The last time we met

Written in response to: End your story with a character standing in the rain.... view prompt



It was 7:00 in the morning when I received a call from my friend, she invited me to her twentieth birthday party. I wasn't sure about the idea of going there because I had an appointment with Dr. Adam Willson

  He was known as the best oncologist in the neighborhood. 

I looked out the window it was a beautiful day and a beautiful view but there was a fear in my heart which argued me to think whether it will become my last day. I took a deep breath, and kept my eyes closed and let the air touches my face. With every passing time, I realized that how much time I have wasted in being ungrateful. Every night I used to cry out loud and shout like "I don't want to die" there are still so many things that I have to do, why me? Why can't I live like everyone else? Most of the time I used to hear the answers to all my questions, it was a voice from inside that told me that " it will pass".

I took my leather jacket and went out for a walk as I was walking through the pavement I heard a voice from behind calling me, I looked back and it was a tall, green-eyed, light-bearded gentleman calling me. "You dropped your card," he said. I shifted my glance from him and looked at the card he was holding it was my medical card. I walked towards him with a smile on my face and thanked him.

        "It may be a little hard time but it will pass" he replied and walked away.

After returning home all I was thinking about was the advice that man had given me.

That moment, for the first time I felt alive like there is still hope that maybe things will change and I might survive. I took the phone and called my friend and told her that I will come to her birthday party.

Later I got dressed for the party.

"You're looking amazing my dear daughter" mom smiled. After so long I saw mom smiling especially after knowing about my condition. "Thanks, mom". Even I haven't seen myself like this for a long.

  The party was quite boring and all I was doing there was watching people dancing, drinking and laughing. I walked out of that crowd and went into the balcony, which diverted my mind from the loud music and celebration. It was soothing and relaxing there. The wind was blowing and my hair felt like dancing with the wind.

 "It's quite nice, out here." I heard a voice, a voice that I recognized. I turned around to see and I couldn't believe that my eyes are meeting that green-eyed man. " yes it's certainly good here." I replied with an unexpected smile on my face. He came closer and stood beside me, his perfume was way too strong but was nice. 

 "What are you doing here?" I asked

"My friend invited me here, he said it's his girlfriend's birthday party. I didn't expect you here"

"Yeah, it's my friend's birthday precisely, that's why she insisted a lot so I had to come."

 After a few conversations, there was silence. There was still a question in my mind about what he said to me earlier this morning but before I could ask him, he answered me.

 "Dr. Adam Wilson is an amazing doctor. He helped me a lot, seven years ago.

No! I wasn't a cancer patient but my sister was. She had an actual serious condition." I kept glancing at him until he finished.

"Is she okay now?"

"She passed away. (Tears fall off his eyes.)

You know it wasn't cancer that killed her it was her hope that died before she does. I used to motivate her in her fight but she kept losing hope in life. She became a living dead and that certainly broke me from inside. Then dr. Wilson told us that her condition is getting worse, day by day and I couldn't do anything for her. Later I had to fly to London for my studies and right after two months, I received a call from my mom, saying that "your sister passed away." I couldn't even get to her funeral. All these years, I have been hiding this grief inside my heart, and today when I saw you I noticed the fear in your face just like my sister, and I read the name of dr. Wilson, I understand how to name that fear.

That is why I gave that advice." He clears his throat. I kept quiet for a while keeping my eyes away from him. A loud sound of thunder strikes and it started raining but we both kept standing.

"I'm sorry, about your sister. Do you think I will survive? I questioned

  " Don't you understand what I'm trying to tell you? I didn't mean that you will die or you wouldn't survive. All I wanted to tell you was, live before you die don't become a living dead. In the end, we will all die but only a few of us will live the moment. As long as we are alive, there is still hope. Things will change gradually but never be so helpless that even when you're alive, you feel dead." He said and looked away.

It was still raining, the party was almost over and due to rain, we both got quite wet. We walked out of the house together, just silence between us, and all I could hear was thunder.

"Wait! You didn't tell me your name" I asked

He laughed, I'm Henry Kurtz. And you are?"

"I'm Alison Kimberly." I smiled.

I couldn't wait to tell him that if there is even a single chance of my survival then I want to spend the rest of my life with him. I wanted to tell him that I was in love with him, right from the time I met him.

   "I'll leave now, it's getting late and I have to get to the airport." He said anxiously.

All my dreams fall apart the moment he told me that he is leaving. All my thoughts suddenly fade away, I wanted to stop him and tell him about my feelings but I knew it was of no use so without any further delays, with a smile on my face, and tears in my eyes I said a beautiful goodbye to him. He walked forward into his car and got away. I was standing there all alone in the rain. Maybe he was just a wonderful chapter of my life though he wasn't the full story still it will remain memorable for me. This was the first and last time we met.

September 23, 2021 17:25

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