Fire and Ice

Submitted into Contest #262 in response to: Write about a character who is allergic to heat.... view prompt

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Grandwood wasn’t a place one would find on any map. Tucked away in a secluded valley and embraced by tall, protective trees, it resembled a sanctuary—a haven for someone like Ava Taylor, who had a unique condition. Ava’s allergy to heat was an ailment that had shaped her entire life. Over the years, she learned how to manage the aspects of her daily routine, from the clothes she wore to the meals she could eat, but most importantly, her sun exposure. The slightest touch of warmth could result in serious consequences, so it was safe to say that she needed to be exceptionally cautious. Her home was a lovely refuge filled with cool temperatures and gentle breezes, and one of her favorite features was the windows, which effectively filtered the sun’s rays to help keep her protected. The home was provided by a company called WellCore, who had quite the reputation in the underground scene among the wealthy crowd. They were primarily known for creating communities with homes tailored for individuals with specific needs, but they were also known to dabble in what were considered unconventional experiments. Despite the negative whispers that swirled around, Ava still appreciated the home provided to her. There was a comfort in knowing that even though she spent her days in solitude, she was never truly lonely knowing she was surrounded by others just like her.

One of the things that kept her from feeling lonely was her amazing best friend, Mary. Within their community, each residence was equipped with multiple pin pads to facilitate communication. Every day, she and Mary would laugh and chat about the silliest topics. On what seemed to be a day like any other, they chatted away that morning as they always did.

“I made the most delicious frittata this morning; my taste buds were so blown away I almost died.” Mary smacked, clearly still savoring her breakfast.

“You’ll have to send me some, fresh from the oven. Almost dying sounds exciting.” Ava said with a chuckle, her response infused with the playful dark humor her friend appreciated so much.

“There was something I wanted to tell you…” Mary’s voice trailed off as she struggled to remember what she wanted to share.

At that moment, Ava noticed some movement outside that piqued her curiosity. It seemed that the vacant house next door had a new tenant. A truck pulled up, and a young man who looked to be around her age stepped out. He was being escorted by two men dressed in black suits. Transitioning into one of these homes could be very technical, depending on a person's condition. When she arrived, she had to wear a specialized temperature-controlled suit and had her own two escorts. The man had multiple layers of clothes on, including a beanie and a scarf, but did not have any specialized equipment for assistance. She couldn’t help but notice how handsome he was, and the instant attraction caught her off guard. 

“There’s someone moving into number 7.”  She quietly alerted her friend.

“Yes! That’s what I was going to tell you.”

“Do you know his condition?”

“The exact opposite of yours actually; he has an allergy to cold. He’ll probably be all bundled up, his house filled with space heaters and warm lighting.” She paused. “Is he cute?”

Just as Mary had asked, the young man lifted his gaze and locked eyes with Ava. They silently explored one another, immediately drawn together. There was an overwhelming need to know him, and an excitement stirred within her. However, that flicker of hope was swiftly eclipsed by the weight of Mary's words echoing in her mind. He has an allergy to cold. How could anything happen between them with their contrasting conditions? Her new neighbor suddenly diverted his gaze and made his way into his home.

For the rest of the day, Ava couldn't help but wonder about her new neighbor. She found herself sneaking glances out of her window, hoping to catch another glimpse of him. There was nothing until night fell, and she finally spotted him. He walked by his window just as she was looking, and she gasped, quickly ducking out of sight. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, but part of her couldn't resist the urge to peek out again to see if he had even noticed her. When she cautiously looked around the corner, there he was, standing right there.

His lips turned up into a friendly smile as he raised his hand and gave a somewhat awkward wave. She shyly waved back, still feeling a bit embarrassed. Suddenly, in a burst of laughter, she realized just how ridiculous the situation was. She couldn’t believe she had been caught spying! She noticed he was chuckling too, clearly intrigued by her reaction. He pointed to his pin pad nearby, a friendly way of inviting her to chat.

“Hey there, neighbor.” His voice was as warm as the sun, which already signaled trouble for her.

“Hello.” She responded, her voice tinged with nervousness.

“I’m Ethan, I just moved in.”

“Ethan.” she echoed. “Nice to meet you. I’m Ava.

“Ava The Stalker.” He joked, nodding.

“Can the world just swallow me whole now?” She brought her hand to her face.

“Well, if that happened, I wouldn’t have the chance to get to know you. Can’t have that.” He smiled.

They chatted for hours, well into the morning, laughing and talking. Their conversation flowed effortlessly, covering everything from their favorite authors and music to movies and everything in between. They swapped childhood stories and shared how their conditions affected their lives. Ava felt a special connection with him, unlike anything she had felt before.

“When did the sun come out?” She smiled, realizing that it was the next day.

“I wish I could hold your hand.” He whispered.

“If you did, I’d probably break out into welts and die.”

“That sounds lovely.”

“It’s true. I joke about it because if I didn’t… it would just make things even more tragic.”

They exchanged gazes filled with yearning, and Ava was resolute about finding a way to bring them together. Over the next few weeks, Ava dove into research, gathering all the information she could about her and Ethan’s allergies, and even reaching out for medical advice. She was desperate to find the solution that would allow them to be together the way they wanted to be.

Given that WellCore monitored all communication in the homes, including internet activity, it didn’t take long for them to reach out to Ava with an idea. They suggested conducting a series of experiments on them both, aiming to discover a balance that would allow for physical interaction. Ava didn't have to think twice about doing it and couldn't wait to go over the plan with Ethan. They talked and mutually agreed they would go through with the experiments. With everything set in place, all she had left to do was break the news to Mary.

“You’re crazy.” Mary said, worry apparent in her tone.

“If there’s a chance for us to be together then we want to take it.”

“With the possibility of either of you, or both of you, dying?”


“That’s what they said right? That these experiments were not guaranteed, and the chances of death were high.”

“I’m doing this.” Ava said. “Wish me luck.”

Over the next few months, both Ava and Ethan underwent numerous experiments. The goal was to acclimate their bodies to extreme temperatures through gradual exposure. It was a rigorous and carefully planned regimen, and the process was challenging. Throughout it all, neither of them faltered, holding on to the hope of a future together. Soon, the day finally arrived when the doctors prepared a neutral environment and carefully regulated the temperature to suit them both. They placed both Ava and Ethan in the room and monitored closely, eager to see what would unfold.

There she stood, just a few feet away from the man she adored. This was the defining moment of their future.

“I recall you telling me once that you wished you could hold my hand,” she broke the silence. He smiled and stepped closer to her. Their hands reached for one another and soon touched. She held her breath in anticipation. Seconds went by, and nothing, no painful welts, or stings, just peace. He leaned in, and her heart began to race. This was a pivotal moment: their first kiss.

When their lips met, it felt like pure magic. It seemed the experiments had been a success. She truly believed that their love transcended their physical limitations, and she now had a renewed sense of purpose. All her life, she had wondered what her purpose was. In that moment, she knew this was the reason, and that both she and Ethan could now have their happily ever after.

August 09, 2024 02:43

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Marisa Cascio
19:09 Aug 28, 2024

Great story!! Wish I could see more about how the experiments went if this was able to be longer :) Really captures me in the characters


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