Crime Drama Horror

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

"Ezra, darling! Please grab me the sugar from the pantry! It should be on the bottom shelf!" I heard my Grammy call from the kitchen. She was baking her famous cakes that were always a hit at gatherings.

"Okay, Grammy!" I call back walking into the pantry and flicking on the light. As the light flickered on, I gazed at the 5 different shelves stuffed with all the baking necessities you could ever need. There was a shelf for flour, sugar, baking soda, salt, and other substances alike. The next shelf was filled with cookie cutters, baking tins, pans, pipping bags, whisks, and all the utensils you need. The third shelf was full of jars of different candies and snacks that could be eaten as is or added to a dessert. The fourth shelf was full of spices and herbs normally used for regular cooking such as paprika, pepper, garlic powder, oregano, creole seasoning, and many other spices. But the bottom shelf was...empty?

"Sweetie? Have you found the sugar yet?" I heard Grammy call from somewheres in the kitchen. She sounded slightly annoyed but also concerned.

"I'm getting it!" I call back kneeling on the ground to fully look at the bottom shelf. And what I saw shocked me. "Oh my god-... Is that a...arm?" I whisper, gasping and trying to hold myself together.

I slowly creep closer to the arm realizing that there are more body parts. Arms, legs, hands, torsos, yet...no head. "Where are their heads? Why does the arm have 'Sugar' written on it? Wait- Sugar... She told me to get sugar." I mutter quietly trying not to throw up at the realization of what Grammy's secret ingredients are. I start to shake as my thoughts are going crazy and my heart feels like it might beat right out of my chest.

I begin to inspect the other limbs realizing they all have different things written on them. A leg labeled flour, a foot labeled salt, a torso labeled baking soda. "She...uses all these for her baking-... It's code names." I say quietly.

I shift slightly, trying to calm myself and stay quiet. I don't hear any more noises and sigh with relief. "She uses body parts- As ingredients. I've eaten so many of her desserts... I've been eating p-people." I mutter feeling my throat tighten at the realization. Grammy forces other people to commit cannibalism without their knowledge.

"Ezra... Can you hand me the sugar please?" I hear Grammy say from behind me. I turn quickly and look up at Grammy. "I need the sugar, Ezra."

I hesitantly grab the arm and hand it to her, my face twists in fear and disgust. Staring at Grammy terrified of what she might do to me. "Grammy... Why are you using- body parts in your desserts?" I ask hesitantly, shaking in fear and disgust.

"Well, my dear grandchild. It adds just a delectable flavor and nobody has to know. These recipes have been in the family for years, I bet even your mother has used these recipes." Grammy takes the "sugar" and walks back into the kitchen, leaving me on the pantry floor. "Ezra, Honey- Come here. I need to teach you about our family history."

I hesitantly stand up, exiting the pantry. The bright light from the windows in the kitchen blinded me. I squint as my eyes adjust, slowly realizing what Grammy was doing. She was standing there with a sickeningly sweet smile, chopping the arm into thin cutlets. Then cutting them into small chunks. "Grammy...what are you planning to do with the...sugar?" I mutter slowly walking to the counter cautiously.

Grammy continues to give me a sickeningly sweet smile. "Well... My Dear, Sweet, Child! There are many things you don't understand about this family, not our history or anything really. Your mother really has failed to educate you on our legacy." She places the diced flesh into a pan, sauteing the meat. Grammy turns back to me, handing me a piece of cooked flesh. "Try it, Dear. I promise it is quite delectable!"

"But- Grammy... I don't wanna-" I am cut off by her shoving the piece of meat into my mouth without giving me a moment to protest or say anything for that matter. The flesh was surprisingly...good! It tasted amazing! "It's...really good! Grammy! Why is human meat so good?" I ask with a sick grin on my face as I swallow the piece of meat.

"I told you! You need to learn to listen to your elders... Now how about you help me with this dessert as I explain everything I know about human meat, and how to prepare it perfectly!' Grammy had her sick, twisted, sweet smile. But it wasn't as bad anymore. Something inside me felt different- My mind wasn't right anymore... How could I suddenly be okay with all this? How could I allow myself to actually want to eat human meat?! I'm a monster! But...so is my family- so maybe I'm not so alone in this anyway.

I began to help Grammy with the cakes and desserts, incorporating the "sugar" into every single dessert. "Grammy, what time is the cookout again?" I turn on the mixer to properly mix all the contents together.

"At 3:30. It is currently 3:00. We better hurry! We don't want anyone to miss out on our special desserts." Grammy begins to pack up the already prepared cakes, cupcakes, bread, and cookies while we wait for the last cake to bake. "Ezra, I need you to go load these in the van, please... Hurry we don't have much time before the cookout begins!"

I grab the packaged goods and store them in the van awaiting Grammy by the van for her to arrive with the last cake and the keys. "Grammy! Hurry, we are gonna be late!" I call out noticing her locking up the front door and rushing to the van with the last cake. We loaded into the van quickly speeding to the cookout and unloading everything.

"Ezra- Unload all the desserts onto the dessert table while I talk with adults please." I nod and do as Grammy says, unloading the desserts neatly onto the table. Smiling as the dinner bell rings loudly, creating a mob of guests to surround the tables.

"Grammy, I say we did really good! All of our desserts are gone!" I say with a sick grin on my face, noticing Grammy had the same sickeningly sweet smile from before plastered onto her face.

"Yes, we did Ezra. Yes, we did."

October 21, 2023 02:34

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