Summer Nights

Submitted into Contest #262 in response to: Center your story around an unexpected summer fling.... view prompt


Romance Teens & Young Adult Fiction

The humidity assaulted Janie as she opened up the car door. Her hair immediately frizzing up. Janie was fairly tall and slender. Her features had always been too big for her face but lately they were settling nicely. She was pretty but didn’t see herself that way. Her naturally brunette hair, highlighted blond, usually bounced with waves and curls; however, tonight she decided to straighten it which she immediately regretted. Her friend, Billy, had parked in the big lot behind their favorite bar, Toppers. Billy and Janie had been friends for a few years. They met through a mutual friend who was in a local band. Billy was sweet and fun loving. He was a good friend to have since he was always willing to go out and always had some good-looking friends around.

Janie adjusted her pink mini skirt and worked her heels carefully over the cobblestone to the back of the car, joining Billy as they walked around front to the entrance. Billy held the door for Janie as they walked in. Toppers was packed, per usual. They made their way to the bar. Dale, their favorite bartender, was working and already knew their order. 

“What’s up guys?” Dale asked as he set down a Corona for Billy and a Blue Topper, their signature drink, for Janie. It was her favorite. Slightly sweet with coconut undertones and bright blue. 

“Hey Dale, thank you!!” Janie responded cheerfully as she grabbed her drink and took a big sip as Billy chatted best he could with Dale over the music, laughter and patrons' orders. 

“Hey, I think I see my friend Jake at the end of the bar. Come on,” Billy said, as he motioned for Janie to follow him. 

Billy wasn’t tall but he was broad and muscular. Janie watched as he gave his friend a big, hand pounding the back bro hug. As Billy backed up out of the way, his friend Jake emerged. Janie’s body froze. It was Jake Sanders. She crushed on him majorly sophomore year of High School. Janie had moved from Boston that year and noticed him immediately. He was tall, dark and handsome with puppy dog brown eyes. He was athletic, excelling in every sport along with academics. He was the total package. Unfortunately, he was a Senior and wildly popular, so her crush remained just that, a crush. He graduated, and she moved on. 

And now, they stood face to face. 

“Jake, this is Janie Ray, Janie, Jake Sanders,” Billy said, causally introducing us. 

Jake reached his hand out to shake Janie’s as she fumbled with her purse and drink and emotions. 

“Hi,” Janie said, blushing as she shook his hand. 

“Hi, nice to meet you, Janie,” Jake spoke over the crowd, smiling at her.

“Wow!" Janie thought to herself. 

“You want to move out back so we can hear each other?” Billy spoke up over the bar noise. 

“You joining us?” Billy asked Jake as he slapped the back of his hand over Jake's chest, already in motion towards the patio. 

 They all walked to the back and sat down at a table. 

Billy and Jake struck up a conversation. Before you knew it, they were talking sports and high school. 

“Where did you go again, Janie?” Billy asked. “I moved my sophomore year from Boston to Mallard High.” 

"No kidding? I went there, too” Jake said, positioning his body more towards Janie. “What year did you graduate?” Jake asked. 

“2010, you?” Janie said, unsure if she should mention she recognized him. 


“Small world!” Janie exclaimed, taking another very large sip. She looked down; her drink was almost gone. 

“Slow down, Janie, don’t get drunk,” she warned herself. 

Jake looked at Janie’s empty drink. 

“I’m heading to the bar; can I get you another? Blue Topper?” Jake asked, squinting a bit, guessing her drink. His brown eyes sparkled. 

“Ya, that would be great, thank you.” 

Janie and Jake locked eyes. 

“Did he feel that?” She asked herself. 

If he didn’t, Billy sure did. As soon as Jake walked away, he nudged Janie. 

“Whoa, what was that?! You're hot for him! That was quick.” Billy jested. 

Janie playfully shoved Billy. 

“Confession, but promise you won’t say anything, promise on your life!”

Billy agreed as he inched closer.

“I had the biggest crush on him my sophomore year. He definitely does not know me though so don’t say anything. I don’t want to appear desperate or like a stalker so keep quiet!”

