
                               NOBODY LOVES BABS.

         Bab’s worked in a cake shop, her hair hung lank and greasy over her shoulders, the overall she wore was two sizes too small. Her black plimsolls had flour on them from the day before. Bab’s preferred to work in the bakery behind the shop where no one could see her.                                                                                                        

 She felt that her life was a mess having given up hope of meeting a boy at eighteen now at twenty-five she felt like thirty- five. Knowing that, her friends Barbie and Mandy only asked her out to the local pub because they felt sorry for her, many time’s Bab’s had made an excuse and gone straight home. Her mother would often say, “What no date tonight?

      Deep in thought Bab’s did not hear Mickey Malone enter the bakery, He was tall blonde with blue eyes. Why should he show an interest in Bab’s? She hoped that he would pick up his tray of bread and go on his round.

    “Try to smile, why don’t you?”

    “Is it any of your business?”

    “Only being polite love.”

     “Well don’t.”

    The task was going to harder than Mick had anticipated, his mates had bet him thirty pounds that Bab’s was one girl that he would not date. Sitting on the wall outside Mitchel’s Bakery Mick viewed his options. The door to the bakery shut at 5.30pm. Mick grabbed Bab’s around the waist as she walked by.

“Come on let’s go for a drink,” He said. 

   After the shock and surprize had worn off Bab’s found that sitting in the Fox and Goose pub with Mick wasn’t so bad. He seemed to be interested in what she had to say. Another lager and lime later, Mick

 noticed, that without the awful glasses, Bab’s had nice eyes. If she lost a few pounds from around the hips and dressed more modern he could really like her. The thirty- pound bet with Eric and Ernie Potts did not matter anymore.

    Mick the charmer had found his Cinderella and over the coming months Bab’s confidence had grown. She went shopping with Mike to choose more modern clothes He would say, “Go on love try that one on” pointing to a cowl neck sweater or a dress that she liked. Often, he would pay for the items if Bab’s was short of cash. She enjoyed being seen with him on trips to the cinema, ice rink and gym. Most people were happy for Mick and Bab’s. Her mates, cousins and close family had remarked at the change Bab’s. Babs thought of Mick as her Prince Charming.

   The relationship with Mick had developed so that they saw each other on a regular basis they found that they had a lot in common now Bab’s had become so confident she was not afraid to meet her friends for the odd night out. She had become d better at expressing her feelings to others since meeting Mick. Unfortunately, the day had come when Beverley the wicked witch full of jealousy, had decided to visit the bakery Bab’s had finished serving a serving customer with a loaf of bread. When Beverly had entered the bakery cake shop, 

 “So, you’re the thirty- pound bet.”

  ” What!” said Bab’s looking surprized.”

   “The reason Mick threw me over, for some overweight tart in an overall. I had to come and see for myself; it was meant as a joke love. It seems that his decided to stay with you.” With that Beverly swung her mane of red hair and left the shop.

Bab’s was shocked at Beverly’s outburst and the way she had looked at her with those green eyes. Bab’s had lost weight and had her hair tinted brown with honey high lights, she now wore contact lenses. When she saw Mick after work, she did not invite him in the front door instead she handed him an envelope with thirty pounds in.

  “What’s this, I can explain.”

   “Please, Bab’s let me explain it wasn’t all an act. Once I got to know you, I really liked you. I just thought that I would never fall you?”

“Maybe if you had been honest with me, from the beginning about you little wager and about Beverly. Now please remove yourself from the door your causing a scene.”

    Bab’s looked in the mirror at her reflection; tears welled up in her eyes, just as well that her parents were out visiting her sister. There would be other encounters now that she had more confidence and lost weight. If only Mick would take his hook and stop standing outside the house. Mick felt in his jacket pocket the last few months with Bab’s had been remarkable, looking at the small diamond eternity ring he knew that Bab’s would not take him back. It was all down to his male ego. Tomorrow he would give the thirty pounds to charity he did not need it.

Babs had become the love of his life. She was genuine, honest and truthful and fun to be with, it was his loss. He had felt happy and proud to be seen out with Bab’s.

 He had played the field and lost the one important person in his life. Who was so much better than him she had morals and had expected him to be open and honest with her. If only he had been , He had grown to love her afraid to tell her about the bet. Now he had been caught out good and proper.

It would be a long time before he started dating again. Babs had truly knocked him for a six finishing with him. Usually it had been him who ended the relationship not the woman. Now he felt like a fox with his tail between his legs. Caught out at his own game and every one would know about it at work and in the pub. Until a new topic of conversation came along. Babs was right he was not worthy of her. Everyone would think that it served him right, He would not find another Babs.

July 19, 2024 20:28

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Tisheia Frazier
11:10 Jul 28, 2024

In my opinion the twist started a little early in the story. Perhaps if you had waited until the end it would have been unexpected. Good read overall!


Christine LW
18:15 Jul 28, 2024

Thankiñg youx


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