Written in response to: Write a story with a big twist.... view prompt


Fiction Suspense Contemporary


“What a great pleasure to see you both! Tell me what brings you here?” Shashank exclaimed.

Vidyaa initiated the discussion. “Shashank, you know Satish is a writer.”

“Yes, of course! I have read his last novel ‘PENNILESS’. That was wonderful.”

“Thanks, but he needs your help with his new novel that revolves around a convict who is sentenced to death.”

"Oh my God! How can a stone-hearted person like me help you with your writing?"

"Shashank, jokes apart, Satish needs your help getting in touch with a convict who has been sentenced to death. He wants to know the exact state of mind of such a convict.”

"I can always do that. But these days the punishment of hanging to death is very rare. Only one or two of the jailed convicts get hanged. The cold-blooded murders get such an extreme punishment. I will introduce you to one of these convicts. You can talk to him and collect all the information you need."

“No, Shashank. An interview won’t help to get the true picture of the person’s feelings. I want to be with the person for at least a few days and be friends with him. I will get a chance to peep into his heart to feel the actual state of his mind,” Satish said.

“How is it possible?” Shashank was puzzled.

But Satish needed this, badly. “You are our best friend and have the necessary authority. You can think of some solution. And as Vidyaa said, only you can help us out.”

"Okay. I will think about it. Give me a week. I will check out all the possibilities within the framework of the law. Let’s meet again in the coming week.”

The next week Shashank called.

“Well Satish, you will be charged with double murder and will be sentenced to hanging until dead. You will be lodged in the same room where an actual convict is counting his last days. The date of your hanging will be a week after that of the convict. Four days after the hanging of the actual convict, we will receive an acceptance of your petition for clemency from higher authorities and you will be released. Are you okay with this idea?

Most importantly, no one else should know about this plan. It should remain strictly amongst the three of us. Satish, this will be a unique experience for you.” Shashank hung up.

"Looks like an excellent idea." Satish was very happy.

“But I am scared. We are taking a big risk,” said Vidyaa.

“What risk? Inside the jail, the convicts are not tortured. They get food and all the essentials. Don’t worry at all. I am excited,” Satish.

“But I am worried. What if something goes wrong?” Vidyaa asked.

"What can misfire? There is no chance of anything going wrong.” Satish was thrilled about the plan.

The execution of the real convict was three weeks away. As planned, after a week, on 10th April, Satish reached Shashank’s house. When he was taken to the cell, he was stripped of all the things on him, including his mobile phone.

 He was given the dress of a convict. Satish looked at himself. He had goosebumps. He was happy that Vidyaa did not see him in that attire.

While entering the cell, the charge sheet was read out. It said Satish had committed cold-blooded double murder of a man and his wife. The court had fixed 7th May 2001 as his execution day.

Inside the cell, Poornaji Rao, the convict, was sitting on a stool. Satish was also given a small stool. The door to the unit was then locked.

“You come out to the mess at 12 when the bell rings for lunch. You will be given a mat to sleep for the night, a glass to drink water, and a bowl and a plate for your meal. You will clean your plate yourself after every meal. You will take a bath every day before 8 in the morning after which you will get breakfast. Any questions?”

The attendant left without waiting for Satish’s reply.

Nobody spoke for about 10-12 minutes.

"I am Poorna Rao. What is your name?”

In a grim voice, Satish told Rao his name.

“What is your sentence?” Rao wanted to know.

“On 7th May, direct up,” Satish said as he looked up.

“They are sending me up on 27th April,” Rao said.

"Double murder. Two brothers were after me for my piece of land. For two years I tolerated it. But then I could not bear it any longer. They had come to my house to pressurize me to sell my land to them. I once again refused. They started arguing with me. They were threatening me to quit the place or face the consequences. I got upset. Somebody threatening me, Poorna Rao? I picked up the sickle which was near me. I charged up and straightway cut his throat. His brother picked up the sickle and rushed toward me. I held his hand and twisted it. He dropped the sickle. I grabbed it and put it straight onto his neck. He moved and blood oozed out. His throat was slit. He also died instantly. I did not run away from my house. After an hour, the police came and arrested me. My wife and children were crying uncontrollably. I admitted to my crime in front of the judge who did not hesitate in giving me the death sentence.”

“Are you feeling bad now?” Satish asked.

“Yes, when I think of my family and parents. They are left without any support. I do not regret killing the brothers. But I am distressed that I left my family to fend for themselves. I do not know what they will do?”  Satish saw tears in Rao's eyes.

