
Sandy was so glad to be home from the hospital. She was excited that she had a beautiful, healthy baby and that they had both been released to go home. Tommy walked Sandy and the baby into the house and got them settled, then he went to unload the car.

         The baby was up all night, crying uncontrollably. Sandy was exhausted and just about ready to cry herself. She begged Tommy to stay home, but he just wasn’t able to take any more time off of work. He kissed his wife and daughter, told Sandy to try and get some rest, and left for work.

         Okay, Sandy thought. I can do this. People do it every day. She poured herself a cup of coffee and the baby began to cry again. Sandy sighed, and set down her coffee. She made a bottle and picked up the baby. She sat down and fed her, then burped her. The baby dozed off and Sandy dozed right along with her – for all of about ten minutes. Then she began to cry again.

         This time she needed to be changed, so Sandy brought her to the nursery and changed her diaper and her onesie. She then picked up the baby, brought her back to the kitchen, and laid her in the bassinette. She decided that since the baby had eaten, she would make herself some breakfast. She sat down with her plate of eggs and cup of coffee. She looked over at the baby and saw that she had fallen asleep. She breathed a sigh of relief. Just then, the phone rang and the baby began shrieking.

         It was Tommy on the phone, wanting to check on them. Sandy told him that he had woke the baby. He apologized and hung up. Sandy tried to soothe the baby back to sleep, but she was having none of it. Sandy tried walking with her, to no avail. Finally, she set the screaming infant down and scraped her uneaten breakfast into the trash. She dumped her coffee down the drain. 

         Sandy decided she would try taking the baby out into the yard. She picked up her shrieking daughter and walked out into the back yard. She sat on the porch swing that Tommy had set up out back on an old swing set frame. Eventually, they both dozed off again. Sandy woke up and looked at her sleeping baby. So peaceful. She carefully got up, went in, and put the baby in the crib.

         Sandy slipped quietly out of the nursery with the baby monitor and returned to the kitchen. She was tired, but more than that she was hungry. She quickly made a sandwich and wolfed it down. Then she decided to stretch out on the couch. She felt like she had just closed her eyes when the baby started crying for another bottle.

         She swiftly mixed a bottle and picked up the infant. The baby gulped down her bottle, then let out a huge burp, then a gigantic smelly squirt in her diaper. Sandy went and changed her again, then tried putting her down, but the baby was having none of that.

         Sandy changed direction and went into the living room. She sat with the crying baby, gently rocking her until both of them fell asleep again. Sandy woke up after about an hour because the baby had wet through so now they were both warmly wet. She hated to wake the baby, but she wasn’t leaving her in wet clothes and diapers, so she carefully got up and brought her to the changing table. The baby whimpered while being changed, and Sandy shushed her calmly. 

         She took the baby back into the kitchen and made her a bottle. Back in the living room, she sat and fed the baby while humming a lullaby. The baby drifted off before finishing the bottle. The nurses had shown her to tickle the babies lips with the nipple so that she would complete her feeding, so Sandy did this and the baby woke enough to finish her bottle. Sandy carefully burped her, and since she was sleeping again, Sandy went and placed her in her crib.

         Looking at the clock, she decided to make a preemptive strike and call Tommy before he called and woke up the baby again. Tommy was thrilled to hear from her, and wanted her to tell him how her day had gone so far. She did, and ended by telling him that this was harder than she thought. Tommy told her he would pick up dinner on the way home so that she didn’t have to cook anything. They exchanged love yous and hung up.

         Sandy went back to the couch and decided to read a magazine. She dozed off. She didn’t wake up until Tommy came in with the Chinese food. While he set it all up on the table, Sandy went to check on the baby. She was still asleep. They sat and began eating. In the middle of the meal, the baby began to cry. Sandy went and changed her, then brought her to the kitchen. Tommy had made a bottle while Sandy had been changing the baby.

         Tommy took the baby and fed her. He tried to burp her, but didn’t have any luck. Sandy took her and got her to elicit a burp, then laid her in the bassinette. 

         Once dinner was done, the proud parents decided it was time to bathe the baby. They set the tub up in the sink, filled it with warm water and baby bath, then stripped the baby and gently set her down in the tub. Once she was bathed, Tommy took her to the changing table and got her dressed in some adorable little bunny pajamas. 

         Tommy told Sandy to go and take a shower and he would watch the baby. Once she was in the shower, Tommy slipped out to his car and pulled the gift his boss had given him for the baby out of the trunk. It was a baby swing. Tommy’s boss told him that a swing was a life saver when their baby was born.

         When Sandy got out of the shower, she was pleasantly surprised to see a baby swing in the living room. The baby was in it, gently swinging and wide awake. Sandy and Tommy sat and watched most of a movie until the baby needed another bottle. Tommy went and made the bottle. They finished the movie while the baby ate. Tommy then burped and changed her, and they both watched over her until she drifted off to sleep.

         With the baby soundly sleeping, they decided they had better get some sleep, as well. Before they fell asleep, Sandy told Tommy that it had really been a great day once she got the hang of things. They kissed and went to sleep.

August 24, 2020 22:38

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