
Submitted into Contest #45 in response to: Write a story about solidarity.... view prompt



 -  Hey beauty! Come - and the great-grandmother Sofía from the height of her ninety-two years - those who according to her, were "very well lived, with a lot of food, a lot of drinks, parties, and everything next to the great love of my life. I have absolutely no regrets! And point (to which I put the comma)

 Before turning my gaze, she had already grabbed my arm, holding on to her inseparable golden-handled cane that shone less than her bright smile from ear to ear.

 - Can you help me comb my hair? I can't move! I get stuck in the middle of the road - smiling the sincere smile of his humble mouth without teeth or evil, showing his inability to hurt anyone.

 Go! That I want to be pretty for all of you, my family, my loves - and she kept smiling, even when her jaws trembled next to her defiant voice like the weak sunlight that entered through the fabrics of that sad curtain Without being able to deny in front of her smile, I combed her hair, gently, without wanting to hurt her, in any way.

 Obediently, I approached her smiling too, with the idea of ​​pleasing her.

 However, as he got a little closer, I could see that his normally itchy gaze was suddenly lost, causing his pleasant presence to vanish into thin air.

 I did not know her, and I think she did not know who she was either, much less that she had been happy in her "well lived" life.

 who you are ? - she asks, when she sees me.

 In order to recognize me, I took off the chinstrap that covered my nose and my mouth, because my large, clear eyes were protected by lenses under a plastic protector.

 Maria, your great-granddaughter, daughter of Roxanita your daughter.

 Sofia did not even look up to look at me, because her gaze was not there.

 The truth was that she did not remember me.

 But that observation did not bother me.

 Neither did the fact that she failed to strike up a conversation.

 He knew that she was lost in the solitude of her own world.

 Therefore, I wanted to be by her side, kissing her on the head, I hugged her for a long moment, to warm her body and soul.

 She rested her head on my chest.

 - I like it - was the only thing he said to me, smiling as if apologizing for being sick. How good you like it. Stay like this, as long as you want- I said meekly, stroking his almost bald head.

 So we stayed, for a long time.

 Then she turned her head towards the pillow.

 When I realized it, Sofía had her eyes on a shag from the blanket that covered her, on that bed next to the window, always covered by a curtain that did not allow daylight to enter.

 Her bedside table had been enlarged by a desk, full of medicine boxes for balance and her recurring joint pains, syringes to give her insulin, cotton, water, glasses, medical recipes, spoons, teaspoons and ladles, vases with red roses to die for.

 - It's about time for your diet jelly, said my mom, handing me a well filled with the raspberry-flavored candy

 - Shall I give it?

 - Yes please. I am busy in the kitchen.

 - Good.

 But, Sofia's eyes did not come out of the shag.

 I held a teaspoon, and very carefully, eat a little gelatin in the teaspoon.

 "We have to take the jelly," I said, bringing the teaspoon to his mouth.

 But, there would be no mouth.

 He even seemed not to hear me.

 - Here, I said to Sofia, the jelly.

 But she did not open her mouth.

 I hugged her again.

 I stroked her head again

 She smiled, as always.

 And again she laid her head on my chest.

- I like it, she repeated - smilingly.

 So we stayed, again, for a good time.

 When she lifted her head from my chest, I tried giving her the jelly one more time.

 And another.

 But the shag was still there.

  Therefore, I put the well of the jelly on the desk, next to the teaspoon.

 And I started to remove the shag, discreetly, without her noticing, just moving the blanket that covered her, to cover it better.

 And she started screaming.

 - nerd! - she screamed, opening her slightly clouded and dull green eyes, which combined with her disheveled hair and deep wrinkles that seemed to scream along with her.

 Frightened, I uncapped him again, taking the blanket to its place, with the shag.

 My chubby mom, now in her sixties, came out of the kitchen door that opened onto the hallway, drying her hands on her dirty, with tomato and oil-stained apron

 in the belly region, he went to the room where I was with Sofía, at the end of the corridor.

 - Can't you give her the jelly ? Mom asked me , coming back from the kitchen.

 - Not.

 - It's like this every day. Leave it alone.

  She stares at the blanket - I justified myself, with some fear for not having fulfilled my mission.

 - We have to change her position in bed. Help me.

 And I put myself next to the bed, holding her passive and immobile body - lifting her left side of her body, we put it on the left side, looking at the window.

 - No! No! No! Sofia shouted again, returning to her place, breathing with great difficulty, sobbing when touched

 - - ;it hurts,! it hurts! - she screamed, moving her fingers to reach something in the air.

I looked at my mother so , maybe, she could tell me what was going on.

As we didn't even know what it was, and Sofia wanted to catch it, we tried to help her by using our hands to achieve it.

She followed our hands.

Skiling, if course.

And, caught our hands waving in the air.

I took her hand.

She stopped her search.

8 embraced her and also stroke her head, again - because I have noticed that. making her smile.

 - don't you want to look at the window?

 But I think she didn't understand us, or maybe she didn't listen to us ..

 Her trembling and skinny hands moved in the air looking for something, out of step with her eyes, which moved frantically, imploring something indecipherable.

 With his face burning with fever, and her eyes protruding from their sockets, we gave him the medicine prescribed by the doctor.

 However, after two hours, we re-measured the temperature

 - The fever does not go down. I will call the doctor.

 However, the doctor had just entered surgery - according to his secretary - and it would take about three to four hours.

 Did you already give him all the medications? Is anything missing? I asked.

 - Everything - and my mother fell in front of her, clutching her trembling hand. So they stayed, with a smile etched on his inert face.

 Then Sofia calmed down.



June 06, 2020 01:06

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