
This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

I was a dog person, not a cat person.

I had always been a dog guy my whole life, so I was a little disjointed when the feral black cat sauntered out of the alley by my apartment building that morning and just glanced at me with a saucy look on her face and then began leading me towards the entrance to the downtown 6 train. I knew where I was going. I grew up here, for fuck sake. What am I, some God damned tourist? I don’t need your help. Fuck off, Cat! You’re lucky if I don’t kick you out into traffic. I know how to get to the fuckin’ subway. Back off.

She didn’t back off. I actually tried to kick her as we descended the steps down to the subway platform but she was too quick. She just skirted down a few steps and then gave me a funny look, like “Why are you being such an asshole?” She wasn’t wrong. I was definitely acting like a complete and total cunt that morning, even by New York City standards. I had things on my mind and problems to deal with and I didn’t need some fucking new feline companion to accompany me. But that’s what I got. Sometimes life delivers unexpected surprises. I should have brought my gun.

She followed me through the turnstile and boarded the train when I did and then she insisted on sitting on my lap. I wanted to hit her right in the face, real hard, but there were other people there on the train so I just shoved her off me and she stayed down by my feet, humming softly every so often. I kind of felt ashamed. She wasn’t a bad cat. The ride out to Brighton Beach took almost an hour.

I owed money. I owed money to people who you really don’t want to owe money to, and I didn’t have that money. In truth, my little brother Nikola owed that money but when he got sent up to prison in Elmira last month on a Class A-1 felony trafficking charge it suddenly became my debt. Not exactly fair, but neither is life.

Dimitri was with one of the Russian outfits from Little Odessa out there in Brighton Beach. Not that high up, but high enough that he could have someone stuff my dead body into a dumpster and no one would say one fucking thing about it, including the cops. I wasn’t exactly relaxed sitting there in his living room, with two of his guys who spoke no English - Viktor and Anatoli - staring at me with stone flat faces. I tried to break the tension a little.

“Mne zhal'. Moy russkiy ne ochen' khorosh. Ya ne nastol'ko umen.”

No one laughed. We Russians aren’t really known for our sense of humor. Not sure what I was thinking there. Dimitri reached into a drawer in the coffee table before him and withdrew a Walther PPK .380 pistol and set it on his thigh like it wasn’t even there. Russians are very adept at non-verbal threats. We know how to make a point.

He nodded and looked at me with those dead black shark eyes. “So you have come to pay me my money then?” He lifted his chin. “All of my money, yes?”

The little black cat down by my feet, perched like the Champawat tigress ready to pounce, let out a tiny roar. There was something about it. 

Dimitri looked down at her and leaned back on the couch a bit. “I eto tvoy kot?” (And this is your cat?)

Nyet”, I replied, holding out my palms and shaking my head, not knowing what else to do really. I guess she was becoming my cat though, like it or not. She was a pretty cool cat. I was definitely starting to like her. Fuck me. I was gonna die and my cat was prolly gonna die too. Why didn’t I bring my fucking gun?

She was quick though. Dimitri reached for that pistol and the cat did two things.

First, she leapt onto his lap, clawing at his hand and kicking the Walther PPK right at my feet. The second thing she did was to go full fucking berserk-ass crazy with her claws and teeth on Dimitri’s face and neck. It was a sight to behold. It was fast and it was nasty.

This mayhem created a sufficient temporary distraction for me to pick up the gun and drop Viktor and Anatoli with a few shots to each of their chests. Then my cat jumped off of Dimitri, who was basically blind now, and I put two rounds in his forehead, instantly painting the white wall just behind the couch in a twisted red rictus.

Fuck that guy and fuck that bullshit debt. I didn't deserve to die for that. That wasn’t my debt but that also wasn’t my gun. Sometimes things just fall your way. Sometimes the cards are kind to you. I took that Walther PPK with me when I left but fortunately I didn’t need it to get out of the neighborhood, so I dropped it into the sewer just before me and my cat got on the subway back to the Upper East Side.

I really didn’t want to do this. That Walther had those CT laser grips and you just had to squeeze a little bit to put that sharp infrared beam on your target, but I wasn’t planning to walk around with a gun that had three bodies on it. I might have been born at night but it wasn’t last night, for fuck sake. Besides, I had another gun at home. A clean gun.

I was a cat person now. Me and my cat stopped off at the corner market on the way home to get some cat food and some canned tuna and some milk. I named her Lucyfur and I love her dearly. We sleep together in a warm embrace every night. I will never curse at her or try to kick her ever again. (Sorry, Lulu. You know I love you! Ready for din-din? Come on. Follow me...) 

Don't ever try to kick my cat.


November 03, 2024 04:58

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Shirley Medhurst
13:31 Nov 05, 2024

What powerful writing, yet laced with humour to temper things down a touch. The end result is superb. Even the name is fabulous: Lucyfur - 🤣 Hilarious, the way you start by stating categorically that you’re most definitely a dog person, no way a cat person, only to end with the statement that you were a cat person now & “Don't ever try to kick my cat.” Oops, almost forgot to say - perfect title to a brilliant tale too !!


Thomas Wetzel
03:22 Nov 06, 2024

Thanks so much, Shirley! A little bit of Russian and a whole lot of French. (Pardon my French.) I was a little concerned that the profanity would turn readers off but I felt it was important to set the right tone for the ending. Adopting that cat is much more adorable if we know that the narrator is not naturally a very cute and cuddly guy. Glad you liked this little black tail! (See what I did there?)


Shirley Medhurst
10:41 Nov 06, 2024

🤣 Funnily enough I almost replaced tale with tail in my comment, but then changed it back… Yes, there is a lot of swearing in your “tail”😉, but the brilliant humour somehow cancels it out. 😁


Thomas Wetzel
08:24 Nov 08, 2024

Thank you so much. You are very kind.


