Nadia has spent her whole life helping people. She gave little Timmy her juice box in 2nd grade after he tripped and popped his all over the asphalt. It was good to cheer him up. It was good to make his life better. That moment shaped the rest of her life and her chosen career.
It was in this moment that she wished she’d let Timmy sort his own life out and was a more selfish person. Sitting in front of her was Sylvio Caifano; Mobster turned informant. He had more wrinkles in his forehead than his unkempt blouse. He had flipped because he had become disillusioned by his boss, the infamous Antione Leone. “We are going to be sending you to a little shack in Nevada. You will have enough food and supplies to last 3 months. After that, my colleague will visit every month with reinforcements.” Nadia advised.
Being a caseworker in the Witness protection program used to fascinate Nadia. It used to be rewarding, nowadays it was draining. “Do I get to choose my own name toots?” Sylvio asked as his eye wandered down Nadia’s shirt. Sylvio’s wandering gaze didn’t go unnoticed, but unfortunately, Nadia had to maintain professionalism.
“No, you don’t, as it is too risky. You are provided one after we have covered all the logistics of your transition.” Nadia responded. In her 10 years in the position, Nadia has seen people from all walks of life. The 16-year-old girl in the wrong place at the wrong time who witnessed a brutal murder, The detective who reported corruption within their department, and people exactly like Mr. Caifano in front of her, the snitches from gangs.
It was never the bad guys who had to upend their whole lives and start over with a new identity. It was the bystanders and upstanders. The fear that somehow they will be discovered and meet a grisly end was never that of the bad guys. The leaving behind family and friends, meaningful jobs and beautiful homes was never a concern for the bad guys. The fact that the remainder of their lives will never be the same was not a burden carried by the bad guys. The cost of coming forward for the greater good was everything. Your identity, your safety, your everything was taken in exchange.
As draining as the job had become, Nadia would never stop admiring the bravery of the people she has dealt with in the last decade. Sylvio Caifano, despite his own agenda driving him to this point; would be no exception. He is leaving a fortune, mansion, business, and friends behind for the sake of a peaceful life and to take his boss down lawfully.
“Here is the key to your shack Mr. Caifano, your wife and children will be joining you when they are finished speaking with their caseworkers. You will be escorted from here discreetly.” Nadia advised. “What’s my new name toots? It can be anything you want it to be.” Sylvio asked suggestively. “Your name is Hugh Landry. Your wife is Susie Landry. Your son is Kyle Landry and your daughter is Katie Landry. I believe that is everything, sir. I wish you all the best for the future.” Nadia gestured towards the door.
“I should have just been a life coach.” Nadia thought to herself as she typed and sealed all documents relating to Sylvio Caifano.
The next person arrived. Her name was Kayley Jameson. Kayley had been sent into the program because she had information on an international drug ring that had accidentally found its way into her hands. It had simply shown up on her doorstep when a dumb criminal put it on the wrong porch. The front windows of Kayley’s house were shot up the next morning. Kayley was in tears.
“I shouldn’t have to be here!” she screamed. This poor young woman didn’t seek this situation, didn’t desire this situation, and was still being punished. She would have to leave her frail, deteriorating mother behind. Kayley’s mother was in the final stages of dementia, so hopefully, her exit would go unnoticed. Kayley would also never see her fiancé again. He was her one and only, nobody could ever compete with him. Kayley’s whole world upended because of a moronic criminal who couldn’t do his job properly.
Nadia couldn’t bear the thought of what Kayley has to endure next. Moving far away and never being able to look back is one thing when it is done willingly, but unwillingly is a tragedy. “Is there anywhere, in particular, you would like to go Kayley?” Nadia asked.
Kayley just cried. “Home! I want to go home.” Nadia’s heart broke in half. “Unfortunately that isn’t an option, sweetheart. What about somewhere warm?” Nadia suggested. “If I must, somewhere in Florida would at least make my new life bearable,” Kayley responded.
“There is a nice little Victorian house in DeFuniak Springs. Have you heard of the town?” Nadia asked. “No, but it will do. When do I leave?” Kayley enquired. “In 30 minutes. We need to get a new name for you.” Nadia responded.
Nadia processed the paperwork that involved not a single drop of humanity. Original name, Age, Gender, Incident, New Location, When reinforcement of supplies will occur… Nothing that documents Kayley’s emotions. Nadia advised Kayley of her new name, amount of initial supplies and then wished her the best with a fake smile.
As soon as the door shut Nadia broke down. She was good at maintaining her professionalism, but in times like this, her empathy got the best of her. In this room, no matter the amount of bravery that occurs, there is always much more fear and devastation. The changes that occur in this little office are too much, too soon for those sitting in the chair opposite her. Their lives need to change so that they can continue living. After the trauma of the situations they have been through, they must all start from the beginning. The people that sit in the chair leave the room as completely different people than who they were when they entered.
For Nadia, it is hard for her to not be completely invested in these people, their old lives, and new. It has become draining, unbearable, and adversary to Nadia’s mental health. Perhaps it is time for Nadia to help herself leave her old life behind for a change.
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