Christian Happy

Serena carefully measured out the tea dust and emptied the spoon into the boiling water. Reducing the flame under the vessel, she stood watching carefully over the vessel.

                                   After two minutes she let the tea brew for another two minutes before she filtered it into her cup, added cream and a dash of sugar. Mixing it with a spoon, she sat down contently and started sipping her tea leisurely.

                                   It was early in the morning, the prime time for her creativity. As a creative copy editor in upcoming ad agency, she took this time to muse over some ideas for ads. She took her notebook and jotted down some ideas before they flew off from her thoughts. Se believed in the phrase, “The feeblest ink is better than the strongest memory”

                                   Later as she sat for breakfast, she began to flip through her notebook. The creative flow of her ideas came back to her as she looked at the tentative mind maps, she had scribbled in the early morning. Taking a minute off, she wondered, “Did I get these ideas because of my tea or because of the early morning?” Another voice piped in her mind, “Neither, Serena, these are ideas sent by God.”

                                   Work from anywhere, WFA was the credo of her agency, so she sat her work desk in her room to start her creative job. She continued to scribble and doodle on her notebook. Opening and powering her laptop, she started working on her projects, one after another.

                                   Faith in God was central to the life led by Serena. She was a committed believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. She breathed out a prayer thanking the Lord as she considered her next step.

                                   Her mobile chirped. Distracted, she lifted it up and answered, “Hello!”

                                   “Good morning, Serena! How are you this morning?”

                                   Flabbergasted, she gasped, “May I know who you are?”

                                   “I am Daniel. Remember me?”

                                   “Oh! It’s been quite a while, Dan. How are you?”

                                   “Well, am doing well, Serena. Happened to come to town. Could we meet up somewhere, today? Have to share something important.”

                                   “Really? Shall we meet up for lunch at KFC at 1?”

                                   “Okey doke. One at KFC today.”

                                   Serena was flummoxed. “Why has Dan suddenly appeared in my life?” she mused. Flooded with sweet-bitter memories of the past, she continued to think.

                                   Dan and she were an item, three years back. They were on the brink of a serious commitment. But Serena had to hold back from her as he, Dan was not sure about his faith. She had to take a stand and break their relationship. Then they drifted off. She wasn’t even sure where Dan was. “What is he up to now?” she wondered as the clock clicked closer to lunchtime.

                                   Sipping the ice-cold tea they offered, Dan looked out at the entrance. He was seated at a corner table in the local KFC. He was there from 12 noon and was into his third cold tea.

                                   It was just 1 pm when Serena walked in. She was looking fresh in her jeans and a short top. Twirling her shades, she sauntered up.

                                   “Hi, Dan!”

                                   Dan became hesitant.

“Hi Serena”

                           After a perfunctory fist-bumping, they sat in, ordering their lunch.

                          Exchanging pleasantries and just some news about their work and some friends, they finished eating.

                          “Shall we have some sweet tea?” asked Dan.


                          They started sipping the sweet tea, the aroma tickling their nostrils. Serena breathed deeply as she sipped. She ventured, “What do you want to share with me, Dan?”

                          Smiling, Dan said, “Listen carefully, dear. A few days back, I took the decision. I chose Christ. God helped me to believe with all my heart.”

                          “Really! I can’t believe you. You were so wavering about it the last time we talked.”

                          Continuing his smile, Dan said, “Yes. I am sure now dear Serena. I have the assurance of my salvation.”

                          Serena thought, “Is he using the jargon, or is he truly a believer? How can I be sure?”

                          “I know what you are thinking. It is obvious on your face. That’s one thing I love about you, Serena. Please call Pastor Charles at my church and ask him. He will tell you all about me. My character references?”

                          He fished out his mobile and shared Pastor Charles's number with Serena.

“I will disappear now. Shall we meet for breakfast tomorrow? Perhaps at the café near home”

                                   He paid the bill and left, smiling.

                                   Bamboozled, Serena ordered one more sweet tea as she grappled with this new development. She mused as she slowly sipped her tea. Getting up, she went home. Sitting in her favorite nook at home, she opened her clutch and took her mobile out, undecided. “Shall I call up that Pastor?” she wondered.

                                   “Time for making a cup of tea.” she decided.

                                   Sighing deeply, she sat, sipping her tea. She fished out her mobile and decided to call Pastor Charles.

                                   She listened carefully to what the Pastor had to say about Dan.

                            “Dan was a cynic, as far as I knew. He stumbled into a Gospel meeting somehow. That day one Christian apologist was sharing. Somehow the words appealed to Dan. He came forwards to the altar when the altar call was given. I counseled him. Convicted and convinced, he accepted the Lord on his knees as we prayed together. Ever since that day, he has been growing spiritually. He comes to every meeting we have. I am personally mentoring him. I can surely vouch for him over the past year.”

                          “Thank you, Pastor Charles”

                          The mobile chirped as she was putting it back on the table. It was Dan! She smiled and answered.

                          “Hello Dear! Did you talk to Pastor Charles?”

                          “Just finished talking, Dan. He is going gaga about you!”

                          Serena could feel the smile in his voice as he replied, “How about dinner tomorrow evening? Shall we meet at the new restaurant near my place? It seems to be good.”

                         “Okay, Dan.”

                          They had a slow and enjoyable dinner and were appreciating the ginger-flavored tea. They were in a private enclosure. As the waiter left after refilling their teas, Dan got up. He bent down on one knee and produced a diamond ring.

                         “Will you be my wife, dear Serena?” he blurted out.

                          Flummoxed again, Serena was speechless. “What should I say?” she wondered. As she sent off a small prayer, she felt assured that the Lord was with her.


                          Dan grinned and slipped the diamond ring on Serena’s finger. She had a close look at the ring and squealed with delight! “Wow! It looks spectacular Dan! I love you, darling!”

                          “I love you too darling.”

                          As they hugged each other, the waiter was smiling.

January 14, 2022 08:20

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Bruce Friedman
13:10 Jul 06, 2023

Very well written. Flows beautifully. I was waiting for some sort of kick at the end. The story might benefit from such. BTW, I had never heard the term tea dust. Put Bing on the case: Tea dust is a grade of tea that is essentially a byproduct of loose leaf tea production. Tea leaves are crushed, pressed, and rolled. Because they’re quite dry, bits fall off. Gather those bits, and you have tea dust. It is the stuff you find in tea bags. Leaf tea doesn’t do well in tea bags, because the leaves don’t have room to swirl around and infuse the ...


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Bonnie Clarkson
19:14 Jan 14, 2022

Your stories are getting better; a lot fewer passive verbs. I liked her statement that the "feeblest ink is better than the strongest memory." It tells me something about her personality. Saw a couple of "had"s, like "had to hold" vs "held". You might try using the find function to look for "was", "had", and (my personal problem) "that"s. "He was seated at a corner table in the local KFC. He was there from 12 noon and was into his third cold tea" vs "Seated at a corner table in the local KFC, he arrived at noon. While waiting he ordered ...


Anthony David M
13:55 Jan 24, 2022

Thank you Bonnie!


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