Romance Coming of Age

On a bright summer morning, a rich family is welcoming their second-born child. As the sun shines through the window, the birds sing with glee, the flowers blossom to welcome the new child to the family. You can hear the crying of the newborn baby down the halls of the mansion as her parents are delighted to see the sight of finally a girl! Over the decades, this family hadn’t had a girl born into the family, and now, with the birth of a girl, they are to protect her at all costs. 

As the days go on, everyone in the family adores more and more of this child, let’s name her Kelly. Kelly was in everyone’s viewpoint, not a moment was she to disappear from anyone’s view. They protected her well and treated her like a princess. They bought everything in favor of Kelly and constantly allowed Kelly to get her way. However, their constant babying and freedom given to Kelly are slowly destroying her as she grows up. The family often goes by whatever Kelly would say and no one dares to defy her. Even her own parents would put up with her ignorance and let it slide without further punishment. Due to her being born into a family of wealth, little Kelly grew to believe she was a princess and things should always go the way she wanted. Soon, Kelly began school, however, she was homeschooled. Fearing of anything happening to Kelly, Kelly’s parents believed it was best for Kelly to have a personal teacher to homeschool her. Being isolated, Kelly began to become even more rebellious. None of the teachings was going into use, and Kelly often skipped class. Her parents didn’t do further punishments besides talking to her and trying to talk some sense into her. However, Kelly refused to listen. As years passed on, little Kelly began to become a big Kelly. She slowly realized and noticed the world around her. She has grown up to see other kids playing outside together and laughing and having fun. Kelly began to feel lonely, and no more toys will keep her out of loneliness. One day, Kelly finally decided to talk to her parents. She insisted on going to a public school, where she can socialize and make friends. In contrast, Kelly’s parents believe she is at best to stay home and learn, she is the first girl born, so they can’t have her out of sight. However, against Kelly’s stubbornness, they had to eventually agree. Kelly’s parents bought the school and eventually had her aunt becoming principal to overlook Kelly.

On the first day of private school, Kelly was nervous. She was curious while terrified of this whole new world in which she hasn’t experienced since now. As a freshman in high school, she is shocked by all the things that go on in school. The new experience for her was quite delightful. Due to her relative being the principal and the school being relatively small in size, all the teachers and students knew about Kelly, and all favored her. Although she was finally away from home, her treatment hasn’t changed, until this boy comes along… It was during English class, the boy came in, and at first sight, Kelly fell in love with him. He had handsome facial features, a fit and strong body, and beautiful hair. Soon Kelly found out that his name was Jake and he is one of the hottest and rebellious guys in the school. Jake didn’t treat Kelly like how everyone would be treating her, he treated her like a normal person, and this action got Kelly’s interest. Kelly began to come into more interaction with Jake, always hanging around him, always trying to make conversations, however, Jake wasn’t taking it. Kelly started to become more interested and eventually became jealous. 

On a hot afternoon after school, Kelly went to find Jake but noticed that there was a new girl. That girl was not just a new girl, she was a new girl next to Jake! The sight of Jake with some other girl had made Kelly furious and jealous. She wasn’t taking it, Kelly had to go up to them and break them up. With a smile, Kelly went up to them and interrupted their conversation. Kelly then began to act like Jake is her boyfriend and continued to rush Jake away from the girl. Tired of this act, Jake went along and told the new girl that they can talk later. Kelly was delighted that she got what she wanted, and walked on with Jake. However, a few days later, Kelly saw Jake and the new girl hanging out again together, but this time, they are holding hands. Oh, how furious Kelly was, she took down all her reputation and dignity and she went up to them. Demanding, Kelly asked Jake who this new girl was and why they were holding hands. Smiling, Jake introduced the new girl as his girlfriend. All the passing-by students gasped, they all knew Kelly liked Jake and now he has a girlfriend. Holding in her tears, Kelly asked Jake to break up with the new girl, however, Jake refused. With a confused face, Jake asked why is it any of Kelly's business and why should he and his girlfriend break up. With that question, Kelly answered, “Because I said so.” 

Fleeing to her parents, Kelly started to cry. Jake had rejected her, and for once in her life, nothing went her way. There was no more special treatment, and no more things going her way as she liked. Jake had rejected her. Kelly couldn’t and wouldn’t believe what happened. After all the time she has grown up as a “princess,” she was just now, no longer a princess. Jake had rejected her. All the ego and stubbornness she had in her just dropped, and Kelly cried her eyes out. After a few moments, she finally took it in, Jake had rejected her. Rejection, a word that was never in Kelly’s dictionary, was now added. Kelly’s parents smooth-talked Kelly and told her it was all a mistake. They told her Jake shouldn’t be in her life and he isn’t worth it. They told her that she is still a princess and they will have Jake and his girlfriend expelled. However, Kelly rejected their proposal. Deep down, her awakening is happening. Kelly realized how silly she has been this whole time. She realized she wasn’t a princess, rather, she is just as normal like everyone else. She realized that things won’t go her way just because “she said so.” She realized it doesn’t work like that. Although this stubbornness won’t be able to be removed instantly, she realizes she isn’t special. This is the moment where Kelly really grew up. She grew up to know she can’t use “because I said so," rather, she has to change, and there has to be another way to win Jake back...

May 20, 2021 01:02

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