“Secrets safe with me,” Billy agreed. “So, what’s the game play here because it’s obvious and he seems to be into you based off of that eye contact?” 

“I don’t kn…,” Janie stopped mid-sentence as she saw Jake walking up with another round. He set her Blue Topper in front of her, locking eyes with her again. 

“Thanks, Jake,” Janie said softly, her body feeling warm all over. 

“You’re welcome, Janie,” Jake smiled, revealing dimples that she had never noticed before. She’d never been this close. She snapped back to reality as Billy interrupted her train of thought. 

“Shoot guys, Sammy just text and wants me to come to her place. Love you both but you know I’m already out,” Billy said as he chugged his Corona.

“Billy, how am I supposed to get home?!” Janie asked, concerned. 

“Oh, I think you’ll be just fine,” Billy said, winking at Jake.

“Billy!” Janie pushed him slightly. 

“Relax! I’m not planning on staying down here tonight. I’ll swing back in a bit. Have fun tonight, kids” Billy said slyly as he made his way back towards the main bar. 

Janie repositioned herself towards Jake nervously.

“Billy, he’s a trip,” Jake smiled as he brushed his hair back into place. He kept it relatively short but his bangs were a bit longer so he would occasionally swoop them over when they fell to a middle part. 

He seemed confident but kind.

“We’ll see how dependable he is tonight,” Janie said, rolling her eyes playfully while going for the first sip her drink.

“I’m happy to get you home if he flakes,” Jake offered sweetly. 

“Thank you,” Janie said, playing with her straw, moving her gaze from her drink to Jake. They both smiled. 

Jake sat up straight. “You said you moved here from Boston? What was that like?” Jake asked. 

“Honestly, really hard. I wasn’t exactly welcomed warmly at Mallard. 

“I’m really sorry it was like that for you.” He said sincerely.”

Janie could feel his concern. She didn’t expect him to be this sweet. “Is it an act?” She wondered. 

"Mallard is a special place," Jake joked. "So, tell me about you, what do you do?” Jake inquired. 

Janie hated being asked that question. She felt so unaccomplished and inadequate compared to everyone else in their mid 20’s. She was still trying to figure out life along with her own self. She didn’t want to commit to anything unless she was sure it was right. 

“I wait tables at Martino’s, the new Italian restaurant on the river,” Janie said embarrassed, “I’m finishing up school so just working to pay the bills.” Which was a stretch. She lived at home with her parents and one of her younger brothers. She didn’t have too many bills. She just worked to maintain her lifestyle. 

“What do you do?” Janie said, redirecting the attention to him. 

“I’m in commercial real estate, but what I really love is flipping houses,” Jake’s eyes lit up. 

“Oh really? Well, you’ll have to show me your work sometime,” Janie flirted. 

“I would love to,” Jake said, excitedly. 

They grabbed one more drink and chatted a bit longer. The conversation flowed naturally. They finished their drinks and Jake asked for her number. Janie gladly gave it to him. Billy ended up coming through; he was waiting out front in his black BMW as Jake and Janie walked out together. Billy honked the horn and Jake and Janie laughed. 

Billy’s so funny,” Jake laughed and shook his head. 

“He sure is,” Janie said, rolling her eyes.

Jake moved his body closer to Janie’s. 

She inched in and he wrapped his arms around her. Their bodies interlocking perfectly. 

They slowly backed away, arms still intertwined, eyes holding each other's gaze. 

“Goodnight, Jake,” Janie said as she turned and got into Billy’s car. She buckled her seatbelt, looking back at Jake. He stood there, watching her leave.

Several seconds passed. “That, looked intense,” Billy said, breaking the silence, snapping Janie back into reality, again. 

“Sure was,” Janie whispered.

Jake texted Janie two days later, which felt like an eternity. They made plans to see each other on Saturday. The week seemed to move slower than usual. Saturday finally arrived and Janie had packed a bag which included makeup and a laced white top that hugged her body perfectly. She paired it with frayed jean shorts and a cute pair of canvas wedges. She had been asked to be cut first so she meet Jake at a decent time. 

