Coming of Age Friendship High School

This story contains sensitive content

Dan Peyton walked, more like "Strutted" into his Second semester Tenth grade History class with an attitude of confidence that he didn't feel. Inside, he was a bundle of nerves and defiance. Dan, all solid muscular, blond haired sixteen years and six feet of him, was upset that he didn't have his own vehicle and vowed he'd work two after school jobs to get one!

His mom wouldn't let him drive her Red Chevy Nova to school...SHE dropped him off but Dan made her stop her car about a block from school so he could make like he was walking into school from the huge student parking lot (for those students lucky enough to be driving themselves to school)

It "BLEW" big time that he had to ask his own mother like a week in advance to "Borrow" her car to take his girlfriend Linda on a date on a Friday or Saturday night. Oh my Gosh the humiliation.

Dan understood that she needed her car; she was a newly single mom after his dad left the year before and she had to drive to pick up his little sister but damn! It sucked!

Perhaps his sour mood contributed to the events that soon followed. So he took his seat in class after scanning the faces and nodding to some buddies in rows ahead of him and smiling at a couple of really cute girls; not too much though as they were on the same cheerleading squad as Linda and didn't want them thinking he was available. Which this month, he wasn't.

The year was 1980 and Ronald Reagan was just inaugurated into his first term as President of the United States. Dan was happy about that and began thinking about politics a bit and as Dan was pondering the changes in the political scene that would be happening soon, he caught the eye of a new student in the row adjacent to his, towards the back of the classroom.

The guy had black hair and dark skin. His hair was longer and feathered back like some of the "Fry" guys wear their hair....."Greasers" as they were called a decade or more ago. He was what girls would consider "Cute" as his hair style resembled John Travolta on that sitcom his mom liked about a class of guys going to summer school or something like that.

The dude wasn't very tall but was muscular and was wearing a jean shirt that was unsnapped about 3 or 4 snaps down to reveal dark chest hair. Oh man, who did this guy think he was??? "John Travolta!!??"

As the bell rang and the teacher began talking and outlining the syllabus for the semester, Dan's eyes met the new guy's stare and that put him over the top!! How dare he stare at me!

The new dark-haired hippie smiled at him and did a two-finger salute. Dan glared back at him and looked away. Then he looked quickly over at him and the guy shrugged his shoulders and mouthed the words, "What's the deal?"

Dan responded by discreetly flipping him the "bird!"

Dan then concentrated on the teacher and paid attention to Ms Loveland for a moment or two and then looked over at his new "friend" who shook his head in disgust at Dan and made some kind of obscene gesture at Dan with his fist.

This went on for several minutes and then Dan decided to "Ghost" the new guy and just ignored him for the rest of class.

It was challenging but he didn't look over at "feathered hair boy" for the rest of class.


The end of period bell startled him out of his thoughts and Dan gathered his folders and backpack and got up, talked to a fellow football player and glanced over at the space the new guy was sitting. His seat was empty.

As Dan rounded to corner out of his class he encountered the dark,, feathered haired dude and he nearly bumped into him; "Hey watch it man! what do you think you're doing? Get out of my way "Chico; what are you, a Spic?"

The guy just stood there smiling at Dan and responded, "No man, the last time I checked, my family and I are Italian. So I believe the racial slur you're looking for is "WOP!"

Dan opened his mouth to say something and closed it.....two minutes ago he wanted to punch this guy and now, the smile, the quick response? He just wanted to laugh.

"Ok well, I"m sorry about that" Dan mumbled.

"What is your name? Dan asked him.

"It's Antonio! the dude replied, "But everyone calls me Tony; how's that for common Italian name?"

"Tony, I"m Dan and I have one question for you...very important:


"Shoot, Dan, I've been making pizzas since before I could walk! And lasagna, antipasto salad, homemade bread and sauce. In fact, my grandparents and parents just bought a restaurant here in town and we moved from Chicago. My brothers and sister and I get to help name the new restaurant.... I like "Amici" which means "Friends" You'll have to come eat with me sometime, that is unless you don't like Italian food, and if you don't want to be my "Amici?"

"Tony, Dan said as he walked with him side by side down the hall, "I think we are going to be great friends. I love Italian food and pizza; and Italian people are my favorite nationality! I also don't usually call people racial slurs or any bad name for that matter. Just so you know, it's not cool and I am sorry."

"Anyone ever call you Albino Dan?" Your hair is pretty light and your eyes, a light blue...."

Dan jokingly made a fist and pretended to punch Tony in the bicep.

Oh, one more thing Dan, "are we allowed to drive to school as Sophomores? I have a new, well, a relatively new Jeep and I sure would like to drive myself to school."

"Oh my new Italian friend Tony!" Dan laughed and buddy hugged his shoulder, "We are going to be the best of friends!!! Now which side of town do you live? I'm on the East side and if I give you gas money, perhaps you can pick me up?"

The two new pals walked and talked while going to 2nd hour and to Dan's delight, Tony was in not only his next class but the last one of the day as well. They ate lunch together and Dan introduced Tony so many of his friends, his girlfriend Linda and one of her good friends, Valerie, who had just broken up with her boyfriend.

The day was looking up and Dan still wanted to save for a Camero or Chevy truck, but in the meantime, it sure wouldn't hurt to catch a ride to school in a nice-looking Jeep, with his new pal Tony, the first Italian friend he'd made and one he was proud to have.

June 07, 2024 20:46

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