It was Satish’s turn to tell Rao his story. “I am an engineer. I was living happily with my two children and wife. I murdered my neighbour who was also educated. But he was in the company of gamblers. He had taken a lot of, about a lakh of rupees loan from me. His wife used to complain about his ill-treatment of her. He had robbed her of all her jewellery and lost everything in gambling. Once his wife told my wife that her husband had threatened her that if she did not hand over her mangalsutra, he would slit her throat and take it. My wife pleaded with me to prevent this atrocity. I went to their house. The door was open. I entered. The room was empty. Some movement was noticed in the kitchen. I rushed there. I saw, my neighbour had a knife in his hand and he was charging toward his wife to get the last of her jewellery, the mangalsutra, which is a very sacred ornament for ladies. I shouted at the person. He was in a horrible mood. He looked at me and yelled that it was their private matter and I should go away. I refused to budge. I insisted he drop the knife. He screamed, “Why are you interested in her?”

He looked at his wife and howled, “You prostitute. You must be having an affair with this man.” He stabbed his wife twice. She collapsed in a puddle of blood. He then turned over to me and attacked me with the knife. I was swift in ducking that but he fell in such a way that the open knife pierced his stomach and he died instantly. Two murders. And I was the only witness.

I informed the police. My wife was baffled. She was shocked. In court, I was charged with double murder for killing both the husband and the wife. My pleading innocence was of no avail. The judge sentenced me to death, accusing me of stabbing the couple in an attempt to recover my money lent to him."

With a grave face, Satish added,” They have booked me on 7th May”

Satish noticed that Rao had total sympathy for him, despite his precarious position.

The bell rang and they had to go to the mess with their plates and bowls to have lunch.

Slowly, Satish realized Rao was not a diehard culprit. Superficially, he was showing to the world that he was a hardcore criminal and did not regret his action of killing. But from within, he was very soft and repented his action of killing though the murdered persons deserved it.

Poorna Rao once said, “Even though you are educated, you have to go through this ordeal. I am a born farmer. We put our sweat and blood into producing the paddy and some grains. We are happy with all this. That is the way, we farmers live. But any injustice or unfairness, we just cannot tolerate. “

Satish and Poorna Rao gradually became thick friends. Satish was getting exactly what he was searching for. Rao had let Satish enter his deeper feelings.

April 27th was approaching fast. Poorna Rao was getting upset thinking about the problems his family would have to face.

On 25th April, news came that Shashank had gone on an emergency leave as his father-in-law had expired. Manoj Dighe had taken over his place. Satish was so absorbed in understanding his protagonist that this news did not mean anything to him.

On the 27th, Poorna Rao was woken up early. He was asked to finish his morning duties. After his bath, he was given fresh clothes to wear. At around 6, he was escorted to the gallows. Satish was very sad. His very close friend was being taken away. He hugged Poorna Rao intensely. He could not control his sob.

Rao said, "Don't worry my brother. I will go up and book a place in heaven for you where we can share our feelings. Just a matter of a few days. We will meet soon.”

Poorna Rao left this world. Satish was grieved.

“Take courage, Mr. Satish. Eight days more and you will also have to follow the same procedure. After all, you people are heartless. When you killed someone, your sensitivity had gone for a walk. When your turn comes, you are feeling sorry,” Manoj Dighe, the new jailor, remarked.

Before leaving, Dighe said,” Mr. Satish, 7th May is also very near. You also get ready for the departure.”

Satish was shocked to hear his statement. “Sir, when is Shashank sir coming back?”

“Why, is he going to free you? Mr. Satish, Shashank is out of the country. And he won’t be back for six months. So, forget about him. You won’t see him in this life.”

“Are you serious, sir?”

"Yes, of course. What a destiny! An uneducated Poorna Rao got hung with a rope and an educated person like you also will be with the same rope. Education or no education, the animal instinct is the same in every person.”

“Sir, can I speak to my wife?”

"Yes, why not? The last desire of the person who is going to leave this world is always fulfilled."

“Can I give her a message? I want to see her urgently.”

“Satish, I will give her your message that you want to see her urgently. Arrey, you are left with only a few days. Everything is very urgent. Only a few days. So, I will contact her immediately and give her your message. Okay?”

Satish was alarmed. This new jailor did not know the plan they had executed for his next novel to be realistic, and authentic. Satish decided to tell Vidyaa to come here immediately. She would make the situation clear to Mr. Dighe.    

In the evening, Dighe came for the visit. Satish was anxious about the status of the message. When Dighe came to his cell, Satish looked at him expectantly. Dighe said, “Satish, we could not get the line despite our trying several times. Don’t worry. Tomorrow, I will send the messenger with the message to Mrs. Satish. He will bring her along by evening.”