Janie finished up around 9:00pm. She ran into the bathroom and quickly got ready. Her makeup had been perfect before work so she touched it up and added the mascara she intentionally left off before work so it could be perfect for tonight. Janie walked through the garage to her car and drove the short three miles to Toppers where they had formally met a week ago. She parked and walked to the front. The door had been propped open since it was surprisingly a fairly dry, breezy night. Janie cautiously stepped over the threshold, as she was prone to tripping in these wedges. She lifted her head and looked into to the bar, immediately locking eyes with Jake. He was sitting in the same seat where Billy had spotted him last week, but this time Janie had a direct shot to him. Time seemed to stop. The bar was full, but everyone blurred out of view. She could only see Jake. He smiled at her and Janie melted. Jake stood up and walked towards her. They met in the middle of the bar and hugged. 

“Hey, you! How was work?” Jake asked as he moved to her side, letting a couple walk past. 

“It was good, slower than normal, thankfully!” Janie nervously responded. “How are you? How was work this week?” She asked as they made their way back to where Jake had been sitting. 

Dale came right over and gave Janie a big smile and a wink. Janie blushed. 

“Hi, Dale,” Janie said, exaggerating her words. 

“Hi, Janie! What can I get you? Not sure why I’m even asking.” Dale said as he started making her a Blue Topper. “Jake, another?”

“Thanks, Dale,” Jake responded. 

They got their drinks and agreed to move out to the back patio again. It was the perfect night to be outside and surprisingly there weren’t too many people out there yet. They sat at a table in the back corner. 

“What’s been going on?” Jake broke the ice. 

“Not too much. Work was slow this week, how about you?”

“I bought a new townhouse!” Jake exclaimed. 

“No way, seriously?!” Where?” Janie asked. 

“Right down the street. You should check it out some time,” Jake said to Janie as he took a sip of his beer. 

“I’d love to, anytime!”

“Right now?” Jake asked, seeming to surprise even himself. “I mean, obviously we’ll finish these drinks, but we could pop over for a bit and I could show you, no pressure though.”

“Let’s do it,” Janie happily agreed. 

They finished their drinks and Jake paid the tab. 

They walked out onto the street, and it was bustling. It was midsummer in Norfolk, this sweet town close to the river, where streets were made of cobblestone and the trees strung with lights. It was romantic. They strolled past a couple shops that were starting to close as the bars were just getting started. Jake pointed out architectural details on the buildings as they walked, and Janie soaked it all in. She loved the way his eyes lit up when he talked about something he loved. They arrived at a black gate on a strip of row houses. The details were beautiful. It was dark but what Janie could see from the streetlamp above, was a lovely, warm, brick building, filled with character and charm. Jake opened the gate and Janie walked through, waiting ahead of him. He latched the gate and proceeded up the few steps to the front door. He pulled his keys out of his pocket and opened the door. 

“This is it!” Jake proudly exclaimed as they walked in. 

Jake quickly walked over to the light switch in the kitchen which was straight ahead. There were stairs to the left and a decently sized living room to the right. They walked into the kitchen and Jake went to grab a couple glasses that were sitting on the counter with a few other kitchen supplies.

"Red, okay?" Jake asked, holding up a wine bottle.

"Sounds great!" exclaimed Janie.

Jake poured the wine.

"Let me show you around," Jake said while handing Janie her glass.

“Well, this is the kitchen,” Jake said jokingly. Janie laughed. “Through here is the Master bedroom.”

Janie was surprised to see a bed set up and clothes hanging in a doorless closet. There was a fireplace in the front corner, adjacent was the bathroom. 

“First thing I did was set up the bed. I was so excited to get in and start working.”

“Impressed you did all of this in less than a week, sir,” Janie said as she raised her glass to cheers him. 

Jake raised his, in appreciation. 

“Thank you,” he gently brought his glass to hers, clinking it softly while holding her gaze. 

Janie swallowed deeply. 

Jake looked past her to the stairs. 

“Let me show you what I’m going to be working on upstairs,” Jake said as he walked past her, brushing his hand ever so slightly over her hip, encouraging her on in his direction. 

Janie followed. 