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03:19 Nov 24, 2024

This is an amazing book!!


Thomas Wetzel
03:59 Nov 24, 2024

Thank you so much for your kudos, Addysin. (You have a really cool name btw.) Here is my best advice for you. Keep writing and don't worry about how it will be received. That's not important. The important thing is that you are proud of it. Make the choice to stand apart LIVE YOUR LIFE! Push on through and make you mark LIVE YOUR LIFE! The only thing to fear is time LIVE YOUR LIFE! Make the choice to not just live but truly be alive! - Sick of it All, NY Hardcore! Just remember, the only thing to fear is time. Good luck to you, Kid Dynamite.


23:33 Nov 24, 2024

Thank you so much!!


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Mary Butler
16:40 Nov 23, 2024

Thomas this story is a gritty and unexpectedly heartwarming narrative that seamlessly blends tension, dark humor, and transformation. The sharp, unapologetic tone reflects the protagonist’s rough exterior while hinting at the vulnerability beneath, beautifully revealed through the unlikely bond with a feral cat (I myself have a feral cat turned love bug!). The vivid, cinematic descriptions immerse the reader in a world where survival depends on instinct, quick thinking, and sometimes the intervention of an audacious feline. The story's unexp...


Thomas Wetzel
01:15 Nov 24, 2024

Once again, Mary, you are too kind! Thank you for all the kudos. You hit the nail on the head with the word "transformation". That was the theme I started with and eventually ended up here. I just liked the idea of some tough guy who hates cats becoming a cat owner/lover in the span of a few hours. I am so happy you liked it!


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Helen A Howard
17:35 Nov 09, 2024

Love the lucky cat. Like the descriptions. I’m more of a dog person too, but then this cat came and converted me. Strong characterisation. Vividly told.


Thomas Wetzel
18:57 Nov 10, 2024

Thanks so much, Helen. I have actually always been a dog AND cat person. I love all animals. (Except great white sharks. And maybe polar bears. I don't like the ones that can rise above us in the food chain.)


Helen A Howard
20:50 Nov 10, 2024

Animals are the best! Like you say, maybe not the ones above us in the food chain so much. Don’t laugh but I even love frogs and toads 🐸 I hope your dog is doing well.


Thomas Wetzel
21:06 Nov 10, 2024

Nothing can hurt Margot. I seriously think you could shoot her and it would just piss her off. She's invincible. You should see her at the dog park. It's like the UFC and she always goes after the biggest dogs. She's cute but completely insane. Toughest little dog ever. I have to break up fights constantly. She just loses her shit and goes crazy. Picture Mike Tyson on crystal meth after a nasty fight with his girlfriend. Then times 10. There is simply no reasoning with her when she gets like that. You just have to watch out for your fingers....


Helen A Howard
21:16 Nov 10, 2024

Wow! She sounds fearless. I’m glad I’m not the only one 🐕🐸


Thomas Wetzel
08:06 Nov 11, 2024

I keep promising to post video but every time when she is in action I don't have time to shoot footage. I have to mitigate the carnage. She is like the shark from Jaws or the grizzly from The Revenant.


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Keba Ghardt
17:52 Nov 07, 2024

Love your irreverence, dude, this story worked really well. Simple and strong. Sorry about the bonus drama. Don't let your natural compassion let a phisher in.


Thomas Wetzel
22:25 Nov 07, 2024

Thanks so much for reading, Keba! Glad you liked it. I gotta catch up on your stuff as soon as I have a minute. As you know, I have a stalker now, which is completely awesome but also more time consuming than I knew. My first cyber-stalker! (I bet she's wicked hot. If not, I don't even want to know. Just let me have my moment.)


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Mary Bendickson
21:08 Nov 04, 2024

How does Margot like Lulu and vis-versa?


Thomas Wetzel
21:39 Nov 04, 2024

Well, Lulu is just a fictional character whereas Margot is a real-life apex predator, but I get the feeling that they would get along swimmingly. Do you have any pets?


Mary Bendickson
21:52 Nov 04, 2024

One tailless cat named 'Bob' with an attitude. It's all about him.


Thomas Wetzel
03:50 Nov 05, 2024

Oh, I love that. Give Bob a little scratch behind the ear for me.


Mary Bendickson
15:41 Nov 06, 2024

He liked that a lot Thanks for liking 'Fair and True Love'.


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Trudy Jas
15:35 Nov 03, 2024

With Lulu and Margot as wing-pets, who needs a fancy gun? Great story. :-)


Thomas Wetzel
23:17 Nov 03, 2024

Thanks, Trudy! This week's theme was vulgarity, violence and love. I just kind of liked the idea of an angry rough guy who hates cats simply falling in love with one over the course of just a few hours. A silly little story, but whatever. Fuck it. I have to go to my MMA training now. Love you! (See what I did there? Vulgarity, violence and love.)


Trudy Jas
23:19 Nov 03, 2024

You sound angry. Is something wrong?


Thomas Wetzel
23:42 Nov 03, 2024

LOL. No. I'm fine. Having a good day. About to get beat up at MMA class though. (You ever spar with a guy who is a Muay Thai Kickboxing champion AND a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu black belt? It's not a lot of fun. There's not a lot of options. It kind of just comes down to how you want to get hurt and lose.)


Trudy Jas
23:50 Nov 03, 2024

So you're a glutton for punishment. I was on a cruise once when there we like 5 hs kids who a just become kick box champs of their state. They were bragging to everybody about it Some oil rig guys said if we hear that irbe more time we'll teach them the real stuff 😂


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