Part four.
My sister said it was to much for her to look after me with her two boys. So she put me back into the hospital. As I began my recovery I started to make friends that were more crazy than me. We would do group activities like yoga of course I just watched and watching shows on the tv. It was cold inside this hospital/rehabilitation centre. I just wanted to go outside. They put my dose of pain relief higher. This wheelchair is stupid. It never does what I want it to do. Right now I am still on suicide watch. I wonder why I can't bloody move without the nurse being up my ass 24 fucking 7!
I hate this place my friends were allowed to go outside but I wasn't. One of the older men would scream at you if you changed the channel on the tv. He was deaf and it had to be as loud as it could go. I could hear it from my room.
My best friend here was a man in his early thirties he claimed to be jack frost. The character that paints pretty pictures with snow and fog on your windows. In winter. He also claimed to have magic powers but they didn't work here.
He was from the land of the Vikings he could freeze things just by breathing on objects or people. Always wore blue and white always wearing a hoody because he was so afraid that people in here would know about his powers, he was sure that someone had stolen them. His eyes were a bright blue he was as white as snow. He said he could cause frostbite and that he was immortal and was three hundred years old.
I liked to listen to his stories. As I looked out the window I could see the courtyard and the blue sky just wishing I could go out there. I thought about my husband being in gaol. I thought about my old best friend and if she was okay. But apart of me said fuck them. The other half said help them.
They diagnosed me with schizophrenia. Because I kept hallucinating when they put me in this stupid hospital bed. But at least I had friends here I guess. I'm grateful for them . There was this girl and her name was moonshine. But moonshine was a fake name I didn't know what her real name was. She had rainbow hair and she believed that she was the rainbow goddess. Her hair would change colour if she was sad or happy or angry. But that didn't happen here it's like their magic just didn't exist.
To a point I believed jack frost and moonshine. It was a get away from the things in my head. Moonshine could also read my mind she was an empath. So she could feel my feelings just by looking in my eyes deeply. But her powers wouldn't work here. I hope to see them when I get out so I can take advantage of their powers And actually have good people to hang out with.
There was also a boy in his early thirties that had a half burnt face. On one side his face was okay with a beautiful blue eye and pale skin, and white hair. The other part of his face was burnt he explained that his father used to beat him and his father would use his own powers to burn him the god of fire in his eyes. He had a red eye on the other half you could only see his teeth they were black to. He had bags underneath his eyes as well as two black eyes. Apparently with one side he could start and end fires with the crazy hot weather and on the other side his face was normal he could create and end rain. But his powers were also blocked.
It was time for music class I wheeled myself to the room that read 102 music. They had stoked up on instruments to play and had a list of songs. Everyone began to sing but I sat there in my corner I didn't want to participate I didn't have any experience. I just liked to put my headphones on and zone out. When I had my headphones on they all knew that I was ignoring the world. I had little movement left in my arm and it hurt a lot when I tried to do things but I pushed myself. I pushed myself so hard every task was difficult but this was my life now. Apart of me thinks I should have died that day that I jumped.
Suddenly the alarms started to go off. Everyone's words were what the fuck? We had to line up at the evacuation point. Hospital staff saying this is not a drill. Jack thought fuck this is not a drill. Wondering if he could be any help using his powers. But his powers where stuck. So where the others like a magical free forcefield that was in and around the hospital.
It had come to my attention that this was serious but we all couldn't see anything that was going on as I was in my wheel chair and we were standing at the back of the line. Elderly patients are still stuck inside. Along with tube feed people and babies. Not enough nurses to cover every body. We were all in panic mode. Waiting for an order that was made for every one to follow. Everybody just dropped and ran outside. The fresh air was good but not with these events. We heard a lot of loud bangs that sounded like explosions.
It sounded like they were coming from the first floor. Then it started to smoke. Everyone was screaming while watching it starting to burn. You could hear the patients scream and babies crying. Fuck why isn't anyone doing anything.
