Submitted into Contest #137 in response to: Write a story about a scientist.... view prompt

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Sad Suspense Fiction


She closed in the envelope  the letter she had just finished writing , she wrote the address on the envelope, like the letter with her goose pen ( quill). Then she stamped the envelope and went out to post her letter. It was now 2050, by now only emails and SMS , and other even faster technological devilries were used. But she was still using the means to communicate of a century earlier. She still used pen and paper. Just a goose pen    Although she, Zelda, was a prominent, remarkable scientist. Ah, of course, she had become a renowned scientist following an almost strange way, which was not the usual one of the scientists who were recognized as such. It can be said that Zelda F. had become a scientist by chance. Also driven by curiosity, sure. And not a little she owed it, if she had become a scientist, to the convictions she had already found herself having at a young age. First of all her distrust of the official medicine, of the medical world, of the health care of the country where she lived.

It should also be said that if Zelda , already in her early twenties, considered the doctors, above all, DEATH ADMINISTRATORS, and  the official medicine a very big, huge business, that was not concerned with curing and healing, but, first and above all, with having patients, that is customers who, more they were numerous, more they ensured power and wealth to the masters of the health care, despite these beliefs she, Zelda, did not consider reliable even those which were called the other medicines, the other ones from the official medicine. While she, Zelda, knew, and could not pretend not to know, that people who often and willingly resorted to medical care, who trusted and entrusted to doctors and health care did not live healthier at all, and even longer than those  who, instead, resorted only barely to health care and doctors, she was also convinced , both from what she had experienced herself, and from she knew had happened to others, that the human body had great and, for the most part, unknown skills ( capacities) for self-care and self-healing. When Zelda , about thirty, decided to try to understand, to know more about these abilities ( skills) of the human body or organism , she had already an almost demanding job, which she didn’t want to leave. And in any case she would not have really feel like enrolling in medicine, given the opinion she had of the official medicine, of the medical profession, of the health of the country where she lived. Then she hadn’t thought, even remotely, she would become ( would have become)the renowned scientist she was now, that many decades had passed since she was young. The young Zelda had undertaken her research as an autodidact ( as a self- taught one), driven , above all, by the desire and the hope of being able to cure herself, to heal herself. Then of course, she was  very curious, impatient too to be able to discover (to find out) something that was still unknown about the human organism, as well as of other mammals, and that would be ( would have been) of great importance to know, since THIS until now UNKNOWN SOMETHING would improve everyone’s life. She, Zelda, even knew that her way of proceeding in her research, looking to know something that would be of crucial importance to know, would not have followed, since she was not able, a strictly scientific method. She knew that she would let her curiosity lead her, show her the way and the steps to take, just as she knew she would have to rely on his intuitions. With this ( having said this), Zelda knew well that some knowledge, above all of biology, was indispensable to be able to undertake her research. It often happened to hear about the DNA, both as regards the search for guilty of crimes , both for the attribution of paternity, and for preventive diagnoses too. Yes, since even then, over forty years ago, it was possible, from some time, that, with the analysis of the DNA , everyone could know in advance the diseases to which his genetic structure ( his genome)not only exposed him, but , as far as she understood, also condemned him, unless…that his genetic weakness was remedied.

Weakness, imperfection, defect, of the DNA, science ( biology) ruled, and medicine agreed ( followed it). She, Zelda, could not help but think that even what was a weakness, or defect, or imperfection in a DNA , it was still part of how it was the living human individual , who had his origin and basis precisely in THAT DNA, not in another.

Together the indispensable knowledge about biology and in particular on DNA, there were many little things that Zelda felt, even if she didn’t know WHY, would have helped her in her rather adventurous research, which would have been almost extravagant, not only entirely outside of the research of the medical world, but also of the official science research. They, those little things would have helped her. Oh, they were nothing much  (special), they were just little things, but as soon as she had seen one of them, as soon as her eyes had rested on those little things,it had seemed to he to have found a treasure. It was precisely the image of some of those little things which came to Zelda’s mind when she studied DNA. She focused on the nucleus of the cell, she looked at the chromosomes under the microscope and here, they appeared to her, as if they were dancing in her mind, those fabulous blue eggs. Zelda had seen them for the first time when she was a child, in the days before Easter. Since for Easter children colored the eggs, and some children did not only color them, but also painted, decorated them, when Zelda, as a child, saw those blue eggs, of a light blue pending to turquoise, but with just a shadow, or veil, of turquoise, she had thought they were eggs like the others, whose shells had been colored. What a surprise when her grandmother had said her that it was the Mapuche hen which laid eggs of that wonderful blue, with just a whiff of turquoise. Zelda had then, as a child, believed that those eggs, with their incredible, wonderful blue shell, but certainly, they had to have also inside something special, different, from the other eggs. She had imagined, and it was as if she saw it with her eyes, that when their blue shell had been opened___oh, and it was a sin to open, that is to break, that enchanting shells____to see eggs in the shape of flowers, colorful flowers, or in the shape of star, of even of a crescent moon, but also of a bicycle and an airplane. Ah, ( new disappointment) the inside of those fairytale eggs was the same of the all other eggs : a yolk of a more or less bright yellow, surrounded by egg white. Ah, but they, the fabulous blue shelled eggs, will taste different from the other eggs, Zelda had said herself, full of hope. Oh, surely they would have tasted ( had to have tasted) of chocolate , or peach in syrup, or roasted chestnuts, or cream, Zelda as a child had hoped. But even their taste, both cooked and raw, was the same of that of the other eggs.

