Everything was ready for the ritual
Tara: ~Te expectamus
(We look for thee)
~per umbra,
(through the shadow)
Jack: ~prodire in lucem,
(come forth to light)
~de patibulo,
(from the gallow)
Brad: ~munus nostrum,
(receive our gift)
~vitae sequi,
(of life to follow)
~ad mortem et sanctificationem.
(back to death and the hallow)
Tara started her segment of the enchantment, then myself, then Brad and finally completing the final line of the incantation together as one. A silence fell over the room. Looking around at Brad and Tara in front of me. The ambient light from the candles dancing around the darkened room. No one said a word. We all looked at each other as if our feeble attempt at conjuring spirits was going to actually work.
Brad: Well, so much for that.
Jack: Can I eat the grapes yet?
Tara: Don't you dare! We go again!
Brad: Seriously?
Tara: Yes, the book says to repeat it until someone answers.
Brad: Or something.
Jack: If at all.
Brad: (sighs)Okay.
Tara repeats her lines of the spell, this time more focused and intense than the attempt before, and again with me following behind her. Brad saying his lines in the same dull vibrato, and rounding the spell out for a second time as a trio. Waiting only a few moments this time Tara almost immediately, without saying a word in between, begins the incantation again. Brad and I follow suit.
Before starting the incantation for a forth time, I started thinking to myself how foolish all three of us must look; taking in the scene for myself I begin to smile. I almost laugh. Looking at the melted candles dripping on the white lace table cloth, the poor excuse for food that we called a peace offering to the spirits to be, and us holding hands. Tara's face half contorted with concentration trying to will it into existence, while Brad's boredom emanates from my left as though he's about to fall asleep sitting up. And myself, skepticism building, waiting patiently for the impossible to happen.
As Tara took a deep breath the candles flickered and went out as though a gust of wind swept through the room. A chill ran down my spine and a sickly smell filled my nostrils unlike anything I've smelled before. The temperature plummeted, it became so cold I could see the breath in front of Brad and Tara's face. Their facial expressions filled with shock, almost terror, as the mood of the ritual changed in an instant from what was us joking and having fun to, uh oh...what have we done?
============some time in the not too distant past==========
Jack: So what are we doing tonight?
Brad: Hell if I know.
Jack: It's Halloween, we should do something.
Brad: Lets go trick-or-treat!
Tara: What are you five years old?
Brad: You got a better idea?
Tara: If I did would I be here with you two losers?
Brad: You can be such an ass sometimes.
Jack: Would you expect anything less?
Brad: No, I guess not.
Tara: Why don't we speak to the dead!?!?
Jack: You've gotta' kidding. Like a séance?
Tara: That's exactly what I mean!
Brad: Isn't Halloween about warding off spirits, not bringing them back to life?
Tara: I'm being serious and don't be such a buzz kill. Where's you sense of adventure?
Jack: Summoning spirits doesn't sound like much of an adventure.
Tara: Better than sitting around a camp fire holding hands singing kumbaya.
Brad: We might as well be.
Jack: I have a feeling it's going to be a long night....
I was never one for Halloween festivities, but Brad and Tara really keep me on my toes. You never know what kind of shenanigans they are going to get into. Raising the dead? I mean, come on, who comes up with this stuff? Tara, that's who. It's tough to take her serious some times but when she gets a wild hair like this you know she means business. Try getting in her way or talking her out of it, you're likely to get a swift kick to the groin. I'd advise against it. So, Brad and I, we just go along with it.
Jack: How do you suppose we go about raising the dead, Tara?
Tara: I have a book!
Brad: Of course you do.
Jack: Ok. where is it?
Tara runs upstairs to grab the book.
Brad: Come'on man. We aren't really doing this are we?
Jack: I'm not a big fan of the idea either, but it's not like its actually going to work.
Brad: Even so, I don't think we should be messing around conjuring spirits and playing games with the dead, is all I'm saying.
Tara runs down stairs, pauses for a second, then steps into the kitchen.
Jack:(Now whispering) Dude, it's probably just a stupid book she got from the library. What's the worst that could happen?
Brad: I don't know, she opens up some portal to hell and daemons eat our soul! What else happens when you attempt to conjure the dead?
Jack: Ok, yeah, that's probably the worst that could happen.
Tara comes back from the kitchen with a book and a few supplies. In her hands she's holding the book, half a dozen candles, a tattered white lace table cloth, a bag of grapes and some old pretzel sticks she found in the kitchen. The book is bound in old worn leather looking as though it came from another century. Inscribed on the front is what appears to be an old English style of calligraphy; it reads,
Séance: Incantations Ad Mortuos de Sucitate
Brad: That doesn't look like any library book I've ever seen.