The first fire truck arrived followed by the hole unit. They got out their massive hoses and started shooting the water where the smoke was coming from. Our hole world was in darkness from the fire in the clouds.
Part five.
Angels found.
Everyone was holding hands with each other we were all scared the fireman had put the fires out. Unfortunately some angels found their way to heaven. One baby passed away from smoke inhalation. Three mothers that desperately tried to get to their babies. Four men that had cancer and three nurses. All on the bottom floor.
We had been standing at the evacuation point for hours. Not knowing what would happen next.
I had no legs because I didn't have time to put my prosthetic legs on. Just two little stumps. The sky was still eerily black with a tone of orange. Everyone was tired some people threw their guts up.
Some wet themselves. Or had psychotic episodes.
Still waiting to be told what the next move was I was wondering if we could ever go back inside. It's unknown why the explosions started but an investigation emerged. Flowers and cards sent out to the families that lost someone in the fires.
The security guards surrounded the premises. Day in day out. No sleep twelve hour shifts. May we thank them. The police finally showed up call after call! Then the ambulances came running in as our equipment was gone. We watched all of them go inside once the blaze was down they dragged all the other people out one by one. Then ventured down to the first floor to see if they could find any clues. They found empty bomb boxes next to the power generators. Thinking this was something someone did on purpose.
Who would want revenge that bad to hurt someone. Inhumane! Coward. We later found out that the bomb wasn't for the people it was for a nurse but she cannot be blamed or identified for that matter. The media showed up. It was on the breaking news channel. The hole town paid the respects for the loved ones losses. They put flowers at the doors of the hospital. Honestly I'm lucky that I got out in time. I'm lucky that jack helped me into my wheelchair and made sure that I could get outside.
Jack went up to the window on the bottom floor and he said that it looked horrible. Everything was signed to ash's. The smell was horrendous. It was still dark so jack decided to run. After saying good bye to me. With the nurses and officers being amused with others. He ran for the hills and I never saw him again. Although when we were able to go back inside I could see little snow flakes patterns on my windows. I thought of him. I had never seen someone run so fast. Like lightning. One flash and he was gone.
The boy that had two different faces asked me if I was okay. I said yes with tears in my eyes. He gave me a hug. I wish I could've had my powers the people wouldn't be dead and everyone would have been okay. I feel like this is my fault. He sobbed. We haven't eaten since the night before last. As there were no vending machines available because the power went out when the bombs went off. The kitchen was closed. There just simply wasn't enough staff to feed everyone and look after them at the same time.
The next town generously sent their officers and nurses to help. I was sad that I didn't have jack. I wondered how he was going or if the police got him or someone worse. Using him for his powers just like he said. I wondered if he was reunited with his frost family and friends which had the same power as him together they could save the world.
The rainbow girl was still here I could see her from a mile away with her bright hair and bright clothes. I rolled towards her to see if she wanted company. We chatted for hours until dinner was served. They just ended up getting pizza for everybody. We all sat outside on the grass and ate it. Two pieces each. We had dinner together and chatted about the damage that had been done.
I told her about jack running away. She sobbed. But quickly got over it. We chatted about why we were both here. Her story was moving. Her parents passed away and she had to fend for herself at the age of ten. She called herself a fairy. She said she usually had wings. But they vanished when she got here. Strangely there's three people who couldn't use their powers on the inside. We could see now that the fire had been put out completely. The smoke still filled up the air.
The nurses noticed that jack had gone. I saw him running. That's all I said. They were counting pairs now. I paired it with moonshine the rainbow fairy. She wouldn't let anybody call her by her real name and I didn't ask.
Everyone was there except the people that were on the bottom floor. It was so heart breaking.
As they put us back in our rooms one by one nervously counting most nurses were sobbing too scared to be here. Connecting everyone up to their wires. I had a colonoscopy bag attached to my arm. I missed jack so much. Still wondering where he could have gone or if his powers came back. If anyone deserves a second chance it's jack.
