Finding Kyra

Submitted into Contest #262 in response to: Write about a character who is allergic to heat.... view prompt

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Teens & Young Adult Friendship Inspirational

Staring out the window admiring the flowers in bloom that enveloped the dogwood trees, Kyra dreamed of what life could be like if only she wasn’t ill. Safe inside the sanctuary her parents had created for her, she allowed her mind to wander. What adventures would she go on? The feeling of the ocean crashing around her as she paddled her way through its watery maze. The creatures she would encounter as she deep sea dived off the coast of Australia. Would she see a bottlenose dolphin jump playfully towards the sky or would she encounter a giant sea turtle soaring majestically through the colorful reef? To be one with nature was her dream. She had always been particularly enamored by the ocean and its marine inhabitants. There was such grace, beauty, and freedom found within the ocean. A sadness washed over her as she thought about her reality; she would never be able to experience this in her current state. 

Since the onset of her illness, each passing day tore a sliver of hope from Kyra. Every sunset pushed her dreams of the future that she so desperately desired, further from her grasp. Countless doctors appointments had given her more questions than answers. Despite her body fighting against her, the doctors were still unsure of the cause of her mysterious affliction that began ten years ago. The only certainty they had was that she was undoubtedly allergic to the heat that accompanied sun exposure. Whenever the outside temperature rose above sixty degrees, she was at risk of a total shutdown. It all began when she was just a child. A summer spent on the beaches of South Carolina proved too much for little Kyra Wedgewood. At just eight years old, Kyra’s life was turned upside down. This was the first time her body had experienced a complete overload. Gasping for air, Kyra convulsed on the sandy beach, as her parents screamed for help. The audible gasps of horror from the onlookers pierced through the calm of the waves. The arrival of the paramedics was just the beginning of a relentless cycle of ambulatory escorts to the hospital. It was the start of a life stuck inside the looking glass. 

Startled by the sound of her mother’s voice, Kyra returned to the present. Regardless of the best efforts to keep Kyra safe and comfortable, discontent was sowing. 

“Hi, my dear girl. How are you feeling?”

“It’s a beautiful sunset. If only I could feel the warmth upon my skin.”

Evelyn Wedgewood gazed into her daughter’s eyes with the deepest compassion. It broke her heart to know that pain radiated throughout her daughter’s veins. She would’ve given anything to change Kyra’s fate but alas, it wasn’t up to her. 

“I know and I have some news to share. Your father and I have been talking and we think it’s time for a change. You are eighteen now and you deserve to experience a life beyond these walls. You’ve spent every moment inside without the possibility of living a life free from these constraints. It’s time for you to explore what life could be like.”

Krya stared blankly at her mother, unwilling to allow herself to give in to any other option. It was one thing to daydream about a different life, it was another to think it was a real possibility.

“It’s just not possible. It’s too dangerous. You, Dad, and all of my doctors have made that abundantly clear.”

Evelyn let out a slight sigh. She desperately wanted her daughter to dream bigger than the life she had grown accustomed to. Despite this, she was well aware of the part she played in keeping her daughter safe and the turmoil that it caused.

“That’s what I need to discuss with you. There is a research program in Alaska that is being funded by your father’s company. It is a six month program that will be studying marine life. Your father was able to secure a spot for you as an intern. You will be living with other interns, as well as the team of researchers. Your father and I have also arranged for a team of doctors to be onboard for your care. This will be an opportunity for you to experience life amongst your peers while pursuing your passion for marine life. We hope that this will be a life-changing journey for you. You deserve a chance at happiness that exists beyond this home.”

There was a twinkle in Kyra’s big brown eyes. A spark of life that had been dimmed for so long. For the first time in a very long time, Kyra felt excitement, and a little bit of fear, but mostly pure, unfiltered excitement. 

“No freaking way!” she exclaimed as a smile as big as the sun spread across her face.

Kyra rushed towards her mother and hugged her as tight as she could. Suddenly overcome by emotions, tears streamed from her eyes. Evelyn wiped the tears from her face and tucked the sandy blonde locks behind her daughter’s ears. In her heart, she knew this was exactly what needed to be done, even though it meant sending Kyra out into the world. 