They walked upstairs. There was a bedroom immediately to the left. To the right there was a hallway with a bathroom and another bedroom. We took a left into the first bedroom. 

“I obviously need to paint and fix up the baseboards. The fireplace needs some work, and I want to add crown molding.”

Janie couldn’t believe he knew how to do all of this stuff. It made her appreciate him more. She could tell she was falling for him. They walked down the hallway as he explained his plans for the place. Janie listened and asked questions. They walked back down the stairs towards the kitchen while Jake grabbed the bottle of wine and refilled their glasses. 

“The previous owner left their patio table and chairs. Would you like to sit out back with the wine?” Jake suggested. 

Janie agreed and followed him out back. It was a cute, black rod iron cafe table and chairs. They sat down across from each other. The night breeze was warm as it swirled around their bodies. The smell of lavender and a fire going somewhere in the distanced made Janie feel at ease. She loved being outside especially on nights like this. Jake clinked their glasses together again, saying cheers softly before taking a sip. 

Janie took in her surroundings. 

“It’s really beautiful back here,” she said, “how did you find this place?”

“I’m always on the lookout for solid, historic properties that I know I can fix up while maintaining their original charm,” Jake said seriously but something about it made her giggle. 

“What?!” Jake reacted, “I’m passionate, what can I say?”

Janie reached over and touched Jake’s arm, “It was cute, I love your passion.”

Jake put his hand on top of Janie’s as he began to interlock their fingers. Janie looked down. His fingers were cool but warm at the same time. They were slender and they fit together well, she noticed as he moved his hand up a down along hers. Her whole body went numb. He leaned in, their noses almost touching. His warm breath on her cheek. 

“Is it okay if I kiss you?” Jake whispered. 

Janie moved her head slightly as she nodded yes. Jake moved in slowly. His lips were soft. Her bottom lip gently engulfed between his. He brushed her hair out of her face. 

They slowly inched away, both drunk in the moment. 

“Wow,” Jake reacted. 

“Ya,” Janie sighed as she fought to open her eyes, not wanting the moment to end. 

“I really enjoy being with you, Janie Ray,” Jake told her as he took her hand in hers, sweetly kissing it. 

“I really enjoy being with you, too, Jake Sanders," Janie replied. 

"I'd love to see you again. What are you doing mid-week? Would you like to go to dinner?” Jake asked. 

“Yes, I most certainly would," Janie said, surer of that than anything else.

Janie and Jake finished their wine and then got up from the cafe table, making their way back inside. It was around midnight and Janie knew she better be getting home. Jake walked her back to her car. They held hands the whole way, barely saying a word, just enjoying each other's presence. They got to her car and Janie reached into her purse, pulling out her keys. 

Jake gave her one last kiss on the lips. Janie got into her car and drove towards the highway. The whole 20 minutes home she replayed their kiss in her head. Janie didn’t know what to think. All she could muster up was one single thought. “I sure hope this isn’t just a summer fling.”

August 06, 2024 02:24

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James Barrett
01:55 Aug 16, 2024

Well-written, enjoyable story. Sounds like the couple are headed for a life together, but we don't know for sure, and maybe that's part of the story's charm. Thanks for sharing this. I really liked it.


Meghan Lewis
18:01 Aug 16, 2024

Thanks, James! That really means a lot to me!! I actually have plans to make this a trilogy, but we shall see...


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Trudy Jas
02:38 Aug 15, 2024

A fun slice-of-life story, showing the insecurities of twentysomethings. Great opening line. Thanks for liking "Summertime."


Meghan Lewis
20:04 Aug 15, 2024

Thanks for commenting, Trudy! Oh, the twentysomething insecurities. Glad to be through them and able to reflect!


Trudy Jas
23:15 Aug 15, 2024

And that's a heartfelt second on getting out of the twenties. :-) I saw that this is your second entry to Reedsy. I've been writing for a while and have learned a lot from my peers. If you ever feel you need to pick a brain, feel free to pick mine. :-)


Meghan Lewis
18:02 Aug 16, 2024

Would love that!!! Thanks, Trudy!


Trudy Jas
18:50 Aug 16, 2024

Feel free to contact me.


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