Fiction High School Teens & Young Adult

“If you don’t stop pacing back and forth, you’re going to make me barf,” Ange muttered as she propped her head back against her locker, “and you’ll probably wear down the linoleum too.”

           Mel paused for a brief moment in front of Ange and glared icily at her. “I can’t help it, okay?” She released a long-exaggerated breath and her shoulders dropped as a wave of worry crashed through her and slumped down onto the floor beside Ange. “If I screw this moment up, I won’t get a scholarship, and no scholarship means no university.” Mel dropped her head down heavily onto Ange’s shoulder and closed her eyes. “This is my one shot to get into a university that offers top-notch gymnastics programs that could actually lead to being recruited for an Olympic team, so I think my panicked pacing is sort of justified.”

           Ange snorted and flicked Mel on the forehead teasingly. “I’m not saying you’re not entitled to being nervous, I would just prefer you dealt with it in a manner that doesn’t drive me insane.” Ange reached for her backpack and dragged it to her side, fishing around inside its depths. Finally, she withdrew a battered-looking Rubik’s cube that had clearly been used often; some of the coloured squares were beginning to fade and several squares lacked a coloured sticker all together. Ange tossed it in the air once and caught it then handed it to Mel. “Fiddle with this instead. It’s my lucky Rubik’s cube, and it hasn’t failed me yet when I’ve needed it to help become grounded when I’m anxious.”

           Mel stared at the cube for a beat then groaned as she threw her head back dramatically against the locker, causing a loud metallic bang to ring out across the locker room. Mel’s agitated glare shifted to the ceiling. “Ange, I appreciate the sentiment behind this,” she muttered tiredly, “but I don’t actually know how to finish a Rubik’s cube.” Without glancing at her, Mel dropped the cube into Ange’s lap and continued to stare at the roof.

           Ange shrugged and mimicked Mel’s position, raising her eyes to the ceiling. The locker room was plunged into silence; the silence made the blood pumping through Mel’s body seem deafening to her ears. As she sat, she tried to centre herself.

           She imagined she could see every vein in her body pumping blood to her extremities. She watched blood pass through different organs, travelling back and forth from her heart. She focused on her breathing, forcing herself to breath in through her nose, hold for four seconds, then exhale through her mouth. She repeated this breathing technique for several minutes, and as she felt her composure strengthen, Mel heard Ange matching her breathing pattern to hers. It was a much more comforting gesture from Ange than being given her lucky Rubik’s cube.

           “You’ve got this in the bag, Mel. I’ve never seen someone who is so naturally talented at gymnastics as you are.” Ange tilted her head in Mel’s direction, resting her temple against Mel’s shoulder. “You’re getting that scholarship.”

           Mel slowly lowered her head to rest on top of Ange’s and reached for Ange’s right hand. Mel wrapped her fingers tightly around Ange’s. The moment was so pivotal in helping her relax and filling her with so many emotions that Mel felt tears welling in her eyes.

           “I love you so much,” Mel’s voice cracked as emotions swelled in her chest. “I wish mum could see the both of us right now. I wish she could see how much we’ve achieved since she died.” Mel could no longer hold back her tears. She felt rivulets racing down her cheeks and dripping off her chin.

           Ange reached into her bag with her free hand and pulled out a packet of tissues. She held the packet in front of Mel in offering. “I love you too, I’ll always be your biggest cheerleader,” she released a throaty laugh as she lifted her head to examine Mel’s face. “I know you’re feeling a lot of mixed emotions right now, but you need to stop crying; you’re ruining your makeup,” she jested as she watched Mel wipe the tears from her face. She glanced down at her watch and tutted. “We have ten minutes to fix up your makeup before you need to go out onto the mat. Mum would be mortified if you ruined your chance at a scholarship because you ruined your makeup,” Ange teased as she took the tissue from Mel’s hand and cleared smears of mascara she missed.

           Mel sniffled and nodded. “You’re right. I’ll save the crying for after my routine.” She rose to her feet and dragged Ange to a standing position with her. She quickly entered her combination into her locker and grabbed her makeup kit. “You can double check my hair for me whilst I fix my face.”

           The girls moved to one of the vanities lining the opposite side of the locker room. Mel unzipped her makeup bag and gathered several cosmetic tools and laid them out along the bench. She glanced up at the mirror and met Ange’s gaze as she stood behind her and smiled at her. “I’m really grateful that you’re here… I don’t know if I could do this without your support.”

