Fiction Romance Teens & Young Adult

I was startled awake as a warm fire burned across my thighs. That hadn't been any ordinary dream, it'd been a premonition.

I jumped out of bed, burst through my bedroom door almost breaking my door, jumped off the landing and landed on the balls of my feet on the carpet below. I'd been making that jump since I was 14 and had found my wolf.

Anita, my wolf, was pacing in my chest, anxious herself from the premonition.

“Mom! Dad!” I yelled, “I just had a premonition!”

My parents paused in their morning activity. My mother had frozen halfway to the table with my breakfast and orange juice, while my father's morning cup of coffee was halfway to his lips, and I saw the light of the iPad in front of him go out.

“A premonition?” My mother asked, setting my stuff down before she dropped it.

“Yes and it's really important.” I said taking a step towards the table.

“Go on then.” My father nodded, “Tell us.”

I took a deep breath sitting down, ready to re-live what I'd seen. “I was light and we were all there, you, me, mom and Brit were all gathered together. Then all the lights but me went out. I waited for a bit before a light, brighter than all of ours came to me and I felt this warm sensation flow through my body and my light grew just as bright as his.”

“His?” My mother asked, sitting across from me.

“Yes, it was a male light. And after I grew to be just as-”

“Why would it be a male light? You're not seeing anyone, are you?” My dad said sternly.

I shook my head, “Dad. It's my premonition, I don't know why it's a male light, it just was.”

My parents exchanged a glance but motioned for me to continue.

“So after I'd grown as bright as he was, tons of other lights began to sprout up around me and I felt like I had when all our lights were together. Almost like I was home.” My parents both made noises that indicated they were listening as I continued, “I was no longer a light but I grabbed a big hand in mine and pulled him through the woods. After running for a while I started to feel hot and I saw a yellowish, orangish, reddish light though the tree's. I ran towards it while he was calling my name, then when I broke through the tree's I heard people screaming. I saw the houses of the town square burning. I ran to our house and it was already burnt to the ground, and the only thing I found were three piles of bones in the kitchen.”

I stopped when I saw their faces, just as terrible as I had felt when living it the first time. “Then.... Then I turned and I ran to the pack house and town square where people were laying on the ground burning. Elderly, warriors, women and children all burning.” I shuttered, “It was awful.”

I saw another look pass between my parents, a look that looked like they were estimating how much it would cost to get me help. But I had to get it out, they had to know.

“I couldn't save anyone. Everyone was dead before I could help them.” I felt the tears welling in my eyes. “And then big strong arms wrapped around me and held me close and a voice whispered in my ear that everything would be okay. And suddenly I was in a meadow in a white dress with wolves all around and I was walking towards a tall dark figure and even though I was sad, I felt happy.”

I was done, but their looks of horror, speculation and doubt were like daggers being thrown into my heart.

“Well that sounds like a horrible nightmare.” My annoying older sister said walking down the stairs, “Sounds like you need some serious therapy.”

“It wasn't a dream.” I insisted, “It was a premonition, I just know it.”

“Honestly darling,” My mother said doubtfully, “It sounds more like an awful dream than a premonition.”

I shook my head, “No it was a premonition!”

My father cleared his throat, I instantly turned to him, surely he would believe me. “Honestly Kaylee, I'm sorry that you had such a horrible dream, but when dreams like those come along it's best to forget them and just focus on real things. Like maybe focus on training later today.”

I couldn't believe him. He turned and unlocked the iPad and took a good gulp of his coffee, Brit was on her phone of course while my mother scooted my food towards me and turned to retrieve my sisters.

Why didn't they believe me? Someone had to, right? I had to tell someone else. I grabbed my bacon and hurried towards the door.

“Kaylee,” My mother said sternly, “Sit down and eat, you can go to training later.”

I shook my head, “I'm going to go find someone who'll believe me.”

Hours later I was exhausted. I sat on a fallen log in the woods with tears stinging my eyes. I'd gone to everyone.

My best friend. “Maybe you need to get laid, that always helps me.”

My most trusted trainer. “You can save all that effort you put into telling me for training later. Don't be late.”

My teacher from school. “Wow. Sounds like that would be a wonderful thing to write about. Shame you're not in my Creative Writing class this year.”

