Fiction LGBTQ+

This story contains sensitive content

TW: Murder and mental health

Lark stands there silently, quiet is unusual, to say the least. Their clown mask is dripping red but they can’t tell if it’s paint or… never mind. It’s nothing. It has to be. They wouldn’t do anything to hurt anyone. Never. Just because they made fun of their scars. Just because they hurt them mentally and physically. Just because they fucking deserved it! … I mean… they were being bullies. Lark doesn’t like bullies. They don’t like bullies. Bullies are bad. Lark doesn’t take kindly to bullies!! They can hear the voice echoing through their head. “You’re better than this.” Mari… Mari. Lark didn’t mean to hurt anyone. Lark never wanted this to happen. Lark would never. Lark moves closer to the bodies. Two young boys lying on the ground. They’re covered in red liquid that as it dries seems to turn an ugly shade of brown. It’s just Kool-Aid… or punch… or paint… it’s not… no no no it can’t be. Lark didn’t hurt them that badly. They… hit people with clubs jokingly all the time and no one ever gets hurt. No one has ever gotten hurt. They’re plush not real… not real. Mari… Mari walks up to Lark. “You’re doing it again,” she says quietly. Lark didn’t mean it. “Stop it.” Lark only wanted the bullies to shut up. “Lark… stop.” Lark loves Mari… didn’t want to push her away. “Lark… please!” Lark is kind. Lark wants to be kind. Lark did nothing wrong. Lark sees lights, blue and red. Lark looks at Mari, she’s crying. Lark has never seen Mari cry while in uniform. Lark stares at her. “Lark please stop it.” Lark has never seen Mari cry. “Lark.” Lark doesn’t know what’s happening now. Lark is scared. “You’re talking in 3rd person again. This isn’t a joke or a bit, Lark. You need to stop. You have the right to remain silent-” The whole speech. Lark ste- … I step forward and put my hands behind my back. I sit in the back of the car uncomfortably fidgeting with the handcuffs. I look out the window as we pass trees and buildings and people smiling. I think about what just happened. I think about the boys I killed. I think about what I did to them. I think about what I did in front of their parents. I think and think back to that moment. I watched the life leave their eyes. I… I… I did that. I did it so brutally. I don’t regret a thing. A smile creeps onto Lark’s face. They laugh maniacally.

Alternatively. I found Lark. I found them standing over two bodies as the light from my patrol car illuminated them. “You’re better than this” I found myself saying. It wasn’t exactly voluntary. Made me seem kinda basic which I didn’t like. Lark was close to me though, not physically I mean emotionally (well both technically). They were covered in blood, it was even dripping from their mask, staining their skin. I walk over slowly and I can hear them mumbling to themselves. It was a lot but all I really caught was “Lark would never hurt anyone” being kind of repeated. Shit. “Lark you’re doing it again.” they only spoke in 3rd person like that when they were really upset. I mean obviously, they’d be upset they just killed two boys who were more or less innocent, Lark was a kind soul, and would never do something like that on purpose. More heat of the moment than anything. They look up at me and come on their own will after my whole “Right to remain silent” spiel. They look sad in my backseat at first… then they start laughing. It’s scary, to say the least, kinda jarring. I didn’t expect that to happen. Lark would never do that on purpose… right? What if it wasn’t an accident? What if something snapped inside them? What if they were never put together in the first place? What if? Those questions will rot in my brain forever, won’t they? How about this one though… what if I was angry? Not that they did it in general, not that two people are dead, nothing like that. I’m so so angry, so upset because they did it without me. I look at them through the mirror, covered in blood that once flowed through two living breathing people and… I’m jealous.

Hope that was interesting to you. I created Lark a few years ago and hadn't done much with them so I thought it'd be fun to write a little story about her!

Lark: They/she (Demigirl)

Mari: She/her (Trans woman)

Posted Nov 30, 2023

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