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Creative Nonfiction

This story contains themes or mentions of suicide or self harm.

A mansion with a couple of elders, their daughter was studying abroad.

It was a young couple with three kids, two boys and a little girl. They all used the comfort of her continued success and always doing whatever she dreamed of, as she was extraordinarily gifted. In their failure, they were all blaming her, and in her failure, they were always taking the piece and saying: "It's ok, we will marry you with some stupid guy!" and others like: "You will marry a billionaire and make him a millionaire!" They got married. That alters the family forever. Their wives were deeply jealous of her and her success in London. All of them created an unusual situation, however, she lived, all of her life, more than a decade in a foreign country. Things ended up not being as they seemed.

Now she stays isolated in her attic, she was a popular and intelligent student, but she finds herself in a nightmare. Now she wakes up every morning from a living nightmare to find out her parents lie about the uninvited male night visitor in her attic. The most terrible thing they do is "lie" to create a fake life she does not remember because of her father's and her brother's colleagues at the SS. They wrongly trust them as they are hidden enemies. “Who is the enemy?" she wonders crying in her attic. "Her brothers' families, her parents? Who? and Why?" The mother wrongly trusted her daughters-in-law as she used to be antisocial all of her married life. They believe everybody knows the lies, and their secret is hidden well. The brothers got blackmailed into having SS favors, getting money, and breaking the letter, all that while she was abroad studying and working at the universities as a teacher. She fights for her life. She finds evidence and SS deletes it and fakes news to blame her. The family keeps the secret driving her crazy leaving her with a psychologist and his medical drugs, and who also keeps lying to her. They always refuse the truth, claiming if they tell the truth she will commit suicide. And the ultimate question is: "Who wants to live isolated with this living nightmare? ", her answer is "no one. I cannot do assisted suicide, as they refuse to sign." They refuse the truth, whatever the uninvited visitors do and say and publish on their terrible website. She is getting abused unconsciously - a broken lower back and other. She has no bruises, and no lawyer responds positively as SS mutes their speaking up. Everybody erases her memory with dangerous drugs - they erase memories from her university knowledge, so she does not know mathematics, and they speak out their sick minds on their website. She stays alone with her social media, writing her short stories and publishing them on social media along with her paintings' images. In the country where she grew up, everybody pretends they do not know her. Police try to shut mouths along with SS.

The perfect idea for an artistic wave comes, and it is generated. It Is called: "Fluo Dadaism". It is a painting in fluorescent colors and a story, a Dada story that accompanies it. A story that sends a message to the society. This idea does not give the game away. They are scared of the publishing truth - the Dada story, the painting. It is a series of bright paintings with vivid colors and cartoon-type designs that tell society the saddest story of today's world. It is a "tailed" girl. The elderly couple hides their daughter in their attic. They are accused of a fatal crime, but they refuse to confess to her as their sons refuse the truth that they created. However, she gets to travel away to Italy with her paintings as she receives distinguished at art competitions, she finds herself in another living nightmare as her brother, along with his wife, is also at the hotel with drugs that erase memory. She ignores everyone and returns to her home country on a tremendous stage. The hell does not break loose. "Why?", she screams. She hugs her 14-year-old rescued cat, she knows she will never betray her. She is her only friend, who is trying to speak her the truth, but she does not have the hoomans mouth to do so. After 15 years she returned to her birth country, only to find out the people she knew were jealous of her, hated her success, and were into drugs - a delirium stage. The more she thinks of this organized crime, the more the question of "Why kidnapped me?" deepens to break her heart. Someone from SS, breaks into the house, hits her on the heart and breaks the mitral valve. The doctor claims she was like that from birth. Police started cyberstalking girls while she was abroad, they added her, they kidnapped her and now they want her dead to accuse her of the cyberstalking, but they cannot. She does not even keep track of the names of her thousands of students. "Why to cyberstalk others? And why to cyberstalk others in another country?" She is abducted in plain daylight, early in the morning, and yet the elderly couple do not appear to notice. The truth? They do! But accept the truth? No! The SS ordered the kidnapping of her as a cover-up for the website's camera. But social media knows the truth from twitting. She is an important person (they do not remember she is a teacher), and they want to be important as well. So they want her creations. She refuses. And she leaves a will to her cat. They change the address and put a fake address for an animal cat charity. She discovers it and she refuses. They stole her PhD mathematics and that alters the family forever. His wife knows them, she was his pimp. Her brother does not know that. She gets into an auction house abroad, and she prepares her outfit to find out she is physically dead to cancel the trip but she sends the artwork.

The elephant is unbearable in her attic, and she cannot stand it anymore. She was happy once like 15 years ago. The elephant is huge like a cartoon trying not to scare her, looking at her sadly, and holding a flower. She loves flowers and animals. Nature is her only friend saying the truth and making her smile. She lives in a house on the mountain. She wants to stay alive through her writing, paintings and her mathematics. She had just completed her PhD with distinction. Afterwards, SS killed her.

July 15, 2024 18:40

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Stefania Katz
15:40 Aug 05, 2024

Thank you all for the likes!


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