My boyfriend. “Sheesh, that's messed up but your smokin' hot when you're all worked up.”

The Luna. “Dear are you feeling alright? Perhaps you should skip training this afternoon and sleep a bit more.”

The Alpha. “Kaylee, I don't have time for your silly dream. If it's a premonition, go consult the seeker.”

The seeker who is responsible for all religious services, marriages, premonitions and business related to the goddess. “Oh my. Though that does sound like a premonition, I think that it is more of a dream that you feel is a premonition. For you know that the goddess speaks through me and I can tell you that's not an accurate premonition.”

Hours later I was exhausted. I sat on a fallen log in the woods with tears stinging my eyes. I'd gone to everyone.

My best friend. “Maybe you need to get laid, that always helps me.”

My most trusted trainer. “You can save all that effort you put into telling me for training later. Don't be late.”

My teacher from school. “Wow. Sounds like that would be a wonderful thing to write about. Shame you're not in my Creative Writing class this year.”

My boyfriend. “Sheesh, that's messed up but your smokin hot when you're all worked up.”

The Luna. “Dear are you feeling alright? Perhaps you should skip training this afternoon and sleep a bit more.”

The Alpha. “Kaylee, I don't have time for your silly dream. If it's a premonition, go consult the seeker.”

The seeker who is responsible for all religious services, marriages, premonitions and business related to the goddess. “Oh my. Though that does sound like a premonition, I think that it is more of a dream that you feel is a premonition. For you know that the goddess speaks through me and I can tell you that's not an accurate premonition.”

Not even half the day was gone and not a single person in my pack believed me. And why should they? I wasn't anyone of real importance, just one in thousands of women in our pack. One person no one truly saw, no one that anyone really cared about.

I should have known no one would listen to me. Honestly I should have just told my parents and been done with it. Once it was clear they didn't believe me that should have made it clear that no one would. And honestly I was starting to doubt it myself. If the seeker didn't see it as a real premonition from the goddess then was it really? Or was she a big fake?

A branch snapping brought me to my senses. I stood up and looked all around but couldn't see anything. And that was saying a lot, with my wolf senses tingling and me being on edge from a new environment. If I couldn't see or smell anything, then it was just my imagination.

Just as I started to relax, I did start to smell something. I walked a few steps forward, curiously leaned forward to sniff the air. The smell of freshly baked bread, some sort of wood and fresh new paper hit my senses. The smell had me weak at the knees, my mouth watering, and sent heat rushing to my core.

“Who's there?” I called. When no answer came so I took a few steps toward the smell. Slowly out of the darkness, something moved towards me and into the small amount of light the sun afforded me.

He was huge, bigger than any wolf I had seen in my entire life. About the size of a medium school bus with huge paws the size of monster truck tires. He had jet black fur and big bright blue eyes as his long tail was swaying side to side.

I held perfectly still. I must have been so upset that I ran a long ways away, so far that I was out of my pack's boundaries and therefore far from their protection. The woods here didn't smell familiar.

I noting the intoxicating smell of bread, wood and paper was coming from him as he began to circle me twice. Still I didn't move as he then began sniffing me as he sat in front of me shaking his fur out.

He held my gaze as the mass shrunk, I heard bones cracking as he shifted back. I lifted my hands to cover my mouth as I gasped, he was even more beautiful in human form.

He had shaggy jet black hair, the same shining blue eyes and a five o'clock shadow along his angular jawline. He had huge shoulders and arms, sculpted 8 pack abs, if that was possible, well toned legs and a huge-

I forced my eyes up to meet his once more and my wolf jumped in my chest.

Mate Anita cried.

I was surprised that she popped up, she'd been moping all day. What? I asked her

Mate! Our mate! She was urging to get out, to get to him.

My mate took a step towards me. He was at least a good 6 foot while I was a solid 5'4.

“Name.” He said smoothly.

I felt heat rush towards my core again and I clenched my thighs together, willing myself not to be turned on by this man.

He closed his eyes briefly, “Your name?” he said again, a bit strained.

“K-Kaylee.” I stammered. Damn he made me nervous and we just met.

“Kaylee,” he said, leaning towards me.