           Ange winked and pressed a kiss to the crown of her head. “Like I said, I’ll always be your number one fan, even when you become the most famous gymnast to ever grace the Olympic gym mats. Just make sure you don’t forget me once you become a mega star living in a huge mansion with your mega rich husband.”

           Mel chuckled and shook her head. “Of course I won’t forget you, who else is going to be my live-in cook and cleaner?”

           Ange gasped dramatically and smacked Mel on the shoulder. “Keep up with the smart-arse comments and I might just poison your dinner and run off with your rich husband,” she laughed as she reached into the makeup bag and drew out Mel’s comb and hairpins.

           The girls worked silently as they readjusted Mel’s hair and makeup. The feeling of Ange’s gentle touch coupled with the sensation of the hairbrush bristles against her scalp was like a balm for Mel’s nerves. Ange meticulously formed two perfectly symmetrical braids down the back of Mel’s head and tied them off with a mixture of green and gold ribbons: the colours of the Australian Olympic teams. Mel finished re-applying her makeup, accented with golden glitter spread along her cheekbones and a faint green glittery eyeshadow to complete the look.

           Ange straightened the collar and shoulder straps of Mel’s bodysuit before resting her hands gently on Mel’s shoulders. As the girls made eye contact in the mirror again, another wave of emotion crashed over them. Their friends and family always joked about their twin telepathy, how they would simply need to make eye contact with each other and an entire conversation would transpire between them. In this moment, they were thinking the same thing: this was a pivotal moment for both of them. The outcome of the next ten minutes could completely alter the course of both of their lives.

           Two weeks before Mel’s gymnastics recruitment showcase, Ange had received news that she had been granted a scholarship for the same university Mel was hoping to attend. Ange would be going to the university to study biology and zoology with opportunities to one day be qualified to work with multiple organisations across the world relating to wildlife conservation.

           Today was a day that Mel had essentially been training for since she was three years old, cartwheeling and somersaulting across their living room to impress their mum. Up until the final day their mother was alive, she was always their number one supporter through all their endeavours. She was the first person to tell Mel that she had the talent to one day become a part of the Australian Olympic team, that she could achieve any of her dreams because she had the work ethic and the talent to back it up. Their mum was also proud of Ange for her big heart in wanting to help animals in any way she could, even when Ange brought a possum into the house inside a cardboard box when she was 10 because ‘he looked sad and hungry on the ground, so I want to give him some fruit and a blanket’.

           Their mother had to have a serious discussion with Ange about asking permission first before bringing wild animals into their home, but she was still immensely proud of Ange’s compassion and determination to help those in need, regardless of their species name.

           The moment of peaceful tranquillity was broken as loud cheers could be heard beyond the exit of the locker room. The burst of noise punctuated the end of the routine for the gymnast before Mel. Mel was the last gymnast to perform a routine for the day.

           The noise grew louder as the door creaked open and Lindsay, one of Mel’s trainers, poked her head into the room. “You’re up now, Mel. I hope you’re ready, there’s several recruiters in the audience today,” she fixed her with a stern expression. “You’re my top student, keep that in mind as you perform, and you’ll pull off a perfect routine. I’m counting on you to be the main gymnast those recruiters will fight over.”

           Mel swallowed nervously and nodded. “I’m heading out right now, thanks Lindsay.”

           Lindsay departed with a firm nod, and the noise from the gymnasium was muffled as the door closed behind her.

           “Well, that was certainly an interesting pep-talk,” Ange joked as she moved back to Mel’s locker, putting away her makeup kit. She picked up her backpack and shoved it into her own locker before returning to Mel’s side and holding out her hand to her. “Let’s get this show on the road and win you that scholarship.”

           Mel grinned widely and instead of taking Ange’s offered hand, she stood and threw her arms around Ange’s neck in a tight embrace. “Thank you again for everything you’ve done leading up to today.” She pressed a kiss to Ange’s cheek and grabbed her hand, leading her towards the exit. As they reached the door, they paused and once again made eye contact.

           There were no words needed to communicate between them what they were both thinking. Their smiles grew until their cheeks ached, and together they turned to the door and pushed it open.

           A chorus of cheers greeted them as they walked over the threshold.

June 28, 2024 12:02

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