Sunsets of sorrows: A story of loss, hope and lifelong friendship

Submitted into Contest #213 in response to: Start or end your story with a character receiving a hug or words of comfort.... view prompt


Fiction Friendship Inspirational

The last rays of the sun had set on a very tough day when I found myself sitting alone on the only park bench in the park, a weathered and aged piece of wood that had witnessed countless stories, just like the one that was unfolding before it. This day had been no ordinary day; it had been an exceptionally challenging one, one that seemed to be a culmination of a series of unfortunate events that had unfolded in my life recently. The park itself, a sprawling oasis of nature in the heart of the city, had always been a place of solace for me, a sanctuary where I could escape the demands and stresses of everyday life. Yet, on this particular evening, it had taken on a different aura, almost as if it was a reflection of the turmoil within me.

Earlier that day, I had received news that had not just rocked but completely shattered my world. The very foundation of my daily existence had crumbled beneath me, as I lost my job – a job that had been not just a source of income but a labor of love. For decades, I had poured my heart and soul into it, making countless sacrifices and dedicating countless hours to its success. But it all came crashing down, a victim of the company's downsizing, a result of the industry's struggle in the face of relentless economic turbulence that had battered it like a merciless storm.

As I sat there, the weight of my passing worries seemed to intensify and increase with each passing minute, like the heavy clouds that had earlier obscured the setting sun. The park, which on any other day would have been filled with the joyful laughter of children playing, families chatting, and picnics in full swing, was now eerily quiet. It was as if the world around me had come to a standstill, mirroring the stagnation I felt inside. The loss of my job was just one piece of the puzzle that was shattering my life. It was followed, like a cruel twist of fate, by the sudden end of my long-term relationship. The love of my life, the person I had envisioned spending my days with, had walked away, leaving an emotional void that seemed impossible to fill.

In those moments, I found myself grappling not only with the heartbreak but also with the daunting prospect of rebuilding my life from the ground up. It was as though my life had been reset to zero, and I was faced with the daunting task of reconstructing it piece by piece, starting with the shattered remnants of my heart. Each passing second felt like a grain of sand slipping through the hourglass of my existence, a reminder that time was relentless and unforgiving.

Then, just when I thought I had reached the lowest point, life dealt the most devastating blow of all. A close family member was diagnosed with lung cancer, a diagnosis that sent shockwaves through our lives, shaking the very core of our existence. This disease, with its ominous name, was a villain that emerged from the shadows and threatened to consume everything in its path. Days and nights were spent endlessly in a whirlwind of hospital visits, where the sterile scent of antiseptic seemed to permeate every corner, doctor's consultations filled with medical terminology that often left us bewildered, mounting bills that strained our finances to the breaking point, and the relentless emotional rollercoaster of hope and despair that accompanied this formidable disease. It was a cruel twist in our family's background, a test of our resilience that we could have never imagined. Each day was a battle, and we faced it with a mixture of fear, determination, and an unwavering sense of love and solidarity that bound us together. 

As I stared blankly at the ground, my mind consumed by the tumultuous whirlwind of emotions, I suddenly felt a warm presence beside me. I turned my head to find my best friend, Alex, standing there with a concerned look on their face.

Without a word, Alex could see the looks of discomfort on my face. She wrapped her arms around me in a comforting hug. In that simple act, I felt a rush of adrenaline, emotional relief, gratitude, and an overwhelming sense of being understood. It was as if she had sensed my pain without me uttering a single word.

Alex whispered softly, “I’m always here for you, always. You don’t have to carry this burden alone.” Tears welled up in my eyes as I hugged Alex back tightly, feeling the weight on my shoulders slowly start to lift. At that moment, I knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, I always had someone who would stand by my side, offering not just words of comfort but the unwavering support of a true friend. A best friend who was, at that moment, my lifeline in a sea of uncertainty.

We sat there together on a park bench, the sun sinking lower on the horizon, painting the sky with hues of orange, pink, and yellow. The world around us seemed to echo the shift within me—a transition from despair to hope, from isolation to connection. The park, which had been a silent witness to my inner turmoil, now began to come alive with the sounds of children playing, dogs chasing after frisbees, and families enjoying picnics. Life, it seemed, was resilient and ever-renewing, even in the face of adversity.

As I sighed deeply, feeling the catharsis of sharing my burdens, I muttered, "I have hit rock bottom." Alex, with a gentle smile, replied, "You know the good part about hitting rock bottom? The only way to go is up." And as we sat there, two friends in the fading light of day, I began to believe in the truth of those words. The journey ahead was uncertain, but with Alex by my side and the promise of a new day on the horizon, I knew that I had the strength to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

August 28, 2023 08:31

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Melanie Beckley
10:58 Sep 04, 2023

This is such a well written and beautiful short story. Your steady use to build up scenes and emotions is very inspiring. Just from this story alone, I'm going to follow you! Wow, well done and well written.


Avinash Johnson
22:31 Sep 05, 2023

Aww, thank you so much! 😊 Have a great day!


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Rabab Zaidi
11:16 Sep 03, 2023

Very well written. Inspiring.


Avinash Johnson
05:08 Sep 08, 2023



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08:39 Aug 28, 2023

good job bro :>


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Maya Michelle
08:37 Aug 28, 2023

LOVVVEED IT. such detailed sentences


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