Then, when Zelda had become adult, even she, like many people, had immediately and willingly believed those who claimed that blue-shelled eggs did not contain cholesterol. The news was a hoax, and it was soon denied. But she, Zelda, continued to believe that the fantastic blue-shelled eggs, that only to see them made her happy, ah,they had to have some particular proprieties, some characteristics  that only they had. Yeah, she would have bet, something really special, but indeed even incredible, amazing, the fabulous blue-shelled eggs had to have also inside them. Something, she was sure, that would have been precious even for her daring, reckless research. Zelda continued to be convinced about this, despite having no proof to believe it. But for her it was more than enough proof the enchantment she felt in front of their wonderful blue. So, in addition to focusing on human DNA, Zelda decided to observe, to examine very scrupulously also the egg contained inside the fabulous blue shell. And not only did she have to scrutinize, to examine  the yolk, that is the nucleus of the egg cell, because she felt, indeed foreshowed that in every small part, even the smallest of the egg inside the blue shell there could be, but indeed there was for sure___it was only a matter of finding( out) it, SOMETHING, maybe very little, but which would have been invaluable for her research.

Meanwhile Zelda , to carry out her research, ( she) had to leave her house, since her neighbors had started to consider her a dangerous madwoman, and they worked hard to make her life impossible, a real hell. Although she was bitter and even saddened since her mother and her sister, with whom she lived, had ended up considering her and even treating her, that is mistreating her, like her neighbors, Zelda did not give up , and she moved to an isolated house in the countryside. For sure it was better  not to have neighbors, given what they could cause ( combine) you. But, damnation, even in the old remote country house, miles away from other houses, where she ( had) believed she could carry on her research in peace and quiet, there had been those who had decided to stand on her. She had had to suffer for many, too many years a real continuous oppression, which not only spied on her 25 hours a day, but also inflicted her electric shocks and wounds on her body, probably caused through laser instruments. Those shocks, those wounds were inflicted on her even when she was sleeping, they were real tortures. When Zelda had denounced what was being inflicted on her, real torture, it had been even worse. Not only had she not been believed, and had been defined as suffering from persecution mania, by the very efficient psychiatric service present, indeed omnipresent, on the territory, but the regime that was inflicted on her had even hardened, it had become more cruel. Zelda had to realize , at her own expense and with no little suffering, that the country in which she was born and where she still lived, despite it was considered a civilized country, respectful of the fundamental rights of every individual, it was not at all such, at least with her. So Zelda had decided to leave her country. Even if she had to settle for going to a country much closer to hers than America, where she would have liked to go, it had been a great relief to leave a country she could no longer considered hers, a country where she even regretted of being born. When she left that damned country, which no longer could be hers, she knew she would never go back. Sure, she hadn’t have an easy life even outside the country where she was born. For twenty years she had to move from one place to another, from one country to another, always looking for the most suitable place to carry out her research. Only when, thanks to a completely unexpected stroke of luck, she had been able to go to Alaska, her research____aimed ( addressed) to find the biological, genetic foundations (bases), or fundamentals of the capacity for self-care and self-healing, that, she was convinced, belonged to every living organism, not only to human being____only then finally her research had taken a decisive turn. There, in that boundless spaces, with a climate of abysmal temperatures, a cold which she had never experienced, under that incredible light, the Northern light, and the halos of the ice around the sun, Zelda, who had never felt at home, especially in the damned country where she was born and raised, she immediately felt to be home.  Just as if, such was her feeling, that boundless and cold land was the place of her origin, as if her distant ancestors, as if her DNA too had come from there.  Yeah, her DNA and…her research. Soon she learned that in Alaska there were quite a few people who conducted research on her own initiative, without being supported by some university or research institute. Theirs were researches on the animal and vegetable world, on the climate, on the wind, on the air.

In Alaska she, Zelda, also find a bird which, what a wonder! laid blue eggs, almost of the same blue as the Mauche hen’s eggs. They were incredible big eggs, of a disproportionate size for a modestly sized bird, as it was, the Kuki Yuki, which was a cross between the Icelandic four -eyed and the American Robin. It was in the eggs, they too blue-shelled, of the Kuki Yuki, that Zelda was able to find the unknown enzyme , which she called Kuki, through which she was then able to identify the particular sequence of amino acids that in the DNA of every human being is ready to take action so that the process of self-care and self-healing can begin. And, wonder of wonders, the substance which the human DNA needed to activate the process of self-healing was in the blue-shelled eggs, those of the Mapuche hen, from which Zelda had started her research, the blue eggs which had inspired her research.  

March 19, 2022 03:48

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Katie Logan
23:12 Mar 23, 2022

This is interesting - I really like the idea of the blue eggs, and the description of them. I wonder though, if there's a couple of points where you could go into a little more detail, specifically about Zelda's history? She sounds like she has a fascinating backstory and I'd love to learn a bit more about her!


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