Coming of Age Contemporary Horror

Please, please come in. You can put your coat on the stand by the door.

Would you like some coffee or tea? I have a kettle that is electric and they tell me that things are better when life goes faster. I'm not sure.

Okay, I was expecting you earlier, but that does not matter. I seem to have more than a day to finish everything before they pack up my life and forget about me.

No, I don’t mean you. I called you for a reason.

They are not taking everything, you know. I decided a long time ago to make sure that certain things would not just disappear into the back of a truck or in the vault of some museum. There are just some things that need to be shared with the world. And you need to hear something very important before I end our little talk.

I need to share this with you.

Yes, a snow globe. A very special one...

Strange to have one here, don’t you think? Not one flake of snow in ages and people think more about sunburns than frostbite in this town. But I am not from this town and have a history that most people know nothing about.

Oh, you did not know that? I don’t talk too much about it when I do go to particular events and speak like someone respectable and worth your time. People always want to hear the old lady say her piece. Or maybe they just want me to stay quiet and then move on with their day.

But there are stories I have never shared.

And that globe?

That was where I was born.

My hometown is not a place that you would want to visit, not even today. It was just a small farming community when I was a little girl, and now it seems to have been abandoned to just mini-malls and storage centres (I still look it up sometimes; not the biggest fan of the Internet, but that Google does have a lot of information). There was a school that we all went to – quite gone and forgotten now – and I had many friends who came from even smaller towns and villages not too far away. I had a happy childhood, even with all of things that we did not have.

And there were other things that no one would want.

People always have a way of dressing up the bad with the good when things get too painful. I don’t think I can be bothered with it anymore. Not after everything that I have seen in a too-long life.

Right, so, the snow globe. The details are incredible and I am still impressed...

Look carefully at the scene.

A frozen pond, a group of kids and a beautiful sunny day. It was a beautiful sunny day, as I remember it. When winter hit, we always waited until it was safe enough to go out on that little spot (no one ever named it; still strikes me as strange). The ice was usually think enough by December. Usually...

Thing is, it was safe. Every sign said that it was. Old Man Davis had the property and his dogs always ran across it with him, so no one thought a damn thing was going to happen when we came out.

Poor Bobby…

He was so young…and so stupid. But I was the dumbest one there. I ran across that thing after watching those dogs skid across it to the other side. I just did not think that I was heavier than a couple of Golden Retrievers that were chasing squirrels and I heard it crack.

Thought I was alone and that was it. And then…

He came out of nowhere and pushed me real hard from behind before he fell in. What I remember is getting mad at him for hitting me and making me bruised. And then I saw what happened…

No one believed me.

No one.

My mother and father almost dragged me from there when they saw what was happening, and the other kids would not speak to me when their parents started to accuse me of his death.


No one knew he was my boyfriend, or at least my closest friend. Everyone thought that I hated him because we always seemed to complete in class over grades or spelling competitions, but that just made it easy for us to spend so much time in each other’s company.

And then…

Sorry, just an old lady trying to tell her stories and not really understanding how time cannot heal anything. Never believe anyone who says that wounds get healed.

Oh, yes. That snow globe…

You are probably wondering why a town like that would even have snow globes. It was too small for that. You could not even get a postcard with the place’s name on it.

I made it.

Strange, I know. But I had to have some sort of memory of the place. And of dear Bobby.

I always did wonder how they made those things. Those flakes…

Bobby was buried and we found him years after the incident when I was just a bad memory for many people, and no one would recognize my face. Or the people I hired to exhume him. And to make that wonderful memento.

A sin? No, this was done for love. I made sure that the ashes were not stuck in some urn after the cremation. And to leave the remains rotting in the ground like that? No way. Even the people I hired, once they got over their nausea and disgust, took the body away and covered their work.

So, here he is, my dear Bobby. Always gliding happily on the lake in the middle of a winter wonderland. I think that I did a good job of it. Can you see? Can you see it?

Please keep this somewhere safe and private. Not everyone understands what true love can be.

December 14, 2024 03:27

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Melancholy Poet
09:40 Jan 02, 2025

Hi there! I am a narrator on YouTube and I really enjoyed reading this story! Could I maybe get your permission to do a reading of it on my channel? Let me know as soon as you can!


Kendall Defoe
01:18 Jan 03, 2025

I will.


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Kendall Defoe
14:10 Jan 17, 2025

If you still want to do the reading, go right ahead!


Melancholy Poet
19:58 Feb 01, 2025

Awesome, thank you so much! I will begin production right away!


Kendall Defoe
00:02 Feb 20, 2025

Keep me updated!


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Thomas Wetzel
23:41 Dec 25, 2024

This was very good, Kendall. Truly exceptional. You kept it nice and tight and still told a highly compelling story, rich with depth and remorse. Very creepy ending. Loved it. Did you ever see the film "The Dead Zone" by Stephen King? This story reminds me of a really dark scene from that movie. King often gets criticized for not knowing how to finish a story well, but I thought that book/film had a perfect ending.


Kendall Defoe
23:45 Dec 25, 2024

Read it; watched it... Even wrote a review of it! I thank you!


Thomas Wetzel
04:47 Dec 26, 2024

Cool. Then you know the ice hickey practice scene I was referring to. Great story. I loved how the MC failed in his assassination attempt in the end but the way that the senator used the child as a human shield destroyed all hope of his future political career. (Ah, those were the days. I miss logic and order. Why do I get the sense that if a certain American politician/felon did this his approval rating among his base would rise by at least 20% overnight?)


Kendall Defoe
14:40 Dec 26, 2024

His time will come. And..."ice hickey"? Sounds a little painful... 😎


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10:12 Dec 25, 2024

Great story here. Sad. What can one do when in pain over a death? Celebrate their life, visualise them happy, even if they do not know. Thanks for reading mine, Kendal. I should be working on a bigger project, too—publishing with assistance. But when I see a good prompt, I have to write what pops into my head or recycle an appropriate story from the past. And try to read as many stories as I can.


Kendall Defoe
14:58 Dec 25, 2024

I have the same problem. I look at different publications and wonder what to submit... and then a prompt flirts with my imagination, and I'm seduced! Please enjoy the holidays and you will find what you most need to do next!


18:27 Dec 25, 2024

Seduced is the word! Thanks, Kendall.


Kendall Defoe
22:02 Dec 25, 2024



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Mary Bendickson
20:59 Dec 15, 2024

See you are in good form writing multiples this week.


Kendall Defoe
00:57 Dec 16, 2024

I am running myself ragged with this and other work before the year ends. Also looking at self-publishing and I have to decide whether to put together poetry or prose. Not sure I want to use Amazon or Reedsy for this (there is a Kindle page that interests me).


Mary Bendickson
03:45 Dec 16, 2024

Taking time to enjoy the holiday then getting back into my other goals like I've been promising myself for months. That's why I rushed to reach 100 stories. Find diologue easier for myself because don't have to use much description which I am weak at. Did each prompt this week all dialogue only.


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Shirley Medhurst
15:48 Dec 21, 2024

Tragic tale, very well told


Kendall Defoe
14:59 Dec 25, 2024

I think someone might attempt this... if they haven't already... 😐


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Ghost Writer
09:06 Dec 15, 2024

Genius! Another good one Kendall!


Kendall Defoe
00:57 Dec 16, 2024

I thank you.


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