Two months had passed since Evelyn told Kyra about the internship. Today was the day she would be embarking on a new adventure. Kyra donned her protective suit as she prepared to leave the safety of her home and travel to Alaska. It was imperative for her health that she wore the protective gear while she was outside. Even with the suit, she still had to move quickly when in a direct path of the sun. Her body was too reactive and her doctors feared what any exposure might do. There was still so much they didn’t understand about her condition. 

I’m doing this. I’m really doing this. She breathed in and out slowly, trying to calm her nerves. As she gathered up her belongings, Kyra took one last look around her room. She was letting go of what was to march towards an uncertain future. Albeit, a future that is full of wonder and possibilities. This was all the motivation she needed to let go. With one last glance, she shut the door to her safehouse.

The drive to the plane was eerily quiet. The only sound came from Kyra’s mother nervously tapping her foot as they darted through the streets. 

“Mom, it’s going to be fine. I’m going to be fine. You don’t have to worry.”

“Of course I’m worried. I’m your mother and I’m supposed to protect you.”

Kyra placed her gloved hand upon her mother’s hands. 

“This is a good thing. You and Dad wanted this for me. You’ve taken all of the precautions to make sure that I am as safe as possible. I have to start having adventures. You said so yourself. I promise I will call as often as possible. Dad has arranged for my medical care team to be in constant contact with you both. You have to let me live my life.”

“I know and you’re right. I wish your father would have been here with us today. He’s always off traveling. It’s hard doing this without him.”

“Don’t be upset with him. Without his job, I don’t know if this would have even been possible. Try to cut him some slack. I spoke with him on the phone this morning. He said he is going to fly you and him to Alaska in a few months when we are not at sea. It would be amazing to have time together as a family outside of our home.”

“Of course. That will be lovely. I just want you to be happy.”

“I am. You should take your own advice. Do something amazing while I’m away. Take up a hobby that you’ve been ignoring. Go on an epic tropical vacation and send me all of the photos. You need to live your life too!”

Kyra’s newfound zest for life was refreshing. Her enthusiasm was contagious. Evelyn smiled at her daughter, feeling the joy that was emanating from her. It was hard not to also be happy at that moment. 

“Perhaps I will do just that.”

Before Kyra could respond, their driver informed them that they had reached the airstrip. It was time for Kyra to say goodbye to her mother and join her medical care team aboard the private jet. 

“Be safe and have the best time. I love you so much. If you need anything at all, just say the word. I am always here for you,” Evelyn choked out the words as the tears welled in her eyes. She wanted to be brave for her daughter.

“I love you too. I am going to be just fine. Thank you again for making this happen. I will see you soon.”

With that, Kyra Wedgewood boarded the plane and took a leap of faith. In her mind, there was no turning back. Her destiny awaits. 

Hours had passed before she was awoken by one of her doctors. It was Dr. Blakely, a friendly, thirty year old woman with kind eyes. She gently placed her hand upon Kyra’s shoulder and softly said her name. Kyra opened her eyes and asked, “Are we in Alaska?”.

“No, not yet but we are in Canada. It is safe for you to remove your protective suit now. The flight attendant will be by shortly with a meal for you. It is important that you eat something to keep your body nourished.”

“Thanks, Dr. Blakely. This suit can be rather annoying but I get why I need it. I am so ready for food. I could go for some french fries right about now!”

“Well, you’re welcome. I don’t know about french fries but a baked potato with steamed vegetables is in your future.”

“Can I at least have cheese and sour cream?”

“I think we can make that happen,” Dr. Blakely answered with a smile. 


As the plane made its descent, Seward, Alaska welcomed Kyra and the team to its winter wonderland. Gazing at the snow covered mountains nestled amongst the icy blue glacial waters, Kyra’s eyes widened with anticipation. This was going to be her home for the next six months. This marvelous snow filled paradise was the escape she so desperately needed. She didn’t care that she would need to be bundled in clothing anytime she braved the elements. It was far better than being sheltered in a home with the only respite requiring her to don a protective suit to go to doctors’ appointments. This was her chance to feel the wind swirling around her. This was her chance to run freely and jump into a pile of snow. This was her chance to feel alive. She was determined to not waste a single moment of it. 

