First And... Last

Submitted into Contest #237 in response to: Write a story about a first or last kiss.... view prompt

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Fiction Drama Romance

      She smoothed down her dress and checked her lipstick in the car mirror. Tonight was the night; it was the third date with Darren, and she really liked him. She fixed a flyaway hair, pinning it back into place, heaved a large sigh and started walking toward the restaurant.

           The restaurant was on the fancier side, with private rooms instead of open seating. The hostess standing the in the entrance way was dressing in a lovely black dress that skimmed the floor. She held up a tablet computer and looked more fitting to a ball than working at a restaurant.

           “Good evening.” Her voice floated through the air, “You must be Ms. Rose.”

           Rose tried her best to not let her shock appear on her face. What must Darren have told her for her to be recognized instantly?

           “Yes, um, I guess he’s here already?”

           “Of course, dear, he’s been here for a while. We’ve been waiting for you.” Her smile was warm and friendly as she turned towards the hallway extending behind her. Rose couldn’t help but smile back and follow along.

           They entered a small room with a table in the center that had been set for two. Darren stood as they entered and moved closer to take her hand.

           “You look lovely, dear.” He smiled and placed a kiss on her cheek.

           “Thank you.” Rose could feel her face getting red as they separated.

           The hostess back up toward the door, “I’ll leave you two alone. Your server will be with you in a minute.”

           The two of them nodded at her, and Darren pulled out Rose’s chair as the hostess left the room.

           “I can’t wait for later tonight.” Darren leaned against the back of her chair, his breath ghosting along Rose’s neck. “It’s all I’ve been thinking about all week.”

           “Me too.” Rose whispered as a shiver ran down her spine.

           If she was being honest with herself, she was nervous for tonight. Her mother had always advised her to have the three-date rule. If she couldn’t be around a man for three dates, then she had no business kissing him or going any further with him. So far that had held true, as no one had ever made it to a third date, normally after the second Rose would find some reason to not go out again.

However, with Darren, Rose felt safe he always listened to her random thoughts, he would spend hours on the phone talking or texting. She never felt bored with him and couldn’t find anything wrong with him. And she had tried too. He was perfect, and so there was a part of her that was looking forward to having her first kiss with him tonight.

Darren had settled into his chair and placed a menu in front of her. “The chicken salad is normally good here.” He said perusing his own menu.

“You’ve been here before?” Rose looked up at him, she thought he had said they were trying out a new place.

           “Oh, I meant that I had heard that, from a friend who’s been here before.”

           Rose nodded and looked down at the menu. It was a fancy enough place that the prices weren't printed next to the meals. There were plenty of steaks, burgers, soups, and salads listed out, each one sounding just as good.

           “So, are you going to get the salad…or…” Darren’s voice trailed off.

           She hadn’t planned on getting the salad; however, it seemed that Darren was really wanting to her to try it. “Yeah, sure, a salad sounds amazing.”

           A knock on the door stopped her from questioning him. “Hello, are you two ready to order?” The server poked her head in.

           “Yes, Lara, she’ll have the chicken salad, and I’ll have your 6oz steak, medium rare with a side of potato fries. Can we also get a bottle of wine, surprise me with something red.”

           “You got it, Sir. I’ll get that right out to you.” The server closed the door, and they were alone again.

           Rose was just getting more and more confused. “How did you know her name?”

           Darren laughed, “What’s with all the questions tonight? You normally aren’t this curious.”

           “I- I don’t know. Just want to know.” She shrugged.

           He smiled and shook his head, “If you must know, she had a name tag on.”

           Rose hadn’t remembered seeing a name tag, however, maybe he was able to see it from his vantage point.

           “And you just trust her to bring you a bottle of wine? Which you’ve never mentioned liking to drink before.”

           "Gosh, Rose, you don’t know everything about me. After all this is only the third date. Now, why don’t you tell me about your day?” He reached across the table, took her hand, and placed a kiss on her fingertips.

           Rose shook her head, maybe she was just going crazy. She launched into a story about what she had gotten up to that day. He listened attentively, drawing small shapes on her palm and forearm and she talked.

           Eventually, Lara returned with their food and wine. “I brought a bottle of the vintage you enjoyed last time.”

           “Last time?” Rose asked quietly.

           Lara and Darren exchanged looks, “Oh, I’m sorry, I must be confusing you with someone else.” Lara started backing up.

           “Yes, yes, that must be it.” Darren said, taking a sip of his wine.

           Rose was starting to put the pieces together. This wasn’t his first time her, in fact it sounded like Darren came here all the time, with several different women.

           Her heart was beating so loud she swore it was about to beat out of her chest and land on the table.

           “But I thought you hadn’t come here before. I thought you-” loved me.     

           “There you go.” He interrupted, throwing down his fork and knife that he had picked up to start eating while she had been processing things.

           “You thought. That’s your problem Rose, you just keep thinking and never about anything important.”

           All of a sudden, she could tell that he hadn’t been smiling at her all this time but smirking at her. It was as if a veil had been lifted from her eyes and she could see the coldness in his. Rose wondered how long it had been there and she’d been blind to it.

           “Did you ever even like me?” Rose whispered.

           “Oh darling, you ask that as if there was anything likable about you.” He moved around the table and crouched next to her. Putting two fingers under her chin, he tilted her face toward him. He placed a kiss on her lips. “There now you’ve gotten what you’ve really wanted. A first kiss.”

           Nausea rolled through her. And her last. 

February 16, 2024 23:42

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1 comment

23:06 Feb 21, 2024

Hi Kate, hello from the critique circle! 👋 I've had the chance to dive into your story, and I wanted to share some thoughts with you. The setting you've chosen and your descriptive details, like the ambiance of the restaurant, really set the stage for the unfolding drama. There are some minor typos, so another edit would add value and make it more polished. For instance: "The hostess standing the in the entrance way was dressing in a lovely black dress that skimmed the floor." There's a stray 'the', and it should be 'dressed' not 'dressi...


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