Dighe left the cell and asked the attendant to find out if Satish wanted anything.

Satish was getting tense then. Why did Shashank have to leave the country?

The next day, Dighe took a round in the jail only in the evening. When he came to Satish’s cell, he talked to the guard on duty and started leaving. Satish was annoyed that Dighe did not value his words. He had promised that his man would bring Vidyaa, along with him, and there was no information about it.

Satish called out to Dighe sir.

"Sir, what happened? My wife did not come?”

Dighe turned back and came close to Satish’s cell. Slowly, he whispered, “She is very busy these days. When she gets time, she will try to see you, she said.”

Satish was shocked. ”What would Vidyaa be busy with? What is more important than my life? Has she lost interest in me?”

In the night, sleeping on the mat, Satish’s mind was wandering over some unwelcome thoughts.

Satish wanted to experience the emotional turbulence of the convict. Could that be the ploy between Shashank and Vidyaa, to get rid of me with this plan? They spent four years in the same class in science college. That day at our dining table, he skilfully avoided my question about him ‘who he was behind during his college days’. Oh my God! Where have I landed myself? In the morning I must try and tell Dighe Sir about their plan. Deciding this course of action for the next day, Satish slept.

In the morning, the guard enquired whether Satish wanted any specific thing to be done. Any unfulfilled desire he was holding? In that case, the jail would try to satisfy those things.

Every staff member passing by this cell had a very sympathetic look at Satish. Satish was getting disturbed by their pitying stares.

"So, these are the last days of my life. I should have spent my life a little differently. I should not have taken risks such as this."

Satish, lost in such thoughts, went off to sleep.

The next morning during his visit, Dighe came to Satish’s cell.

He tried his last effort. “Dighe Sir, I want to tell you something.”

Dighe looked at him sympathetically. Came closer.

“Ok. Tell me.” Dighe said.

“Sir, I am a writer and the protagonist of my new novel is a convict to be hanged," Satish explained the entire plan to Dighe, sir.

“But unfortunately, Shashank sir had to go on leave. And here I am stuck. So please believe me. I have not committed any murder. I just wanted to get prepared to write the novel. Please, do not arrange to hang me.”

“But where is your wife? She also did not care for you.

I am sorry. But I have to follow instructions from the higher authorities. Be ready to leave this world the day after tomorrow."

The next day Satish was given a special meal. But he was extremely disheartened. He recollected all his plans. They all were doomed. His love for his wife proved to be disastrous. One after another, negative thoughts were taking charge of his mind.

‘How much I loved Vidyaa. Even if she was away for just a day, I would miss her so much. Every matter, we used to discuss. It was not that we used to agree on every point. But we saw to it that the other person was convinced. When I got a big cheque from the publisher, the first thing I did was that I bought gold bangles for her. Whenever my story was getting rejected, we both were sad. We laughed together. We cried together. She was my better half, in a real sense.

But now, she has planned to get rid of me! I will still miss her in heaven.

And my daughter, Archana. How much I loved her. I wanted to dedicate my next novel to her, for her inspiration. That desire remained unfulfilled. And the son-in-law. I wanted to gift an advanced, state-of-the-art telescope to him. and the sweet little granddaughter. I loved them too. All these plans have crashed. Now, I will be hated for committing a murder.

All the love and respect they had for me, will be reduced to nothing.

The entire society will look at me as a murderer. I will be condemned by everyone. I am finished. Totally finished.’

In the morning, he was woken up early. After the bath, he was given new clothes. At 5:30, he was escorted to the gallows. A black mask was put around his head. He could not see anything. He was then taken to the spot. A narrow-diameter noose was looped around his neck. Satish was told to think of his most loved person.

Satish was confused. So far, he had considered Vidyaa as his most loved person. But he hated her then. She betrayed him and plotted to get rid of him. How could Vidyaa be his most loved one any longer?

Archana? Yes. He loved her very much. But after she heard of his committing murder, would she love him still?

No. No. No one in this world loves him and so how could he love them?

Suddenly, Satish heard some quick movement of people.

Everything was dark. Countdown started. Three, Two. One.

And ….and … instead of the rope around his neck getting tighter, the mask was taken off. And Satish saw Vidyaa, Shashank, Dighe, and some other persons in front of him. 

Shashank came forward and said, ”Satish, this was a real-life experience for you. Now we want a wonderful novel from you which would be remembered and appreciated for a very long time.”

Satish was shocked and delighted. He saw Vidyaa wiping her eyes. She came forward. Satish hugged her passionately. Then Satish came down the platform supported by Vidyaa.

After reaching home, Satish started writing the novel.

July 23, 2024 17:00

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