Speculative Drama

This is a bit of fan fiction. I had watched a movie called Karate Girl on Tubi and I felt that it needed a little more...depth, I think.

Sakura: Karate Girl 2

The stars shined down on the cliffs of Okinawa, their dim light lighting the pathway the two girls walked. The waves crashed against the rocks below sending droplets of water into the air, then landing on the beach below.   It had been a month since the sisters, Ayaka and Natsuki had been reunited in Yokohama.

Ten years ago, A man called Tagawa and his cohorts came to Okinawa to take Sojiro Kurenai's legendary belt away from the family so he could display it as a trophy, a symbol to his power in Japan. 

Tagawa’s first act was to kill eight year old Ayaka in front of him, then, to add an even more cruelty, he kidnapped six year old Natsuki making their father look on helplessly while I'mfought off the Tagawa's henchmen.  

Despite Tetsuya’s skill and valiant efforts, he was cut down from behind with a katana.

The last thing Natsuki’s young eyes saw was her older sister dead on the dojo floor and her father, Tetsuya beaten and barely clinging to life.

Now, after 10 years in captivity, she was back home with her older sister at her old family home in Okinawa, trying desperately to remember how home felt.

Over the past month, Ayaka had tried to engage with her young sibling, trying to make the connection.  She has shown her old photographs of their family, including those of their father, Tetsuya, but Natsuki did not display any reaction at all.  She just stared at the photographs blankly.   

Ayaka also tried making Natsuki her favorite dish, katsudon.  Natsuki took a few bites and then left the dining area without saying a word. 

As the days turned into weeks, Ayaka found herself sniffling softly before falling asleep every night wondering if she would ever have her sister back or if she would have to accept the fact that her young sibling was now just a complete stranger.

Ayaka’s family consoled her during this time and continued to remind her that it takes time to recover from the trauma that Natsuki experienced.  One day, she found herself outside, sitting alone on a bench by the pathway to the beach, when her aunt stopped by and met her on the bench. Ayaka looked up at her through tears, unable to speak and instinctively, she reached out and hugged her aunt.

“From what you told me, “ her aunt said to her, after a few minutes. “Natsuki didn't just lose her father and sister, she lost her whole identity as a person.  It was ripped away from her by this…’organization’.  For ten years, they even called her by a different name didn't they?  Sakura, was what they called her.”

Ayaka nodded her head, still sniffing,. clinging to her aunt for support.

“This is not something that she can just overcome in a hurry.  It's going to be a journey and it will be a journey for both of you. You must go through and it will be painful, but in the end, it will be worth it.”

Ayaka, bit her lip and nodded her head and wiped away a few tears and prepared to talk to Natsuki again.

Today, as Natsuki cautiously ascended the stone steps to the little dojo, she felt her stomach tightening as got close to it, getting worse and worse with every step.  She wanted to please her sister by going in but….she couldn't.  Part of her wanted to simply tell her sister that she just wasn't ready, but words escaped her like dry leaves being scattered by a strong wind.

She stopped in the entrance, looking at Ayaka, swallowing hard.

“It's okay,. Natsuki.   It's okay..” 

Slowly,. tentatively, Natsuki entered the little dojo, her eyes gazing upon the sacred belt of Sojiro Kurenai.  Her stomach eased but only a little.  

Ayaka gave her a little smile,. encouraging her to move forward and begin the ritual.  

Both sisters bowed before the belt in perfect unison, then bowed to each other as the began the kata, the same kata that they had learned years ago from her father.

For Ayaka,the kata always made her feel closer to her father as if he was still in the dojo with her.

The sisters continued the working with the kata together, each move and counter move one made by mirrored by the other. For a time, it was almost no time had passed since they were last in the dojo together.

As the practice started picking up the pace, Natsuki’s face darkened, her jaw set like like a diamond as she delivered a quick set of chain punches to Ayaka’s mid section, throwing her off balance.  


Ayaka was barely able to dodge the incoming back round house, before her sister changed the direction at the last moment to deliver a kick in her already weakened mid section.

Ayaka knew her sister was a strong fighter, but this was different and she was finding it difficult to keep up with her.

Outside, some clouds rolled across the sky and rain started pelting the rooftops and streets.  Puddles started forming in some places and streams of water ran down the hill, while the sisters trained.

Natsuki continued her relentless assaults, each attack fiercer than the last.  Ayaka managed to hold her back, but knew that if this fight continued, she could very well get killed, seemingly outmatched by her younger sister. In one desperate move, Ayaka delivered an elbow strike to Natsuki's exposed torso, knocking the wind out of her.  She fell to the floor,. clutching at her stomach while turning her face towards Ayaka, snarling at her in pain.

Ayaka kept her guard up, but still tried to speak to her sister.  “Natsuki?”

Natsuki didn't speak a word, but slowly she got to her feet, her eyes glimmering like hot coals, until she cast a glance at the shrine of Sojiro Kurenai’s belt.

She looked back to Ayaka, her mouth trembling.  Ayaka tried to approach her but Natsuki backed up a step and shook her head and walked to door.  She then turned to face the dojo, gave a stiff bow, her face a mask of cold iron and walked out in the night.  Ayaka ran after her, but by the time she reached the stone pathway, her younger sibling had already vanished into the woods, leaving Ayaka alone, her salty tears mixing with the rain.

September 11, 2024 18:29

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Helen Broderick
09:39 Sep 19, 2024

An interesting piece. Though I feel you front load it with too much backstory. A better start might have been where the two sister fight and you could bring out their backstory through dialogue between them there. Continue writing you have a good story there.


Patrick H
12:06 Sep 19, 2024

Good thought on that. I was having trouble with that since the dialogue was a bit one sided. The idea with Natsuki is that she is mainly silent, hovering between being Natsuki and the trained assassin, "Sakura"


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