Following her team, she disembarked the plane and traveled to the research housing. It was a comfortable setup in the heart of the village. Kyra received a warm welcome from her fellow interns and the entire research staff. For the first time, Kyra felt like she belonged. This was her community. This is where she would embrace the foundation of life; connection. 

As the months rolled on, Dr. Blakely turned out to be a formidable ally for Kyra. She encouraged her to embrace her environment. While the other doctors fretted over Kyra and the potential complications that could arise from her daily routine, Dr. Blakely took a more care-free approach. This should not be mistaken for carelessness, it most definitely wasn’t. She understood how mental health was just as important as physical health. In doing so, it was waking up a part of Kyra that had remained dormant for many years.  Kyra’s vitals were strong, stronger than they had ever been when she was at her home in South Carolina.  This environment seemed to have a positive impact on her overall health. Gone was the weak and frail teenager, having been replaced by a strong, independent young woman. Kyra Wedgewood was thriving in the Alaskan frontier. Her dreams of studying marine life had come true. Each day brought new experiences. The sight of a whale breaching the water still took her breath away. She loved her new life and never wanted it to go away. 

Inevitably, today was the day that her parents would be arriving to take her back to hot and sunny South Carolina. Every fiber in her being dreaded the thought of it. She loved her parents and missed them dearly but she did not miss the life that awaited her return. A life spent indoors shielding her from the sun and the complications that arose from being allergic to the sun’s heat. Emboldened by her new found confidence and the encouragement from Dr. Blakely, Kyra decided to stay in Alaska indefinitely. The research team had offered to extend her internship and put her in contact with a university program that would give her credit for her internship while she completed an online degree course for marine biology. If only she could muster the courage to tell her parents. 

“Kyra, might I have a word?”, Dr. Blakely interrupted Kyra’s thoughts. 

“Yes, that’s no problem. Is there something wrong?” A look of concern washed across Kyra’s face.

“No, nothing is wrong. I have some news I’d like to share with you.”

Kyra looked on patiently and motioned for Dr. Blakely to have a seat.

“I know today is your last day here and that has been troubling you. I want you to know that you have my full support in whatever you decide to do. From a purely medical perspective, you have made vast improvements during your time here. It is quite miraculous really. Returning to a much warmer climate may once again find you facing adverse reactions. You must prepare yourself for this reality. You will need to keep up on your medical care. Do not miss any appointments and you should consider a weekly teletherapy care routine. After living mostly independent for six months, living once again very sheltered and dependent on others will likely be a difficult transition. This brings me to my next point. I have very much enjoyed watching you grow through the years and helping with your medical care. However, these past six months have also shown me a different way. I have been offered a position here as the lead doctor. I have accepted it and will not be returning to South Carolina. I understand that this might be concerning for you but I assure you, you will be well looked after by the other members of your care team. I hope you can understand why I am electing to stay.”

It was as if a sign from above had shone upon her. Kyra had been so conflicted about her desire to stay in Seward, Alaska. Hearing Dr. Blakely’s words were exactly what she needed to encourage her to be brave. 

“You don’t know how relieved I am!” Kyra exclaimed. 

Taken aback, Dr. Blakely was unsure of how to respond.

“Not in a bad way! Sorry that came out wrong. I’m relieved because I needed a sign for me to stay. I don’t want to go back to South Carolina but I know my parents won’t like the idea of me staying here. BUT if you are staying, they will be less likely to give me a hard time. This is the BEST NEWS EVER! I am going to tell them as soon as they arrive.”

“I will be right there with you every step of the way. You, Kyra, are like the little sister I always wanted.” 

Both women laughed with excitement and joy. This was the beginning of the next chapter of their lives. A bond forged from an unexplainable illness that turned into the sisterhood that they both never knew they needed. Together they would conquer the unknown. 

With immense love and gratitude in her heart, Kyra Wedgewood set her path forward with a sense of knowing that those she loved would always be with her. No amount of time or distance could change that. Awakened to the connection of the energy of the Earth, Kyra had finally found herself. 

August 08, 2024 19:28

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1 comment

Rebecca Hurst
20:44 Aug 15, 2024

That's a really great story, Angela. Keep it up!


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