Tara: What?
Brad: Nothing
Jack: Is that Latin?
Tara: I think so.
Brad: You think!
Tara: I got it from the used book store downtown. I was looking for sorcery and magic books and I stumbled across this. It translates to "Séance: Incantations to Raise the Dead." Cool huh!
Brad: What do you mean RAISE the dead?
Jack: Are you sure that's what it says?
Tara: Yeah, I googled it.
Brad: 'Cause why not!
Jack: I don't think we should be bringing the dead back to life.
Tara: You're being too literal. I don't think it's going to bring anyone back to life. I just want to see if there are any spirits around that we can communicate with.
Brad: Of course there's spirits! It's Halloween. There's probably a whole freaking room of them right now. Why do you need a book to talk to them? Wouldn't you rather use a Ouija board or something?
Jack: Is the rest of the book in Latin?
Tara: Most of the text has been translated, except for the incantations.
Jack: So what do we have to do?
Brad: You can't be serious, Jack! You're both being ridiculous.
Tara: Well, first we have to set the table. The book says, It is believed that the use of a circular object, such as a round table, creates a symbolic connection among the participants that allows spirits to flow freely into our astral plain. By placing a food offering on the table the the chances of attracting a spirit, whom still has cravings of the physical realm, are greater. Candles, a number divisible by three, can be used to call upon spirits who are seeking out warmth and light
Jack: Well that explains the grapes and pretzels.
Brad: Great, I'll draw the pentagram. Should I call Lucifer, too? I have him on speed dial.
Tara: Will you shut up!
Brad: Bite me!
Tara: Ugh, anyways, Around the table there must be a number of people, also divisible by three, who are willing participants. Out of these participants one must be chosen as a medium. (Someone who allows the spirits to speak to or through them). Once the offerings are placed on the table the three participants must join hands and recite the agreed upon incantation.
Jack: So who's going to be the medium?
Tara: I think it should be Brad.
Brad: Absolutely not. There's no way I'm going to let some dead guy use me as a looking glass from another dimension.
Tara: Why not? You're astoundingly transparent already. I figured a ghost wouldn't have a problem speaking through someone as dumb as you.
Jack: Will you two quit with the insults already? I'll do it.
Tara: Fine then. It goes on to say that once the incantation's spoken out loud. If there isn't an immediate response to keep repeating the chant until a spirit chooses to communicate, if one decides to at all.
Jack: Doesn't sound too complicated.
As I placed the six candles in a star like pattern around the table while Brad set the food in a serving dish in the center, at Tara's request of course, a feeling of curiosity started to grow over me. Could this work? Could we truly communicate with some poor lost soul stuck in purgatory. There was still an air of negativity emanating from Brad who was very adamant about telling us how stupid we are for going through with this. Ignoring his ill mannered cautions, Tara and I started sifting through the book of spells to decide which one might be best for our purpose here tonight. It seems there are different incantations in the book which would determine the purpose behind the ritual we are about to perform. With so many to choose from and them being in Latin, it was tough to decipher them all, but we finally landed on one.
Tara: That's It! That's the one!
Brad: Geez, took you long enough.
Jack: "Ad Animam Perditam"
Tara: Or It's literal translation "To The Lost Soul"
Brad: Won't stay lost for long with you two prodding around in that stupid book.
Tara: It says we each must read a verse from the spell and complete the spell by saying the last verse in unison. I'll start, Jack can go second, and Brad you're last.
Brad: Finally, something we agree on.
Jack: Great! I'll dim the lights. Let's get started.
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Thank you for the feedback about the tenses and errors I will keep that in mind in the future and I'm glad you enjoyed it. This was my first attempt at writing dialogue. I wrote this story to practice dialogue so I left out the narrative (the he said, she said). It was also my first attempt at poetry in a short story format. Poetry is not my strong suit but I had a lot of fun writing it. It was kind of my intention to leave the story unfinished, with the possibility of rewriting it and finishing it later. I wanted to leave "the scary portion" of the ritual to the readers imagination since I had already gotten what I wanted out of writing the story, which was practice with poetry and dialogue.
I agree with Janet for the most part. I really liked the dialogue, and the interactions between the characters. Part of what I really struggle with is dialogue, but I found yours really believable. Great story, keep it up!
This the good bones of a longer short story, where we discover what actually happens at the ritual, I found the different tenses a bit jarring; maybe try 3rd person present for the first scene and switch to past tense for the flashback. There are a few odd little errors that need fixing, but this is an enjoyable story with a good premise and a cast of cute characters. Good job.