Submitted into Contest #249 in response to: Write a story about a character driving and getting lost.... view prompt


Mystery Suspense

Sometime ago, I left my home. I left my town. I left everything I knew and for what. I thought I had everything planned out. I was wrong. I was so very wrong.

I don't know where I am. I've lost my sense of direction. I left heading north towards the big city and somewhere along the way I made a wrong turn.

I can't find where I am on my map and neither can my GPS. I'm coming up blank. I look at my map again trying to find my location but I can't. My GPS is saying location not found.

I'm getting scared. I'm all alone. The sun is setting and I'm stuck without a town to go to. Tears of frustration begin to come down my face.

Night is upon me. I have to admit one thing. The night sky is beautiful. There are so many stars. Too many to count.

I can't stay on this deserted road for much longer. I watched enough scary movies to know what happens to young women on deserted roads. I start my car and keep driving.

I try looking for any signs. The road is too dark to see anything. I continue on. I try to pass the time by playing music. It's getting super late.

I need to find a hotel. My eyes can't stay open any longer. I've been on the road for hours. Damn! Where did I go wrong?

I tired to back track my movements but every time I do, I get lost to the point that I can't find my location.

It's already three in the morning and still no sign of a town. I keep looking out to see if I spot any signs. Then something catches my eye.

That's a light coming from the distance. I hope to God that's a town. I follow the light. Please let that be a town.

The light is getting brighter and brighter. I see my first sign. Apex Grove one mile. Yes, I finally found a town.

I made it to the town of Apex Grove. The lights are gone. That's weird. Anyways, this is just a one-way pit stop. Tomorrow, I have to find my way back to the main road.

Apex Grove hotel is up ahead. I drive up to the hotel and into the parking lot. Not many people are here. In fact, I don't see many places of business.

I find that very odd and a bit scary. This is the first town I found in a long time. I can't be picky. I need plenty of rest.

I get out of my car and grab my belongings. I walk to the hotel and open the door. I walk in and ask for a room for the night.

The hotel clerk looks at me and gives me a sinister smile. Breath Asja. I paid for the room, grab the room key and quickly leave.

I walk to my room which is just around the corner. I open the door and enter. I turn on the light. Nice room. I put my bag on the bed and open it. I take out my pajamas.

I take a quick shower and hop into bed. Sleep at last. I close my eyes. Hours later a humming noise wakes me up. I go to the window and open the blinds. The light I saw on the road is back.

The lights are on again. What are those lights for? I watch. In an instant the lights are off. This is so strange. Apex Grove is strange.

Oh shit! The clerk saw me. I quickly close the blinds. I hear footsteps. The clerk is outside my room. I can literally hear him breathing.

I quickly hop into bed and close my eyes. I need to get out of Apex Grove as fast as possible. This town is giving me the creeps.

It's bright and sunny the next morning. I get up and quickly get dress. I pack my belongings and leave. I walk to the front office and check-out.

"Did you have a nice stay with us?" Even his voice gives me the creeps. I simply nod. I drop the room key on the counter and leave.

I rush to my car, open the door and get in. The hotel clerk follows me outside. He's looking at me. I turn my car on and speed away. I'm glad it's morning. The sun looks beautiful.

I see more of Apex Grove. It's a town that does not have a lot to offer. So far I only saw the hotel and a diner. Nothing more. It creeps the hell out of me. Where did the lights come from?

I leave the same way I came. I hope during the day light I can retrace my movements. Apex Grove is behind me. So, where did I make the wrong turn?

I keep driving making multiple turns. I keep getting lost. I stop my car on the side road. I look at my map. Nothing, I still can't find my location. I look at the GPS, location not found.

Where the hell am I? I get back on the road. Once again, I keep driving and driving not knowing where I'm going. It was light now it's dark again.

I don't know how long I've been driving. I feel like I just got on the road no more than ten minutes ago. What is happening to me?

Yet again I'm all alone on a dark deserted road. There is nothing around me just the darkness. I can't believe this is happening.

I guess I got to keep driving. I once again look for any signs. One catches my eye. Apex Grove one mile.

That can't be. I just left Apex Grove. I see something. Oh no! It's same light I saw. Shit! I can't go back to Apex Grove.

I stop my car and make a U-turn. I speed away from the light. What does the sign say? Apex Grove one mile.

I stop my car. I make another U-turn. Apex Grove one mile. Damn it! What the hell is going on? The lights are above me. I speed away from the light. The light is following me.

Think Asja. There is only one thing to do. I'm gong back to Apex Grove. I drive as fast as I can. I'm back in Apex Grove.

I remember seeing the hotel clerk coming from across the street from the hotel. Shit! The clerk is coming. I back my car to the side of the hotel. I watch the clerk. He's going across the street.

I get out of my car and follow him. Slowly and quietly, I follow the hotel clerk. I follow him to where the lights are coming from. Wow, there's a huge tower.

I duck behind a car. Wait a minute. This car looks familiar. I look around. There are so many cars. Some of them look familiar but one catches my eye.

A 2011 Red Honda Civic plate number KYL2214. That's my cousin's Tasha's car. She went missing over three years ago. No trace of Tasha has ever been found.

I crawl to Tasha's car. I see nothing inside. I hear voices. I look up. There is the hotel clerk and a bunch of strange looking people. What are they doing?

They are going to the tower where the lights come from. That must be the source of their power. I can't end up missing like my cousin and the rest of the poor unfortunate people.

I think I figured out how to destroy the tower. I'm so sorry Tasha and the rest of the missing. I have no choice but to destroy the tower. The coast is clear. I make my move.

I make my way to the tower. I look behind me. No one is there. I open the control panel and pull out the wires with my knife I cut each wire. Then I take out my water bottle and throw it at the control panel.

I run back to my car, get in and speed away. I look through the mirror. I see the clerk and the strange looking people running to the tower. They look very angry. I continue to speed away. I see a change happening in the landscape and my GPS is finally working. I make my way to the main road. I breath a sigh of relief.

May 08, 2024 20:46

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