The Truth

Submitted into Contest #92 in response to: End your story with a truth coming to light.... view prompt


Crime Horror Mystery


The newspaper read March 16, 2021, there have been at least 2 people that have been murdered and 2 that are missing. “No one knows who will be next,” I said worriedly as we were on our way to the seminar. Oh… sorry I forgot to introduce myself my name is Elizabeth Peterson I have been studying to be a surgeon for 3 years and I am on my way to a seminar where Dr. Collins will be giving a talk on his newest procedure “The Collins Method” I have been trying to follow in his footsteps since I first started studying to be a doctor. He is one of the best doctors in New York City and I hope I can work with him one day. There have been some recent killings in the city and no one knows who the killer is but I am sure it is nothing to worry about, anyways back to where we were. “I hope that the police catch whoever is doing these killings soon because it is starting to worry me,” said my friend Erica.  “Oh nothing to worry about, I'm sure everything will be fine” or so I thought it would.

Dr. Collins:

“It has been 2 days since I last killed no one has caught on but I am worried they will. I am on my way to my seminar where I will be explaining my new method. I am a little worried about the last person I killed, patient #3. They still haven't found his body and I was sure they would by now. You know the river is not the best place to hide a body. But it was good enough for me because I couldn't have their body in my basement for that long, it would start to smell.” I thought to myself as one of my assistance walked over to me. “It is almost time,” said Alissa, my assistant “are you nervous, excited, how are you feeling Mr.Collins.” “Call me Gael,” I said “ I am feeling fine” “Ok Gael,” said Alissa happily as always “oh..uhh Mr.Collin...I mean Gael you have a red stain on your shirt uh let me go and get you a new shirt.” I looked down at my shirt thinking oh no I must have stained my shirt earlier “oh ya it's probably strawberry jam” I said nervously. “Here are my house keys can you bring me a different shirt, and hurry the seminar is about to start”


“That did not look like strawberry jam, what if he is… no no no he is a doctor it's probably a patient's blood or something” I thought to myself. “Hey, are you ok you look pale I’m Elizabeth what is your name” I looked up and saw Ms.Peterson, I had seen her around the hospital now and then? I respond, “no I’m ok, my name is Alis...” “OMG, you are Alissa Dr. Collins’s assistant” Elizabeth shrieked excitedly. “Yes I am, you must be Elizabeth Peterson,” I said. “Yes I am Elizabeth Peterson, where are you headed? Let me go with you, you look very pale” Elizabeth said. “Um ok,” I said because I was kind of scared to go to Mr.Collins’s house. “Go save us some seats we will be back in a little,” Elizabeth said to her friend as we exited the theater where the seminar was located. “ Are you sure you are ok, you still look pale” Elizabeth stated? “Yes, I am sure it's probably because I haven't eaten,” I said. “Oh ok if you say so,” Elizabeth said as we exited the parking lot.

Dr. Collins:

After 30 minutes I realized that it doesn't take that long to get me a shirt. I started to wonder if they may have found the basement “oh no” I say worriedly I have to do something. What if I get caught I could lose my career and all my research that I have been doing. “Hey your doctor Collins, I was wondering if I could talk to you for a little” I hear “ Ummm who are you,” I say confused “Oh sorry my name is Erica I...” “Ok Erica come with me,” I say as we are exiting the theater, “I thought your talk started in 20 minutes,” Erica says “Oh don’t worry about that,” I say grinning as we leave.


Moments later we arrived at a random house. I realized that I never asked where we were going. “Hey Ummm where are we at,” I asked nervously? “ OH.. sorry I never told you um we are at Dr.Collins house” Alissa states. “OMG, really no wonder this house looks huge. Do you think he will mind if I look around” I say? “Umm I don’t think so but hurry because we need to get back to the theater,” Alissa says. “OK,” I said excitedly as I wandered off into the house. Omg this house is beautiful… “wait where does this door lead to” I say as I open it… “Ahhhhhhhh”


“Ahhhhhh” I hear Elizabeth scream as soon as I hear her scream I sprint to the basement and oh my…. There was blood everywhere there were dirty surgery tools on a tray. I look at Elizebeth and she is in shock. “Are you ok, what is this place?” I say. She is about to respond when we hear the door open “Shhhhhhh” I say. We look at each other and run to hide. All I hear is Dr.Collins screaming“Alissa Alissa Alissa come here Alissa!” I signal Elizabeth to remain quiet when we also hear “HELP Elizabeth help me” Elizabeth realizes that it is Erica she begins to silently cry. “ Girls come out here and I won't harm Erica if you don't, Erica might die” we hear Dr.Collins laugh as he says this. I keep trying to signal Elizabeth to call the police but she's too busy crying. I reach for my phone and realize I left it upstairs. I decided to throw a cotton ball that was near me at Elizabeth. I finally get her attention and she calls 911. They say they will be here in 5 minutes while we wait, we hear Dr.Collins get closer, we also hear Erica scream “RUN” and we hear her body fall to the ground. Elizabeth shrieks “NO”. I try to hold her back and she runs to Erica. I close my eyes and hear her body fall to the ground as well. I decide to stay hidden and wait for the police. After 5 minutes I think I hear police sirens and decide to go check and I see the police arresting Dr.Collins. I feel relief thinking that people will finally realize that Dr.Collins wasn't as perfect as they thought and that there will be justice for Elizabeth and Erica.

May 07, 2021 23:17

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