
Alexander knew that this would just be another mindless date with a shallow girl pretending to be a woman, perhaps they were physically adults but he knew emotionally and mentally they were all but children...it made these experiences all the more frustrating for him. He was going to be King of the Summer Court, a court already scorned by the other kingdoms thanks to his father’s somewhat relaxed ruling style and infidelity towards his mother. His court’s reputation couldn’t afford to be dragged down any further, especially via shallow and superficial ‘women’ that were after fame,wealth,status or the Crown...probably a mixture.

Inhaling deeply as he sensed the door open behind him he stood up, straightening the suit his Mother had picked out for him. He swore she was more invested in this process than he was. However if it made her happy then it was worth it. Especially considering the dismissive way his father treated her, he would never be so cold towards a woman he was meant to love. He would rather be a lone monarch, destined to be alone for his entire reign than marry someone for duty and not love.

Elaria swallowed heavily as she pushed open the heavy glass door to the 5 star Italian restaurant where she was meant to meet her arranged date. While she would rather be spending her Friday night curled up with a good book in front of the hearth and eating pizza she was instead being the perfect little princess her parents, siblings and whole Spring court expected her to be. The fact that it was in the middle of Winter only fueled her reluctance to be out and about after sunset. She was from the Spring court, she was the heir to the Fae Spring court in fact. She was not built for the chilly, windy nights that was Sydney in the Winter.

Why her date had to be in the human world she didn’t know. Apparently it was best for ‘security’ considering she was a royal and therefore needed to be ushered about all secretive like. Someone kidnapping her wasn’t going to be the problem, her freezing to death was going to be. As the door silently shut behind her she heaved a sigh of relief as the restaurant’s air conditioning washed over her like a warm bath. Perhaps she was going to make it through the evening after all.

Carefully watching the restaurant's entrance his eyes widened slightly at the young woman that stood there, that somehow, despite being bundled up against the harsh Winter evening she managed to still look elegant. Her caramel toned hair that hung in soft natural ringlets around her shoulders matched the miniscule amount of bare skin at her ankles and wrists. As a waiter took her coat he almost choked on his own saliva as he took in her appearance. She was...beyond words.

Her pale pink dress shimmered iridescently against the venue’s soft lighting, the tiny rosebud earrings and matching necklace she wore glimmering faintly against her subtle makeup. Large green eyes looked around the space, her anxiety obvious from even across the room...like a deer caught in headlights. For the first time that evening Alexander hoped that this woman was his next date because it was the first time...well ever that he saw a relationship going places on a mere glimpse alone.

The restaurant was gorgeous, fancy yet in an elegant sort of way rather than arrogance. As the waiter took her multiple coats her eyes scanned the room looking for the date that had been set up for her. Apparently, according to her Mother’s instructions he would be at the bar...like that wasn’t cliche enough. She would expect that in a pub, but in a fine dining restaurant? There was only one man at the bar and she seriously hoped it wasn’t him. He seemed far too...much for her. His suit and stance indicated wealth and confidence. The look in his eyes as he scanned her bordered on hungry and his energy in general was positive yet powerful. Despite being the heir to the Spring court she was never one to flaunt her status or wealth.

In fact, she would rather her more outgoing sister’s be the heir. She was the oldest, the shyest...the most withdrawn out of all 3 siblings. Apparently she would make the ‘perfect’ wife according to her father, but he had always had an interesting sense of humour. Yes she was more introverted than her siblings, yet she would fight tooth and nail for anything that sparked her interest enough. Lately, nothing had fired up that spark within her...in fact she had got herself into a bit of a routine. A routine that had even her parents becoming concerned about their eldest’s lack of socialising. It wasn’t that she was rebellious, it was the exact opposite of that. She was ‘too’ well behaved apparently. 

She did her royal duties. She was there for her family, especially to knit her sister’s hearts back together after the constant stream of men that jumped in and out of their lives. She kept busy subtly using her powers over Spring and nature to at least try to heal Gaia...to try to help the Flora and Fauna in the mortal plane. The ‘perfect obedient heir’ that was being forced to ‘date’. The only positive thing about this while situation was that both her parents were still middle aged and healthy, she wouldn’t have to be married or rule for quite awhile yet...this was purely to get her family off her back regarding her love life. Inhaling deeply she forced herself to slowly walk towards the bar, grateful for the fact that she slipped flats in her purse before she left...there was no way she was going to be walking in these death instruments her Mother called ‘heels’ the entire night.

As the woman approached him Alexander felt his heartrate quicken, something it hadn’t done for a woman...well ever. He didn’t know what it was about this obviously stunning yet shy and socially awkward woman. She was like a newly blossomed flower, stunning yet new. She reminded him of Spring, beautiful yet innocent...like a baby animal.  He only realised he was probably making her uncomfortable with his intense staring when she subtly cleared her throat and met his gaze head on. Despite her shyness a hidden fire glimmered deeply in her eyes, she was an enigma..he could already tell. He wanted this woman and he was going to make it happen.

To woo this woman he knew he was going to have to bring his best self, she wouldn’t settle for anything else...hell she didn’t deserve anything but the best and he knew all this and he hadn’t even spoken to the woman. Holding out his hand to shake hers he waited a moment as she slowly lifted her hand to delicately shake his own...and that’s when it happened.

Neon flowing tendrils of the brightest yellows and reds, greens and pinks...she recognised her own power, yet not his. Hers was subtle but strong, the essence of Spring. His was intense and showy...yet warm, it reminded her of Summer. Of Summer… After a pregnant pause they both seemed to realise the identity of the other person. The rather significant identity of their blind date. The almost dancing tendrils were winding together, binding them together in an intricate pattern that rivaled the most detailed stitchwork. As abruptly as the lights had appeared, they dispersed leaving behind only a strange new weight, a warmth in their chests...a familiar tug of connection. They were bound.

The heirs to the Fae Courts of Summer and Spring were bound...let the festivities begin. Swallowing silently, Elaria and Alexander both seemed to mirror each other's stunned expressions. Their Mothers had some explaining to do.


August 25, 2020 12:52

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