I remember him telling me a story that involved the reason as to why he was here. His dad belted him daily one day while his dad was sleeping he froze him. So he couldn't breathe he died in the frost. With a beaten face he left home and he promised himself that he would never go back there. The hospital and the police chased him down. Because they thought jack killed him which he did. His time here was for transitioning into a permanent cell in the depths of the Forrest of his home town.
So it's understandable why he just ran like a lightning bolt. My guess is that his somewhere off the grid creates cold everywhere he goes. Not being able to help it. He hated who he was. But he was brought up in a place where freezing people was normal. The coroner and the investigators said that he had been frozen for months before they found him in his bed with frost bite starting from his feet all the way up to his finger tips.
After months of searching for him the police found him and sectioned him into the mental hospital. Paintings with frost on my window happened every night there was a new one. My favourite was the love hearts. He helped my recovery. I thank him for that.
But now I have a moonshine the rainbow fairy and a boy with a burnt face that were my friends here. After coming back in from the fires something didn't feel right. I just couldn't shake something wrong somewhere.
Part of me thought it might be Chealsea my old best friend.
They didn't want to reveal his or her gender to anyone they wanted a cake smash with the local bakery to create a gender reveal. But now that all went out the window because he was in gaol. There was really no point considering that his family hated her and believed that she only wanted him for his money. But he was in there for life now. I had no respect for him whatsoever. Coward!
I heard a knock on my door. It was Chelsea with the baby. She gave birth while the fire was happening. All by herself. With no help from any midwives. She let me hold the baby on the bed so I wouldn't drop him. Yes he was a boy! With a head full of red hair just like hers. He looked like his mum from day one. I was the first person to see him. As soon as I saw him my heart melted and I forgave Chelsea. His name was Sam.
He was born with a few issues like being smal. He had to be tube fed because his tiny little body couldn't handle her breast milk. One mil every minute for forty five minutes. Six times a day and during the night. I helped her with his feeds so she could get some sleep. Everything was forgiven. I knew he belted her and manipulated her. Gas lighting. Physical and mental harm.
She had him early. He was six weeks premature. But he was beautiful he only just fitted in my hands. I'm glad she trusted me enough to be with him.
As we got along we realised that he was a terrible person and that he could rot in gaol. She helped me live I have to say. Just that tiny baby made all my hurt go away. I think it did the same for her. She made me Sam's god mother. I was so happy. I was able to attend his christening. It was beautiful and everyone congratulated Chelsea. Chelsea looked happy and that's all that mattered to me.
Still seeing snowflakes on my window reminded me of jack. But it was a nice reminder that he was still there. Hiding. I remember him telling me that he had a hidden shelter under ground. In the woods. Buried by dirt it is impossible for anyone to find. I hoped he was there. There were pictures of him everywhere offering a one million dollar reward for his capture alive or dead.
Looking at them made me cry because he doesn't seem vicious at all to me. He really had to hide now. Making sure his foot prints weren't visible to anyone. Not even his family he couldn't go to them either because that would be one of the first places the cops would look.
Rainbow fairy and I visited each other regularly swapping stories of our past. She was a blessing. She didn't have any where to stay while she was in the middle of her cancer treatment. Similar to my situation. Her ex decided to marry someone else and called her ugly because her muscles and such were declining. She was thin most of her meals were fed to her by a tube. She tried to live her life but it was hard being stuck in here. We were both not alowed to go outside. It's like our world was just dark. We were thankful to have a roof over our heads. Her rainbow hair was actually a wig. She had no hair underneath.
But at least she had people that would come visit like Chelsea and her baby Sam. He was growing beautifuly. He could now drink a bottle as he wouldnt catch on to her breasts. She got very sad for a little while but she pushed through it. She was strong. Sam was very small and underweight but the day came and he and
Chelsea made it home.
Ringing the special bell in the hospital as her goals were to complete Sam's feeding plan and that was to get Sam eating as much as his little body could handle he was full of nutrients he was okay. When they left the hospital Chelsea was thin. As she didn't eat much.
The darkness didn't shine anymore. The sun rose to it's normal colours as we were both set free.
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Sad parts and cherished parts.