
Submitted into Contest #63 in response to: Write about two characters going apple picking.... view prompt

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Fiction Friendship Holiday

Hannah and Heather were two ten year old little girls who lived in a small town called Ciderville where during fall season, their families came together to do alot of harvesting. Every year they would have their annual fall festival and apple cider was their biggest hit. Ciderville was usually cool around this time of year. It was a nice Saturday morning good enough for apple picking. Hannah stood at her window of the home she shared with her grandma and grandpa. She moved to Ciderville with her grandparents while her parents went out of town for work. She loved being in Ciderville because it was a small town and she had a very best friend whom was really like the sister she never had. They did everything together such as riding bikes, playing with their dolls, but their most favorite thing to do together was pick apples. Hannah's grandfather had made plans that Saturday morning to go pick apples for the Cider Fall Festival that next weekend. Hannah was excited because she was granted permission to help with apple picking this year. She was even more excited because her paw said that she could bring along her very best friend Heather. Heather lived in Ciderville just up the road from Hannah. She also was staying with her grandparents. Her circumstances were quite different from Hannah's. Her parents died when she was only 5 months old in a trajic car accident. Heather didnt have many memories of them just pictures her grandparents show her from time to time. Her grandparents loved the idea of getting to raise Heather. To them, it was like raising their daughter, all over again.

Hannah ran out of the front door to meet with Heather so they can go pick apples at the orchard so their grandparents could make cider, pies, and other goodies for the upcoming festival. Hannah called out to Heather as she came closer to her home.

"Heather, Heather, " yelled Hannah

" Hurry hurry, it's time to go pick the apples for the cider and pies".

Heather stood at the screen smiling as she seen her best friend run up the three steps that lead to their front porch.

"Bye grandma, I'm going apple picking with Hannah for the festival"

"Grab your sweater and don't stay to long"

"I got it", Heather shouted as she grabbed her sweater off the recliner and then ran out on the porch to meet her friend. The two girls sat and talked for a brief moment and then the they grabbed their baskets and raced each other to the orchard. Once they got to the orchard the girls begin to play games, threw apples at each other and played school with the dolls they brought along. They also talked about their parents and how much they missed them and wish they could see them. They talked about all the fun they were having on their fall break from school and Hannah told Heather she was staying until Spring because her parents extended their work contract a little longer. Hannah didn't mind it though. She was glad to have someone her age to play with. Both girls were the only children so they enjoyed each other's company very much.

Apple picking is something they enjoyed doing together. Hannah and Heather's mom were best friends as little girls as well. Their grandparents grew that orchard together and together they worked to keep it up and grew the most beautiful apples ever seen. After college, they went on to different places but never lost touch. Apple picking was something that their parents did as children and so did they. And everyone loved going to the festival where they could eat all the food, and sweets and Apple Cider they could hold.

"Oh Heather, I can't wait to get my hand on one of those candied apples with the caramel sauce, "said Hannah

"Me too Hannah. I wish I wish I was coming over to have some of the pie your maw is making tonight", said Heather

"I'll save you a slice Heather. You know I will"

They started picking apples but got distracted by a snail that was crawling on one of the trees. Hannah went as far as naming the snail Squidward. Heather made a face at Hannah when she saw her pick up the snail.

"Ewwwww Hannah," Heather exclaimed. "I can't believe you touched it. It looks so slimy"

"Awe it's harmless Heather. He's bout as scared of you then you are of him. Just be a little nice that's all."

The girls decided to set the little snail free and get back to what they came there for.

"Happy Picking!!!!" exclaimed Heather in the most southern drawl accent. The girls burst with laughter and got right to it.

They picked apples and played a little more until they seen Mr. Graddy, whom was Hannah's grandfather come to help the girls with the baskets of apples they picked. They only picked 2 baskets. The girls were having do much fun just being in each other's company that they forgot they had a mission to complete.

"Alright girls, time to head on back before it get too late," Mr. Graddy said. The girls raced to Mr. Graddy's truck and hopped on the back end along with the apples. They loved riding on the back of the truck into town. They just loved feeling the breeze.

They loaded the truck and headed back to town and Mr. Graddy dropped Heather off at home where her grandparents were waiting on the front porch. Before Heather jumped down off the back of the truck, she looked at Hannah and said, "Happy Picking!" The girls burst with laughter as Mr. Graddy drove away headed home. Hannah talked the whole way home, filling her grandpa in on all the details of her afternoon spent apple picking. She was so excited about getting home so her grandma could make a good apple pie. She made a mental note to save a slice of pie for her dear friend Heather.

October 11, 2020 18:21

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1 comment

NIkki Todd Davis
08:16 Mar 29, 2023

Beautiful and raw talent! This work of art engulfs one and captivates the reader making them totally entertained and inspired and more so inquisitive of more content


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