The heat intensified and I stifled a moan. Not now hormones I begged.

I watched as his eyes go from bright blue to black and back again, his dick gave a twitch and hardened even more. It seems I wasn't the only one having a hard time.

“What's yours?” I asked, feeling a little emboldened by his discomfort.

“Aaron.” His voice was so deep and measured it sent another heat wave coursing through my body.

“Aaron.” I repeated.

Before I knew what was happening he had pulled me into his chest, his lips on mine, his stubble scratching against my skin. But instead of being unpleasant it made me move my hands from his chest up to entangle my fingers in his hair.

I moaned against his lips and he slid his hands to grip my ass, he tasted better then he smelled. The feel of his erection against my stomach made me ache to be closer to him. Our lips and tongues wrestled for a moment before he, reluctantly, drew back. He took two large steps back from me and I staggered a bit and fell on my but.

“We,” He paused to, what looked like, to collect himself. “We have to talk.” I nodded.

“So where did you come from?” He asked.

I turned around, “I wandered too far.” I breathed.

I felt him lean over and bury his face in the crook of my neck and inhale. “Lucky me.” he whispered as his fingertips began tracing their way up my arms causing me to shiver involuntarily.

“Where am I?” I asked, trying to shake off the desire coursing through me.

“My pack.” he breathed, “The Red Moon Pack.”

My eyes widened and I gasped, the Red Moon Pack was the largest, wealthiest and most intimidating pack in the entire northern hemisphere.

“And you're my mate.” He whispered, kissing the side of my neck.

I felt my body shiver again and I leaned back into his embrace.

He turned me around slowly and began to pull me further into the forest.

“Where are we going?” I asked curiously.

“I'm taking you back to my pack.” He said as his eyes sparkled in a patch of sunlight, “You can stay with me, and when you're comfortable I'll mark you and we can start our life together.”

I went willingly, not because I was comfortable, mostly because I now couldn't imagine a future without him in it. “I'm not going to have to meet the Alpha and Luna am I?”

He stopped, and ran a hand through his hair, “Technically, you already have.”

I looked at him confused. I felt heat rush over my back, he wasn't.... “Your not the....”

He stepped towards me and brought my hands up to his lips, “Alpha Aaron of Red Moon, at your service my Luna.”

I inhaled my breath hitching several times. Me? Luna? No way. I didn't know the first thing about running a pack.

He stroked the side of my face with one of his hands, “Don't stress my love. It'll be okay.” and he led me towards my new pack.

Aaron had marked me and though it was still tender under the spaghetti strap tank-top I wore, it felt wonderful to be Aaron's and to have my mark on him.

“Come on.” I said excited yet anxious, we had to get there before they burned to death.

“What's the rush?” he chuckled, speeding up.

Something didn't feel right. After last night I knew I wanted Aaron for the rest of my life but what if, once I'm mated and connected to him, therefore the rest of the pack for the rest of my life. What if what I saw actually happens?

I didn't say anything just tugged at his arm to try and get him to move faster. I hadn't told him about my premonition but we had only known each other for two and a half days now. Though, it felt like a lifetime.

I started to recognize the changes in the forest, the unfamiliar to familiar. Once in the pack borders I started to sniff and to hurry faster than I had. I recognized for maybe the tenth time my pulling his arm with me, the same as in my vision.

After a few minutes I started feeling hot and I pulled my hair up into a ponytail and began running without him.

“Kaylee,” He called after me, “What's going on?”

I couldn't stop to answer him, everything had gone as it had in the premonition. My family, my pack around me, then leaving and meeting him, mating and then being connected through him to the rest of the pack. I couldn't mind link as I would after the Luna ceremony in four days but I saw myself pulling him through the forest. That just left….

“Fire.” I breathed as I burst through the forest's edge. As I'd expected I was too late. That wasn't going to keep me from trying though.

I raced from house to house while Aaron yelled at me to get away and tried to help himself. But we weren't able to save anyone. As expected my house was burnt to the ground. I didn't even go to investigate the remains.

I was finally able to reach one person in time for their last words, the seeker was laying in the grass with a nasty festering burn in her abdomen. She lifted her burnt hand to my shoulder and whispered, “I believe you now.”

June 17, 2021 19:53

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