Hoping for change.

Hopping to it is. The action of the “do”.

The first place to start?

Dust yours off.

Your soul.

Seems to be you let your insides go. Took care of the outsides with the Botox-al, hair shape, buff-ness of the day. Sadly, epically failed on the inside and all the X-rays in the world may not find the cause of a fainting heart. A soulless soul.

No matter how many chin ups one does. Once again. So simple. We make it.So complicated. Forcing change upon another does nothing to take care of the change you need within youself. Your soul. All the jelly beans and chocolate that the giant Bunny may bring your way is the instant gratification buzz of the immediate moments.

Long lasting change takes time. Setbacks. And a treasure trove of soul-filled individuals who take it upon themselves to try on your shoes when they are not fitting you. Walk in them with you and come up with a perfect fit.

For you.

No blame. Placed on you.

No shame. Placed on you.

No burden. Placed on you.

No harm. Placed on you.

No guilt. Placed on you.

No humiliation. Placed on you.

No embarrassment. Placed on you.

Just space. To breathe.

And figure it out for yourself.

That you have a soul.

It has been there since you were born.

You have simply been using it the wrong way.

Addiction Affliction

Affliction Addiction.

The goal is to not pigeon-hole you into the program.

It is for you to get with the program.

So once you get “there”. You can share the best of the best of your soul with another who may be in the gunky gunk of the junk.

The next time you look into the mirror, you will not have to change a thing. The path from the there to the here (and the hear) was finally found in a treasure you were not only willing to accept, but were willing to feel you deserve, too.

Because someone took their time to take your time. And you didn’t even know it. Most importantly, now you care with the care of a careful person. Not a careless person.

Your reflection is a reflection of the treasure you found and were bestowed.

Don’t blow it.

Breathe it in, slowly and gratefully.

March 31, 2023 17:17

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